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The AC VII Results Thread

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We held on against LD, but now we're in a bracket with Kiko Lake, Krawk Island, Meridell, Mystery Island and Faerieland. I'm seeing us finishing 5th.


Right now, with two rounds under our belts, TM is in 14th with 8 points. Still about in line with how we usually do.

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Wooooooow! KL almost swept MI! Amazing! :O An expected sweep for us Kreludorks, and now we go against Shenkuu. Prepare to commit sepukku, ninjas! :P


Edit: Dude, just noticed that KI almost got swept by Meridell. Yeesh.

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So, we goin to face KD again, facing MQ again, HW again, and we don't get to face MI, LD, MD, or KL. Don't tell me all of that's gonna happen in the last round.

Although it would be epic if it did

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I'm sure everyone is confused with the brackets. I HATE the fact that we've gone against Brightvale thrice and it looks like there's a big chance we'll be going against DC thrice. I don't mind playing DC because they make me work hard, but it gets tiring seeing the same team and same A.I over and over when we haven't faced Krawk island, Terror mountain, Meridell, Lost desert, Moltara, or Faerieland. That's 6 teams to have to squeeze in to the last round. That seem very hectic and wonky and doesn't make sense to me why we would've gone against some teams only once and other get 2 or three plays. I'm not even sure if its going to be possible for everyone to face each other, and that seems very unfair.


Edit: OH jeez louis, I posted this on the wrong thread. Oh well.

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Aargh, we did even worse against Brightvale than last time!


And this bracket system is starting to get on my nerves too, Four out of the five we've faced before. Kreludor, Darigan Citadel, Maraqua, Roo Island and Shenkuu.


Yep, we're gonna be last in the bracket. Again. What a fall from glory Haunted Woods has had. At least we got decent points in our last bracket.

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Our new bracket is TOUGH. Ouch. Hopefully this means we will get a mostly-middling bracket for the last round. Otherwise I'd think TNT was trying to put us in 16th again.


I contributed to our side sweep with MSN. :D

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Woot, another sweep and I'm nearing level 16. I wanna thank whoever it was that suggested watching a show in another window, because watching Psych while I play SoSD and YYB have made the grind much more bearable. In other news: I thought Tyrannia would've gotten a sweep over Brightvale. Shows how much I know.

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Wooo, a sweep. :D I`m so glad to see it. <3


I'm so suprised by Altador's draw! That's a real shocker. :D

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Good job, Altador! I think Maraqua's win against DC is impressive too. Same with Moltara against VP.


On the other hand...





Haunted Woods, I am dissapoint. We at least drew with them last time.


I should probably stop posting here, I'm sure everyone is sick of my daily complaining at HW.

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Good job, Altador! I think Maraqua's win against DC is impressive too. Same with Moltara against VP.


On the other hand...





Haunted Woods, I am dissapoint. We at least drew with them last time.


I should probably stop posting here, I'm sure everyone is sick of my daily complaining at HW.

Heh, that's what this thread is here for! Go ahead and complain.

You guys definitely had a rough day yesterday. :(

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lol whens the last time Altador pulled a draw against LD in YYB. Has that EVER happened actually?


Actually, nope! LD's always had the win in YYB since ACIII (and probably before, but I didn't play those). We've only ever lost two side games and drew a side game in that time also. Yeah I've kept pristine records of LD's competition, what can I say? :P

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Actually, nope! LD's always had the win in YYB since ACIII (and probably before, but I didn't play those). We've only ever lost two side games and drew a side game in that time also. Yeah I've kept pristine records of LD's competition, what can I say? :P


Wooowww, congratulations to Altador! It's always the underdogs that pull the surprises late in the game.


And heh, thanks scoptophobia. Glad to know it's not annoying. :P And yeah, morale can get pretty low on the boards and forums, and with more sweeps it gets lower. We need some wins to get us back in the game, but its kind of a vicious cycle.

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Wooowww, congratulations to Altador! It's always the underdogs that pull the surprises late in the game.


And heh, thanks scoptophobia. Glad to know it's not annoying. :P And yeah, morale can get pretty low on the boards and forums, and with more sweeps it gets lower. We need some wins to get us back in the game, but its kind of a vicious cycle.

That's totally understandable! Hopefully you guys have some good news coming to you soon, and your team gets a resurgence of moral! :D (as long as your wins aren't against us. ;))

Are you guys up against a team that you're pretty evenly matched with today, or is it a powerhouse?

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That's totally understandable! Hopefully you guys have some good news coming to you soon, and your team gets a resurgence of moral! :D (as long as your wins aren't against us. ;))

Are you guys up against a team that you're pretty evenly matched with today, or is it a powerhouse?


Today is Shenkuu, and from the results so far we're pretty evenly matched. We drew once, won once and lost twice against them last time, so anything could happen this time. :) MSN is our strong point, but I have no idea how the rest will pan out. There's not been much consistency.

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Wow. Altador held it's own against Lost Desert in YYB of all things.


Meanwhile, it may seem small, but TM avoided the sweep against MI this time! Let's improve on this, my fellow Chillers!

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*grumble grumble mutter*


Aaaand today we're against Kiko Lake, a team we've always had trouble with. :shiftyeyes_anim:

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Chin up Terror Mountain players! There's still time for you guys to pull a fantastic upset on some team (as long as that team is not Kreludor).

Anywho, yaaaaaaay! A sweep against Maraqua! *flex* And Brightvale draws against Lost Desert, wow. I've been kinda slacking the past few days when it comes to playing, otherwise I'd already be rank 19, but oh well. I made some delicious fruit cookies, so I should have plenty of fuel to reach rank 20 before the end of the weekend.

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