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Inflation of Codestones

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RIght now I am hoarding any red codestone I get from BD. I considered buying up a bunch to stockpile but I am no where near ready to train only my level. [currently lvl 100]. I think I will consider training my level to 250 once I hit the 7/8 codestone mark.

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Ugh, the last three training sessions I've had have called for Zeds. I cancelled the one last night, since it was right up near 50k. >.>

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I see people are in panic/hoard/buy-up-all-the-stock mode.* *sigh* Since the skirmishes are obviously a regular event now, I don't get why we keep getting these jumps every time a new one is announced. And the prices never completely recover. Thank goodness I just got a zed and a vux from the BD.


The average price is now nearly 20k per codestone. Armoured neggs are the cheapest defense alternative, at ~41,600 NP. Bubbling fungus and jar of forest earth are the cheapest strength alternatives (~45-50k per strength; both are variable in terms of results, but that's the long-term average according to TDN); the twisted potion of strength hasn't been investigated enough to determine its average, so it might be better (or worse) than these two. Those training at 3 reds are better off using these alternatives; those at 2 reds should keep monitoring prices. For pure HP training, the Faerie Queen negg is cheapest at 110k. If you need movement, the snegg is only 65.5k/stat. Kauvaras potion is 100k per stat and gives 1 level, 1 strength, 1 defense, and 2 HP (of course, you're overpaying for the strength and defense).


Based on the statistics in this guide, if you need movement (or intelligence) and are training at 2 reds, spinning the WoExtra will just about break even (I had to make some assumptions, such as that training 1 desirable stat was worth 40k, that you were more likely to get the more common map pieces/job coupons/pb's, that you had a 90% chance of getting the background vs. the stamp, and that the probabilities for the various NP wins broke down as 0.3 chance of 25k, 0.1 chance of 50k, and only 0.035 chance of 100k -- erring on the side of caution). If you don't need movement or intelligence, at 2 reds, you'd lose about 6k per spin vs. training (though possibly not since my assumptions were pretty stringent). At 3 reds, you'd save 2k per spin if you didn't need movement or intelligence, and 8k if you needed one of them. Of course this is at least as dependent on the price of other prizes as it is on the price of red codestones. But for now, if you don't care about how much you spend per day and are not at risk of bumping to the next training tier, it might be worth spinning this wheel daily.


(Negg prices are based on average cost of negg tokens at 2600 NP/token, or based on lowest price found if cheaper than using tokens.)


*Unless autobuyers are driving up prices; if so, I hope TNT finds and freezes the accounts, though that won't help the supply any if all those reds go poof...

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The price up is bad for the Red stone users who need 5-6 of them, but not necesarily for the users with only 1-2 of them. 1-2 red codestone is still on average cheaper than 8 regular codestones.


Oh well, I don't really care because I stockpiled an obsene amount of red codestones for my personal training. Not gonna sell them back. Only for personal use.

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Zed Codestone = 41,000 NP (+13100)

Sho Codestone = 7,000 NP (+200)

Mag Codestone= 7,800 NP (+500)

Cui Codestone = 22,800 NP (+5800)

Vux Codestone = 20,000 NP (+7200)

Kew Codestone = 19,550 NP (+8550)

Change from 32 hours ago

Quick market roundup before I go to sleep



Prices on Reds are coming down a little bit, but they're still pretty crazy compared to what they were even a week ago.


Siniri, I think the "jumps" in price when it comes time to choose a new faction, may possibly be because the sellers would be thinking that battlers will want to train more to do better for their faction to earn either the boons, the avatar and site themes, or all.


Wakka, congrats on not having to buy them at the current prices. I ran through my stockpile during the latter 3rd of the actual war. So I have to rely on withered luck in the BD. I get plenty of regular codestones, but with the prices of those going down, it cuts into the NP I can spend on Reds when I need them. I've cancelled several training sessions lately, for getting several requests for 2 Zeds.

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The jumps are silly since it's a biweekly thing, though -- especially since people at such high levels (to need reds) don't even need more training to beat the Obelisk bosses! It's not like you're going to be able to reach the next boost between Sunday and Thursday (most of the time), so there's no point in trying to speed-train the week of the skirmish -- nor to slack off the week of the non-skirmish since you know another is right around the corner. It's just silly.


I just won 6 reds (including 2 zeds -- and one of each of the others except vux) from the Koi Warrior today. It was probably just me being super-lucky, but I'll take it. I seem to get more Kews than anything else -- I have 6 of them and know I haven't really bought any. I guess it's just been a fluke, because otherwise they'd be the lowest-priced. (Shos and mags are the second most common ones that I win, with cui and vux being the least.)

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I'm having a pretty opposite experience, Siniri. I'm running low on Kew (and Vux) codestones, but I have plenty of all of the others.

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Now that I've grown out of the Swashbuckling Academy, I have to actually use my codestones :P

yay, more expensive training. /s


And, I agree with siniri- why are the codestones still jumping whenever there's a new skirmish? The skirmishes seem like they're going to be a recurring new "daily" event; it's absolutely ridiculous the way codestone prices are. *kicks greedy inflaters* <_<

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Now that I've grown out of the Swashbuckling Academy, I have to actually use my codestones :P

yay, more expensive training. /s


And, I agree with siniri- why are the codestones still jumping whenever there's a new skirmish? The skirmishes seem like they're going to be a recurring new "daily" event; it's absolutely ridiculous the way codestone prices are. *kicks greedy inflaters* <_<


People are too forgetful and paranoid. For example, say you have a pet that can beat Kanrik nearly all of the time, but sometimes you imagine that Kanrik might spam Lens Flare 5 times in a row then you lose. People forget to train especially if their faction won and they enjoy the boons then they suddenly remember that the war starts in 3 days and train again.


*waits for even lower prices for regular codestones* (Wants to see Eo's at 7500 NP before buying)

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I traded myself into a level 140 pet, it's at the awkward stage of trying to work out if the gain from using reds will be worth it for me to just level it up before touching the other stats. The way I see it, by the time I gain 140 levels, the reds may as well be as pricey as 8 codestones thanks to everyone thinking about the same strategy.


Gah, if only training was cheaper...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know about you guys, but I'm managing OK with a level 40 pet I adopted from the pound...

I just attack Donny and get like 6-8 codestones per day, check to see which ones I need to use for my training, then sell the rest.

Sometimes I even get reds and I sell those...

I don't know if you guys would consider me a bad player for the fact that I only have a level 40 pet, but I thought I'd just throw this out there.

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm managing OK with a level 40 pet I adopted from the pound...

I just attack Donny and get like 6-8 codestones per day, check to see which ones I need to use for my training, then sell the rest.

Sometimes I even get reds and I sell those...

I don't know if you guys would consider me a bad player for the fact that I only have a level 40 pet, but I thought I'd just throw this out there.

Why would that make you a bad player? There are people that don't train their pets at all, and they aren't bad players.

There is no right or wrong way to play Neopets- someone isn't playing it better by training their pets rather than buying stamps, or vise versa. So don't worry about it!

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Why would that make you a bad player? There are people that don't train their pets at all, and they aren't bad players.

There is no right or wrong way to play Neopets- someone isn't playing it better by training their pets rather than buying stamps, or vise versa. So don't worry about it!



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Still adding most of the codey price data.

Current prices are there take a look.

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Thats just ridiculous.... >.< When I finally decide to start training a pet prices go sky high.

Everyone else had the same idea as you, aha. ;) Training has never been cheap, but since people are interested in the profitability of the new BD...

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Everyone else had the same idea as you, aha. ;) Training has never been cheap, but since people are interested in the profitability of the new BD...


It's not even that expensive compared to the war prices.


45k bottom 60k tops for predictions for the next month.

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The prices are outrageous so I'm using Coltzan, Kitchen, and Scratchcards (not using SL because I like my Cybunny :) ) to level up.


Hoppefully the skirmishes come to an end soon so deflation will hit and I can stockpile on reds since I wanna hit the ninja school. 8 codestones is just too much for me. @_@

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The prices are outrageous so I'm using Coltzan, Kitchen, and Scratchcards (not using SL because I like my Cybunny :) ) to level up.


Hoppefully the skirmishes come to an end soon so deflation will hit and I can stockpile on reds since I wanna hit the ninja school. 8 codestones is just too much for me. @_@

I don't know about other people, but I don't think the skirmishes are going to end. There is no sign from TNT that they're going to stop, and it's a great way to get people interested in using the new BD- something they put a lot of time and work into.

I'd love a little deflation- even just at 2 reds, I'm spending more than I want to on training every day- but it's not going to happen unless people start getting bored of training.

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I agree with Rebecca. The skirmishes show no sign of ending, and TNT said as much in two different editorials. I think it's a new permanent site feature, so I wouldn't be waiting for it to end. I'm just waiting for people to tire of it.

Editorial #593

Is the new Tyrannian Battleground a permanent site feature that will be some sort of rotating event (like a weekly tournament), or is this some kind of short-lived site event? It'd be really fun if it could happen all the time. =) ~setorange
The Oracle has not shown any signs of going anywhere.

Editorial #601

When will the war finally end??? It's kind of pointless to have it during the altador cup. ~gutybcf
The war ended months ago after the defeat of the final bosses and the eventual release of the trophies and prize shop. The Battlegrounds, which was introduced by the war, is a permanent activity that will continue to run indefinitely... or at least until the Oracle says differently.

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Codestone prices still hovering around 52k/set. Not going anywhere anytime soon.

The design and everything is now complete. Check the link above.


I need someone else if anyone wants Red Codestone price monitoring. Any volunteers?


Edit: Great news!!! Rockyroad1's Codestone Price updates are now available at JN's Item DB!

Price Check:

Lu: 9.1k

Bri: 3.35k

Eo: 10.2k

Har: 3.4k

Main: 3.2k

Mau: 3.25k

Orn: 3.3k

Tai-Kai: 4.05k

Vo: 6.7k

Zei: 4.95k


Total: 51.45k (DOWN 0.65k in 4 days)


8/23/2013 5:55 AM NST


Edit: See prices at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsGm88rNGwOudFNITHE5YTZfZU9KWDhWMUNiR1FUdEE#gid=0

7 AM NST 8/26/2013


Anyone here?


Edit x2: Anyone?

Lu: 7.95k

Bri: 3.1k

Eo: 9.7k

Har: 3.3k

Main: 3.2k

Mau: 3.3k

Orn: 3.3k

Tai-Kai: 4k

Vo: 5.3k

Zei: 4.6k


Total: 47.75k (DOWN 3.1k in 13 days)


Mag: 6.8k

Sho: 5.8k

Kew: 15.1k

Vux: 12.8k

Cui: 15.9k

Zed: 31.85k


Total: 88.25k


Youtube video of codestone prices: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbQqyZp8jkI&feature=youtu.be


OVER EDIT x???: Still anyone here...or I suppose this is dead?

Lu: 7.85k

Bri: 3.3k


Har: 3.45k

Main: 3.1k

Mau: 3.4k

Orn: 3.5k

Tai-Kai: 3.95k

Vo: 6.35k

Zei: 4.7k


Total: 49.95k (UP 2.2k in 13 days)


Mag: 6.75k

Sho: 6k

Kew: 16.45k

Vux: 14.75k

Cui: 17k

Zed: 32k


Total: 92.95k (UP 4.7k in 13 days)


Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_1-qUxAsq0#t=14

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  • 1 month later...

I wish the last post in a thread would appear at the new time and date when edited (so that people know that more has been said). Since you can't double-post, there's no way for anyone to know that you've added anything.


Thanks for all your updates, rockyroad.

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No! Not dead... I really appreciate your calculations :laughingsmiley: Thank you!



I wish the last post in a thread would appear at the new time and date when edited (so that people know that more has been said). Since you can't double-post, there's no way for anyone to know that you've added anything.


Thanks for all your updates, rockyroad.


Propose to Theo! Joking.

That would encourage bumping without adding new posts and give more work to the mods.


Maybe a PM if I updated the prices?


Next update should be on Thursday morning. (NST)

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