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Guest Unequaledpyro

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Before Lyed was too far he yelled "Well se about that" he said. As he held out a police badge from he pocket and held it towards the window. He flew towards the mansion.

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While walking down the street, Lizardo overheard Lyed talking to a female fox. Now what's going on? Lizardo thought as he watched as Lyed fly away. Out of curiosity, he went to the house and knocked on the door.

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Levy sat next to the door and he heard a guard walk by. Just as the guard passed the door, Levy leapt out and covered the guard's mouth as he stabbed him in the back. Levy quickly dragged the guard into the room and closed the door. Then Levy withdrew his blade, the guard then slowly bled inside the room. Levy took the guard's handgun and his Rolex. Levy then found a silencer on the guard and screwed it onto the pistol.

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Lyed saw the Don's house he also say Bob his guard friend, "Hi Bob important buisness inside," Lyed said crashing through the Don's window.

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Nightfall came, and the guaerds were patrolling the estate, making sure no-one entered.

Mongolio sensed something he's here

Mongolio ran to the Dons room, stopping at a guard

"Hey you, he is in here" Mongolio shouted

"thats impossible, we have the house on full lock down, no-one can enter" he replied

Mongolio snatched the AK47 :D from the guard hands and ran to the Dons room




The guards outisde saw a dragon flying overhead

"we have a intruder, shoot it down" as he spoke into his radio while started shooting

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"I'm not talking to you Lyed!" shouted Carol Ann to the person knocking at the door.


Levy heard movement and kept to the shadows of the empty room.

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Lizardo heard the female fox's voice shouting at him. "Pardon me, ma'am, but my name is Lizardo. I'm somewhat a friend to Lyed, so I understand that he's a bit...quick on the gun..." he replied. "So if you could open up the door and waste a minute for me to ask you something, I would really appreciate it."

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"Please leave the area, police or no police, we cannot allow people in at this time, fail to leave, you will be shot" the guard shouted to the dragon




Mongolio ran into the dons room, phew guess im not too late he thought.

Dalasis woke up "what is happening" he said to Mongolio

"Someone is here, i can sense him" Mongolio replied

"ahh very well, well i am perfectly fine, you shall make a great Don soon, now please allow me to get back to sleep" dalasis said as he laid back down to sleep

"okay but i stand outside the door, us Rabbits have good hearing, so no-one should be able to enter, I lock all the side doors anyway" Mongolio said as he locked all the side doors and went to stand outside the main door

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Carl Ann opened the door, "I don't know what's goin' on. Levy took off and Lyed thinks he is a 13 year old police officer."

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"You can't shoot me" Lyed said when all the sudden the other window to the Don's room crashed open. You called me kid said the stranger.


Name: Shadow

Species: Kangaroo

Hair Color (on the head): Brown

Fur Color: Gold

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Height: 6" 5'

Weight: 250

Apparel (clothing): Button up shirts with jeans.

Extra features: When on police dutys he wears Pure black cover that absorbs light so he can't be seen at night.

Physique: Strong upper and lower body, he can bring dow anyone

Personality: He is always acting tough and really is!


"Yup we've got the fox trying to kill the king" Lyed said in code. "Did you bring my wepons and suit?" Lyed asked. "Yes i did" said Shadow. He threw a black suit and guns knives and much more to Lyed. Lyed put them in a belt and put the suit on. "Don't worry Mongolio your father is in goo hands with us."Shadow said.

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Levy, very quietly crawled up into a ventilation duct and waited for things to quiet down.


"Lyed said something about a Don, but that's all I know." replied Carol Ann

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Mongolio ran into the room and pointed the AK47 at the dragon and Kangaroo,

"Leave this place, This family does not and will never need help from the cops, espoacepally a 13 year old and a kangaroo cop, Leave now or i will shoot, I have used this weapon to kill before and i will use it again" Mongolio shouted at the 2 cops

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"Mongolio i need your help..." Lyed said "I'm the dragon from the street we met yesterday". "Keep gaurd out front" With this lyed threw mongolio a bullet proof vest and a stun gun. "Well keep gaurd in here."

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During the shouting and loud noise, Levy took advantage and crept slowly into the ventilation shafts above the Don's room.

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Ignoring the bullet proof vest or the stun gun, he continued to point the gun at the 2 Cops

"the don will never require help from your kind, we will never give in to help from the police, So now you have till the count of 3 until i shoot" mongolio said "1"


((levy, we're in the room also don't forget ;)))

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((I know Vivi, he is keeping very quiet above the room. Levy is very patient.))

((And Crash, Bullet proof vests don't protect the face.))


"I'm Carol Ann, I'm Levy's cousin." replied Carol Ann.

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