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Oh my God! That poor Acara looks like Justin Bieber! No, not the old man Acara.


Happy Acara day, Samara!




About time that we've seen some more new Elderly Pets.

I now want my Lab Rat Flootenkerp to be zapped into an Acara and see if I can get an Elderly Zap on him.


ZOMG YAY ELDERLY PAINT! I think it's just too adorable!!! And the mutant plushie. I WANTS! I don't even collect ANYTHING... xD


I love the Female Elderly Acara, but the glasses/eyes on the male look rather creepy. The clothes are rather nice, too, but they are not something my Acara would wear. Gotta get those plushies! I love em!


oh im soo adding a red acara to my family.it reminds me of my key quest red acara plushie i used on a account but i forgot the user name.and i lost it...


Eh...I have to say, I'm really disappointed. I've been waiting for acara day all year (my acara was my first pet) and was hoping to treat her to something special. I don't like the paint brushes and the clothes lean towards the boring. I might get the bracelet or the purse, but I was hoping for a good outfit or PB. *sigh*


I love the female top! It's really lovely.

And eeeeee! A cup of tea for the Elderly female. :D


What is TNT trying to tell me? I drink tea and I knit- I'm secretly old? :P


Elderly Acaras are fantastic - especially loving the male glasses, made me laugh. Not too crazy about the clothes, but then again, Acaras don't really display clothes well.


Here's bigger pictures. I wanted to get a better look at them.


I'm really excited to see more elderly pets. Can anyone tell what's supposed to be under the girl pet's eyes? I'm not sure what that's supposed to be. I'd guess bags, but they look a little weird to me.


Here's bigger pictures. I wanted to get a better look at them.


I'm really excited to see more elderly pets. Can anyone tell what's supposed to be under the girl pet's eyes? I'm not sure what that's supposed to be. I'd guess bags, but they look a little weird to me.

I would say they're bags as well. I think they look a little weird because of her mouth- smiling like that would move the muscles under the eye, making the bag look kind of scrunched up on one side, but not the other.

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