Cassia Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 It's not that I didn't like this AC (although I didn't really like the timing of it, being during schools), but I kinda feel really bad now. Basically, SOMEONE (who I reported for harassment...wait...this does count as harassment right?) decided to neomail me, after I posted a bit on some AC boards, and began to rant at me. They basically called me a freeloader, for only reaching Rank 5, and that it was because of people like me that our team dropped in rankings this year. While it is true that I would have liked to play more, but couldn't because of time, they told me that since they were in school, but reached All-Star, then I easily could too, if I tried. Now I feel bad, not only because I didn't expect some random person who doesn't even know me to start insulting me, but also because it probably IS true that people like me drag down a team. Sorry, I'm normally not that bothered by things like this, but it's just that I've had a really stressful few days, and I think this just kinda pushed things over the edge... So what should I do? IDK...should I keep playing next year?
Finn the Human Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 First of all being a rank 5 isnt a freeloader. I consider freeloaders rank begginer. You should keep playing.
Dynohawk Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 How much you playe dis of no concern to them, they shouldn't be ranting at you. So what if he could reach a certain rank whilst still doing school, he has no right to expect anything from anyone else. Sounds like a prize idiot if you ask me! Don't beat yourself up over it :-)
LizyMarie Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 You did FINE! Do not listen to that person. What they are doing is being an "elitist jerk". While they are max rank within a few days and then look down upon everyone else because they can do no right. Don't beat yourself up over it. I only reached rank 10. :) We all do what we can. It's just a game. Whoever that person is, block them if able. It would be best to not engage in further conversation. Please play next year! You are welcome, everyone is. As long as you rank up at least a few, and HAVE FUN, then you are OK. *hugs*
Finn the Human Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Also those people are probably stocking everyone on their team and have NO sportsmanship and are blaming you for losing.
Haliaetus Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Don't feel bad! That was totally out of place for that person to rant at you like that. I only got to rank 7 because I was busy. You should definitely play next year! Don't let stupid people like that get to you. :)
Ashbash Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Aww I'm so sorry. Rank 5 is definitely impressive in my opinion. You have to play quite a bit to get there. This is the reason why I sometimes hate the neoboards and try to stay away from them. There are definitely some great people on there but there are also some not so great people.
Lady Lyuba Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Those people were talking out of their rear end, and when people talk from there, they aren't talking rationally. Those idiots should be reported.
LillytheGrundo Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Do not feel bad! I only made it to Rank 5 as well and that was a huge accomplishment for me as I'm sure it was for you too. I almost never go on the Neoboards because I have had some rude people comment to me. Although most of us spend a great deal of time on Neo and put our hearts into it at the end of the day it's just a game. It's not worth stressing out over. I hope TNT at least sent them a warning! Sheesh! I used to RP on a chat that is now closed and we had a saying, real life always comes before the fictional world. And honestly, I think if someone is contacting be mean to them...about fake a fake world...they must have some serious issues! LOL
MysteriousUser Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 WOW people on a virtual site act like this??? Can't you would report them for some form of harassment? I would. Keep the topic alive and bump bump bump and send it to TNT. But like they care. :V Anyway, don't sweat it. You are smart to not spend your life aging and wasting away in front a computer screen like the rest of us. Rank 5 is good considering you're busy and that the flash games aren't that great/addicting. You did what you could and that person could just stick it WTSDS. (is that allowed here? lol) :S Besides we all know the AC is rigged. :V *bricked*
linsta Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 It may be true that people who don't play a lot will bring down the team, in reality most people probably don't even get past rank 5. It's not your fault, and people understand that life should come first. Honestly, I think it was just rude that person called you out like that. On the other hand, some hardcore players do get very frustrated because they put in 10+ hours each day, only to see their team lose. Think, if you spent all day to max out MSN and SOSD, and then only to see your team lose... well it's very frustrating and people say things they normally wouldn't when they're upset. It isn't your fault though, and they shouldn't take it out on you. Also, just wanted to point out that someone with a rank of beginner isn't necessarily a freeloader. If they didn't play AT ALL, then they wont affect their team. But depending on how bad the harassment was, I don't think you should bother reporting stuff like this unless it was like EXTREMELY offensive. People can be mean sometimes but still, I hate to see people frozen and I dont think anyone really deserves that unless they are seriously disturbing the peace xP (do people get frozen for harassment anyways?)
tiffany_meow Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Don't feel bad at all! I think Rank 5 is a great accomplishment! (: Don't let this person bring you down. I really hope you will be playing again next year!
hipy_chicky Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Aw cheer up I only had time to get Rank 1 this year. Was going to try and beat my 5 from last year but exam schedule was crazy. It's all just for fun at the end of the day. If you enjoy it, definitely continue playing next year. :)
geoterza Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Yeah - don't let them get you down. I made it to rank 3!!!! And even with just that I felt like I spent way more time on this Altador Cup thing than I should have. 4 years from now I'd rather have a College Degree than pixels on a screen. That being said - I still love playing Neopets so I find time to fit it in here and there when I can :)
kyedigsme Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Neopets is... oh, did we mention... A GAME! Ignore the knucklehead. Apparently, he/she has no life outside of neopets, a fact that I definitely wouldn't be proud of. Level 5 is great - and to reach it while in school is amazing! Congratulations, enjoy your prizes, and forget about the life-less player who's secretly wishing he had something more meaningful to toot his/her own horn about.
Rebecca~ Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Ugh, ignore them. I reached rank 5 as well, and while I had originally wanted to get to All Star, I just didn't have the time or stamina to play that much. I feel like I contributed to my team though, and I'm proud to have played as much as I did. You should feel the same as well. :) If you do what you can, then that's what's important.
~Ğǿǿmy~ Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Of course you should playing! Dont let other people tell you what to do. You decide what to do!
Xepha Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 I am terribly sorry that someone told you such words, rank 5 is great! On the behalf of WAM and Maraqua, I'd like to apologize to you. Real life is far more important than a game tournament and according to TNT, every little bits help. It's impossible to hurt your team. No matter what people say to you, you are and will remain a STARfish! :)
ashleagh Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 You know, I define as a freeloader as someone who signs up just to get a trophy. They really could care less about the team or the event. You signed up because you wanted to be a part of a team, get swept up in AC fever and have fun playing! Those are all the right reasons and that does not make you a freeloader, no matter how many games you were able to play! P.S. Don't feel bad: I think you did the right thing by reporting the user. That was definitely harassment!!
Desertfreak Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 hey i am a rank 4 and its my best year i am quite young though i will get better and i think you will too so keep playing :) LOST DESERT FOR THE CUP
Tedhaun Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 Whatever you do Cassia, don't give up. I checked some of your past AC medals/trophies, and you were a Beginner back then. Rank 5 is a decent leap from Beginner rank. If any bullies or trolls insult or pick on you for having what they consider a lowly rank, report them for trolling, harassment, and any other heinous stuff that hurts other people's feelings. Also, don't forget to add their usernames (and their side usernames if they have any) to your block list. As a forum moderator, I will always respect everyone's rank, no matter how low or high it is (or even the team they play for). As long as you enjoyed yourself or feel happy with what you've done, I'll be just as proud with everyone's accomplishments. ...and remember, this is not a competition to see who reaches the top spot. This is only a game, not real life. I'll justify this post later on if I have some encouraging stuff to throw in there. Anyways Cassia, don't back down and live strong! -Neomysterion TDN Forums Moderator
barkie Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 I have been with Shenkuu for 2 previous years and have never gotten past beginner. This year I did go all out and got to All Star but I have the luxury of being able to play all day and all night if I want to. I have never had anyone criticize me for not getting to higher ranks. I am sorry that someone is so selfish and ignorant that they would send that type of message to someone they do not even know or what their circumstances are. These types of people are the ones who make beginners lack the confidence to try new things on neopets.Don't even answer the person and good on you for reporting the person...
rtr75 Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 I don't think it's any of their business if you join a team, then don't get past the beginner rank. Some people may just decide the AC isn't their cup of tea. Or want to support their favorite team by at least joining. They don't have any right to judge you or anyone else. I mean really? How are you freeloading? You get what you earn. It's not like the prize shop points are pooled together and split up equally among all players for that team. If it worked that way I might call you a freeloader, but this person was just being a jerk and deserved to be reported. I've never read anything regarding as to how everything is tabulated for the AC, as TNT doesn't clue us in on the particulars, but I'm pretty sure the non-playing or lesser playing players do not have an effect on the other more active players, so don't be thinking you're dragging others down. Anyway, you definitely shouldn't let it discourage you from participating next year. Some people have pretty sad lives outside of the internet. They say these things because it makes them feel special that they can put somebody else down on a message board. Like you said, they don't know you. That's just more reason to not listen to the drivel they spew. Keep on playing! If you don't, then the person succeeded with their bullying campaign. Also, Congrats on Rank 5! The first two ACs I participated in I couldn't get into it. I didn't get past beginner. It wasn't until this year that it came together, and I should've done better than a did, but next year I'm going to kill it!
samesuga_reirei Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 I always thought the important thing was all the wins a team gets, so every single one counts. Even if you play just one game a day you should be helping your team, and if you don't play at all you are not affecting them, so the best you can do for your team is playing even if it is just a little bit. It would be quite unfair if the important thing was the medium number of wins per player in the team.
Alynniae Posted June 28, 2012 Posted June 28, 2012 haha, i'm just rank 2 because of my school. but i thought that you couldn't take your team down. it counts the amount of games you've played, and it adds all those up and the one with the highest count helps. every game counts, so don't feel bad and don't listen to these kind of people. they just need to be mean because they haven't got anything else!!!
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