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I'm going to get to go into a private school/academy!!!!

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After years of suffering in a regular high school I'm going to go to an academy for teenagers/young adults with Aspergers!!!!


School has been a rocky road for me. I've been home from school ever since Tuesday. I've had numerous emotional meltdowns this year at school and have really been scared to go to school.


The private academy is in Boston. I've always been a city girl at heart (where I live is the redneck capital of the universe). My ultimate dream is to run my own gaming consignment shop. I'm going to make that happen!


Oh my goodness, that's wonderful! Super happy for you. I suffered in high school myself but it was do anxiety and panic attacks. It's great that there was another option for you :laughingsmiley:


I am really happy for you! I'm sure it will help you to feel better in general.

Good luck in your new school and keep us posted about it!


I'm quite happy for you! Sounds like this will be a much better environment for you. ^^ You're getting closer and closer to realizing your dream. I know having to deal with aspergers must be tough, so I'm glad you will have the accomadations you need at school!


Really amazing! :)


I never had any luck with public schools because of my anxiety disorders.... so I know first hand what hell it can be.


Congrats! Let's face it; regular high school sucks. A private school will be a way better fit, especially one which is for people with Aspergers. Do you know anyone who goes there at the moment? Or is it a completely fresh start?


Seconded. Public high schools suck everywhere, I hope you like your new academy.

And good luck with your dream, its so cool!


That is so fantastic! I am so happy for you! I hope it is everything you have hoped it would be! :D


That's really wonderful!

Atta girl, go get your dream! :D

  • 1 year later...

I'm glad you can go to a private school! It was my dream when I was in high school but I never could because my parents were against it because it cost money...Their argument: "Why pay for education when it's free?". Thanks to that I had an amazing miserable time in my 5 years in high school.

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