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The Bandit

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all today's done eventually, inc. bonuses... :)


I noticed while playing Igloo Garage Sale how much Habitarium slowed it down if I had them both running at the same time. With Habi open, the game ran so slowly I was only getting about half the number of points for each level that I did without it open. :O


Anyone else find Habi slows down flash games like that?

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Yeah, habi always slows down just about everything on my computer, not just games. I think that's why I don't love it quite as much as everyone else. It's difficult for me to get anything else done.


I managed to do all today's challenges pretty quickly. :) Igloo Garage Sale gave me a bit of trouble but I managed to get through it!

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Saw the challenges and was fairly happy until I saw ruins rampage, which I hadn't even been able to get any score on to count towards that games avatar. Then I read that miniature guide from elbandito999....and now it was the quickest challenge :/ cannot thank you enough!!! Not realizing there were secret switches was probably the issue hehe.


And as for habi, on my laptop everything else lags soo much so I just don't use it, but on my desktop it's not a problem which is nice

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I always make a verrrry long loop while playing Faerie Racers ... i start up or down (depending where the obstacle is) then I get to the top and just go all the way around the arena ... like a big rectangle ... and if there are obstacles i just go around them but i keep my path ... and i try to trap the opponent in their own trail ... they always go on the inside so i stay on the outside and close in on them ..... and luckily they'll just hit the wall soon

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What do you get if you send scores for all qualifying games? Also, does our actual high score matter when trying to beat the pirates? Or is the fact that you met the challenge all that counts?


Faerie Cloud Racers, I try to trap the other Faerie by making a box around her.


Anyone else find Habi slows down flash games like that?


Habi is pretty resource intensive and will slow down nearly everything unless you have a great computer. I got gem locked though and never played it again after that. I couldn't get the merge method to work so I just gave up on it.

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I've completed all challenges and bonuses so far except for the Ice Cream Machine and Igloo Garage Sale because I'm worried there's a bug so I haven't sent my remaining two scores in. Does anyone know if I'll be safe to send them?! :)

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I've completed all challenges and bonuses so far except for the Ice Cream Machine and Igloo Garage Sale because I'm worried there's a bug so I haven't sent my remaining two scores in. Does anyone know if I'll be safe to send them?! :)


How do you mean a bug? I've been able to send all mine! I think you can send limitless amount of scores after the initial three, you just don't get the NP.


I know this because i sent 5 scores of ice cream machine, then five scores of Garage Sale and wondered why I had only completed the challenge once >:(


I had to go back and do each in turn again, and it worked :)


Anyone have any luck playing Wrath of the Snowager or Jumpin Gem Heist? Today jumping gem heist won't even go past grey for me. I can't even get to the green neo bios screen (where its gotten stuck everyday since I began trying!)


Hopefully we won't be expected to send scores for every qualifying game. I only have about twenty left to do but these games may never work for me :'(

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i was so excited to see switcharoo, just to be disappointed. i used to play this game all the time (this was probably over 10 years ago, but still), i missed this game.

also did a quick google search and found out this game was removed a while ago. don't know why they put it on GMC...

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i was so excited to see switcharoo, just to be disappointed. i used to play this game all the time (this was probably over 10 years ago, but still), i missed this game.

also did a quick google search and found out this game was removed a while ago. don't know why they put it on GMC...


If you look at the games list it's not supposed to be in the GMC I hope the team that covers GMC isn't too comatose on turkey when they return, because they have quite a bit of a problem to deal with.

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Well, Seeing as none of the games will load and I'm expected to play a game that doesn't exist I'm slightly annoyed this morning. This is slightly reminiscent of the Neopocalypse. Wouldn't it be great if everyone on Team Ninja got a cool Avatar?!! That would totally make up for it.


Edit: I even just checked the Game Graveyard in case we had access to it over there. No dice...

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Even if we did we couldn't send the score :( (I checked too and then I remembered)


A sweet avvie would be cool but I'm hoping more for an extension on the challenge.

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Good Grief there is no way I am getting fifty points in Ultimate Bullseye....

I didn't think this was possible, but I scored more than 50 points 5 times on Ultimate Bullseye II. For you, guys! :) (and because the other games are still not available)


Thank goodness for you cause I can only manage like 25 points! lol

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