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I honestly don't know and I honestly don't really care. If there is such thing as the afterlife or anything like that, I'm fine with it. If there isn't I'm okay with that, too. I just don't want to get my hopes up :P


The best thing to do is to be a good person and live your life the way that you want to live it. As long as you're not doing anything dangerous or illegal, that is. That way you won't have to worry about what happens to you after you die if you believe in that kind of thing and even if you don't.

  • 4 weeks later...

As people call that after death soul moves on to heaven or hell, if this is so then I would pray to god that don't send me on that places, I just wanna be with my mom, she has given me a lot of love since my birth, So I can't stay far from her.


Well I really have no idea. My question is, are we really living right now? If we aren't really living, how can we die? We might just be dreaming and such, and imagining this all. Then again, it's just something I thought up of.


Sorry if I messed up your minds a bit. xD


^That's an interesting perspective and I've thought about it from time to time.

I'm probably a bit older than some of you, so in the course of my life I've seen people die. It's a drastic difference, to me it's obvious that the soul is gone from the shell that housed it. I mean, VERY obvious. So I'm Pagan, some of you know this, and I believe in an afterlife, and I believe that we will come to understand the choices we made in this life and why everything we went through happened, no matter what it might have been. I've been through quite a lot in the last few months and have been very absent from here, and although I have been very down, I still have my faith in this, I fully believe that when we die we will know more truth than we ever did while we were here. I tend to believe in reincarnation as well.

But, that's my two cents.

  • 2 weeks later...

My beliefs are that life is never ending. Before we came to earth we were with our Heavenly Father. He created a world for us to come to so we can have amazing experiences with a body. When we came to earth there was a veil which is why we can't remember. After we die, we judged for our actions and go on to a much better place then here on earth.

Here on earth, there is a lot of evil. Just turn on the news and we will see/ hear about horrible things. This is Satan's domain, this is where he has his last chance to pull us away from God and God's standards.

After we die, there are 3 "kingdoms" which we will go to according to our actions. All 3 are beautiful, but the most beautiful is the top kingdom where Heavenly Father is waiting for us to return to him.


When we die, I think the whole world around you would go black. Your mind would probably be spinning, and you would probably be feeling like the ground underneath you would engulf yourself whole. You would then probably be fallen back into nothingness, and your eye's are sightless. That's one way to put it? I kinda suck at defining and explaining stuff...


My father-n-law's (Joe) birthday was a few days ago, so on his birthday we're channel flipping until we stop at NPR. A man is reading a poem, it was Joe's favorite poem. The same poem, marked in a book that he gave his daughter when he was dying in the hospital, he gave my wife that poem and said it would always be there to comfort her. So on his birthday, they randomly read that one.


Something survives.


One of the most bizarre things to think about regarding death that I've heard is that our lives right now, is the flashback we see before we die.



As for what happens after we die, I believe that there are many parallel universes out there. And when we die, there is someone rolling a die and flipping coins to see what universe we go to next. So I'd like to imagine that when I die that I could be born again into a world where Neopets exist, or Doctor Who is reality or I am the Batman.


Hmmm... I believe we lose consciousness; left feeling completely relaxed and calm as your mind slips away into nothingness. After death, I believe there is nothing, like the time that passed before we were born.

I'd love to believe in reincarnation... I find it a beautiful idea that everything is recycled.


I remember reading in one Harry Potter fanfiction that we had one large soul that sat way up high in something like heaven.


And then with each life we have, a little tendril of the soul will travel down to the earth. Because it's just a part of our soul, we don't remember our past lives. Then when we die, that tendril of our soul travels back up to the large part and our memories make them self apart of the larger soul.


And then when we have deja vu, it might be a little bit of extra information slipping down the tendril.


I believe in what the Bible says happens at death. Ecc.9:5 says that there is no more thought in death. There are other scriptures that draw comparisons of death to being like sleep, like the account of Lazarus. Sleep without dreams that it.

What I'm more interested in is what happens after the being dead part. The Bible offers the hope of a resurrection from the dead (not to be confused with reincarnation, which would result in a different body). One of the things I look forward to is the hope of seeing my dad again :)

This is of course from a Christian perspective, and I realize most people who identify as Christian don't believe the same as me, but I thought I'd share my faith in case it might be of interest or comfort to someone else :)


Well I really have no idea. My question is, are we really living right now? If we aren't really living, how can we die? We might just be dreaming and such, and imagining this all. Then again, it's just something I thought up of.


Sorry if I messed up your minds a bit. xD


Hmm sounds like the Matrix, if you haven't seen it, you'd probably enjoy it :)


D: Sleep without dreams?!?!? But the dreams are the best part!!


I don't know much of the bible, so I can't say for sure. But doesn't the bible talk about heaven? How can you go to heaven if you're sleeping. Unless heaven is a dream.


Well I really have no idea. My question is, are we really living right now? If we aren't really living, how can we die? We might just be dreaming and such, and imagining this all. Then again, it's just something I thought up of.


Sorry if I messed up your minds a bit. xD


That's quite a well known question.

"I think, therefore I am" ~ René Descartes

It's quite an interesting idea :)


I think whenever someone dies, nothing happens. It feels like the last moment here on earth they see something (probably light) and then they close their eyes with memories flashing before them. Nothing pretty much happens. Or if something happened I would say that he/she would wake up and suddenly see heaven, hell or purgatory. I'm not much of a fan of reincarnation.

  • 3 weeks later...

I think that when you die you are just buried 6 feet under the ground and everything is just blank like all you could see is a black screen nothing else and not able to do anything. Although i sometimes think that maybe people will reincarnate when they die or something like that although for me it causes another question about would you know if you reincarnated or not and that maybe we are all reincarnates. I can't say much about heaven or hell since i never been to church for bible learning or anything like that.


I believe in reincarnation but who really knows?I think it might be just as likely that we just cease to be aware.I hope for reincarnation though


I certainly hope for reincarnation. Not only that, I hope that we can have the chance to be reincarnated in a different universe.

There are so many worlds and universes that I want to explore!


I certainly hope for reincarnation. Not only that, I hope that we can have the chance to be reincarnated in a different universe.

There are so many worlds and universes that I want to explore!

That is a beautiful sentiment =) I agree most heartily with that .


I love some of the posts on here, it's a really interesting topic and I think a person's opinion on it says a lot about them. It's extremely personal.


I'll start by saying that I study Neuroscience and I have never been particularly religious.


I am very much of the view that who a person is, what makes them "them", is in the brain. Sadly, I've also seen a few people suffering from degenerative brain disorders. After seeing so much of a person seemingly destroyed, it's very hard to imagine that they are still around somewhere after they've essentially left their brain behind. I'm probably more in line with the "fade to nothingness"-type beliefs.


That being said, I love the idea of an afterlife, or of reincarnation. It's nice to think that *maybe*, just maybe, the pieces of people I saw vanish were just going to an afterlife in advance of the rest of them. Maybe their calm temperament, or their speech, or their skills were needed elsewhere and that's why the person didn't seem "all there" to us still in this world...


...or maybe that's a little bit creepy, that they were kind of already ghosts... :ohno:

  • 1 month later...

I think when we die our soul or consciousness just disappears. Like yearofthehorse, I think what makes a person them is their brain. It controls all our actions, all our thoughts, all our feelings and so when we die, it stops working and we're just gone.


I find it hard to believe in heaven or hell, or even reincarnation just because I find it hard to imagine anything can be forever. I also don't see the joy and pleasure we can get out of something if it lasts forever. Life is precious because it doesn't last forever, because we really can't take anything or anyone for granted because at some point, it will disappear. I also don't think you can experience true happiness if you haven't experiences sadness yet, I believe you need one to appreciate the other and so if heaven were real and it's perfect and forever, even if they keep their memories from when they were living on earth, eventually after the years they'll forget about all their hardships, about all the sadness and I think it will just become dull. Pretty much the same with hell, I believe there's a limit to how much pain you can experience, so I'm sure the first few years or so people that go into hell will suffer, but eventually they'll just become used to the pain and torture and it will mean nothing anymore. I also find it rather cruel to have to spend the rest of eternity in hell just because you sinned a little for a mere 100 years?


As for reincarnation... I can see why people want that, and in a way I do believe it could be nice, but I also believe this world is full of evil, its cruel and cold and it only seems to be getting worse, at the very least on earth and I honestly wouldn't wanna stay on earth forever.... I kind of like being reincarnated into other worlds or dimensions like some people mentioned, that actually never really crossed my mind before.


Anyway, even though I believe the person itself their mind/soul/consciousness will disappear, their body will just become part of nature, circle of life kinda thing. I also get a little comfort in thinking that people will still remember those who died, perhaps not for forever, but for a little while longer. Those who died that were important to me are still alive in my heart and my memories


I believe nothing happens, we just cease to exist. I think that when I'm dead, it'll be just like when I wasn't born yet. No feeling, no thinking. Nothing. And to me, personally this is more comforting than the idea of an afterlife/reincarnation. In an afterlife, I might be separated from my loved ones and I'd hate to know that they're wandering somewhere and I can't find them. And even if, say, I lost any memory of my "previous life" and didn't miss them, I'd still end up suffering somehow, because that's just what happens when you have feelings/consciousness. After going through so much in this life, I'd be really disappointed if I found out I still had other lives to live. I just want to be gone! lol


I believe in either reincarnation or we just cease to exist.


Like deboratibi said though...I wish we can just cease to exist. I don't think I want another life. I want to believe karma exists though! That all bad deeds truly go unpunished :(


Hmmm. I don't really know. I've always felt there was some greater "thing" out there. It could be that we all draw from the same life force. And when we die, perhaps that simply returns to the source? To be drawn on again by whomever is born, sharing that piece of force that was us. Which I suppose would fit more into the reincarnation. It may also, at least partially explain people with memories of past lives. But that makes me wonder, what about people who can dream or sometimes have flash visions of the future? Where do their "memories" come from? Lots left to explain beyond that supposedly "final" plane. ;) Of course that's only one theory I've thought of over the years. ;)


Since someone brought up neuroscience I would like to add that no one actually knows where consciousness comes from. Its generally accepted that from all of the processes running in our brain that consciousness is just a byproduct (well I'm actually not sure what is the most accepted but I took an entire class in college and after all the theories that one makes the most sense). Because consciousness isn't any one place in the brain I feel its pretty open to what can happen to the conscious part of us or the soul if you will. While it is quite possible that the soul could go to heaven or be reincarnated it just makes the most sense that nothing happens. Something else would be nice, but I figure around the time I'm that old I will just be happy to be out of my misery

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