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Does anybody know of a quick and non-cheating way to make NP?


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I'm trying to get NP so I can buy a Pirate Paint Brush, but I suck at playing games since I only have a mousepad and I've tried a lot of other things- Keyquest, spinning the wheels, Battledoming, Food Club, restocking, etc... I'm good at Keyquest as far as the strategy, but I'm horrible at minigames. :sad01_anim: And I never seem to have good luck at prizes...

The only wheels that grant decent prizes are the WoMonotony, which takes too long, and the WoExtravagance, which I can't afford in the first place.

I recently tried fighting in the Neocola Arena. So far it's been good-ish; the only good prizes I get are neocola tokens. I'm going to try those- I hear they give Transmog Potions :snitch:

So if you have any tips, please post them here! :)

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Have you tried habi? I see that you didn't mention it, so figured I'd suggest it. :3 It's not really quick unless you are able to keep it running for long periods of time though. If you are - then definitley start playing. You can make about 50-150k from it. How much NP's you make depends on how long you can leave it running. At level 50, leaving it running for 8 hours yields you about 60-80k? I think. I haven't played it in awhile though.


I'd say the absolute quickest way of making NP's is restocking. Since you said you aren't good at that though, (I'm not either) do you restock at the igloo garage sale? There's no chance at failing there, since everything is priced way below average. :)


Also, I'd suggest always playing the sponser games (they tend to be really easy). :)


I'll be sure and update this post if I can think of something else for you!

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I vote Habi as well- playing just that I make an average of 100k a day. But really, you mentioned them all- there are only so many ways to make NP period. Games are the slowest, and restocking the fastest- though restocking is also the hardest.


I actually find that spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity gets me the best prizes. I spin it two-three times a day, and I don't think I have ever NOT made a profit off of it, and winning 1k or more is pretty common. It's not a fast way of making NP, but every bit counts!

Also, do every daily. Get your 10 items from the Money Tree and Second Hand Shop every day. Even if they are only junk items, that is 20 NP closer to your goal- not much, but something.

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I actually find that spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity gets me the best prizes. I spin it two-three times a day, and I don't think I have ever NOT made a profit off of it, and winning 1k or more is pretty common. It's not a fast way of making NP, but every bit counts!

Also, do every daily. Get your 10 items from the Money Tree and Second Hand Shop every day. Even if they are only junk items, that is 20 NP closer to your goal- not much, but something.

This is a great point Rebecca. I honestly had no idea that the wheel of Mediocrity or the wheel of Monotony gave you much of a profit. I actually tend to avoid those wheels, now that I have the avatars. I'll definitley stop doing that! -shrugs- You learn something new everyday here! Also, yes! Definitley get all ten items from the moneytree! I've gotten really lucky there in the past. One time I was able to snag a striped flotsam MP from there and then sold it for 200k. :) I've noticed if you wait around a bit, and lurk... random neopets players tend to be really giving there.

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I can relate to being stuck with a mousepad to play games with. It's so depressing to try and play the minigames in Key Quest, lol.


But regarding gaining neopoints, I find that it helps to focus on the keyboard based games, like Cloud Racers, Ghost Bopper, and Meerca Chase... There are others, but those are the three games I tend to get the most neopoints from :)

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Seriously, I've won like 1M+ from Food Club this past week. My account is older than yours, so taken that you would have followed Tracy's bets like I did, I think you would have racked 500-600k in a week. :P And that's a totally no effort income too. You just take 3min of your times to make 10 bets every day.


A slower, but still awesome, way to make NP is to invest 15,000 in the Stock Market every day and sell for a profit. That does take longer, but it's fun and effortless as well. ;)

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Seriously, I've won like 1M+ from Food Club this past week. My account is older than yours, so taken that you would have followed Tracy's bets like I did, I think you would have racked 500-600k in a week. :P And that's a totally no effort income too. You just take 3min of your times to make 10 bets every day.


A slower, but still awesome, way to make NP is to invest 15,000 in the Stock Market every day and sell for a profit. That does take longer, but it's fun and effortless as well. ;)


Yes, I second Xepha. Food Club is a super easy way to make NP. You have to be willing to lose sometimes, but overall I make a tidy profit. I also do the Stock Market. It seems like there's a balance point where if you buy 1,000 shares of stock at 15 every day and sell once your stocks hit 30, your price paid in will hover around 1m, and the rest is profit. A lot of players sell later, too, waiting until stocks are at 45 or even 60.

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Wow! Thanks for the tips everybody! I'll definitely do some of those. I've invested in the stock market already. Nothing to do but wait, I guess!

oh and: HOORAYYY!! :D I got a Pirate Paint Brush for about 600k and two codestones, and was therefore able to paint Duskitty (the latest addition and named after my nickname) Pirate! ^_^ Here she is: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Duskitty


Couldn't you buy a normal mouse? They don't cost very much! You can plug one in to pretty much any laptop - it only needs a USB port.

Since it's my dad's computer, he won't let me buy a mouse since we have one, but it kinda sucks and there's no room to use it on the desk :(

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That's wonderful! :D She looks fantastic. :3 (and wow, you do like your Xweetoks! LOL)

Indeed I do. 8D I find them easy to draw, since they're almost like cats with a mane thingy. :P

edit: shhjbfdjhbvjdshb AWW YIS. I got this from Key Quest. http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=390365047

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