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Opinions on SOTAC/Stealth? - Apparently Stealth will join KL?

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K, I don't know if this is real or not. Could be faked pretty easily. But some guy on the boards said he quit Stealth recently and this is some stuff he took screenies of.

If it's real, then 20+ All-stars to KL totally messes up the Cup. They managed 16th place(right?) with only THREE All-stars last season. They might've grown in size just a little this year, but still... I may be a little outspoken but I seriously think this gives them a shot at winning this year.


And whats your opinion on these groups in general?

I'm okay with SOTAC, personally, but I like Stealth far more. SOTAC only picks teams already in line to win the Cup. Stealth picks small team they can greatly impact, like Virtupets for instance. We saw what happened there.

Whereas SOTAC picked Shenkuu, Lost Desert, and Kreludor. Medium to Big teams that had already placed in the top 4. That didn't really prove anything except that when they leave, teams have a tendency to sink like a stone.


I'm with Angelo - haven't got a clue what is going on!! I guess this is some board group which pick a team to get the entire group to support?


I'm with Angelo - haven't got a clue what is going on!! I guess this is some board group which pick a team to get the entire group to support?


i am clueless here

what exactly is Sotac/Stealth ?


i am clueless here


Stealth is basically a bunch of snobby "i think im better than you" players of the AC that ALWAYS get All-Star rankings!


Don't judge people that you don't know.


They are trying to do something good for a team that wouldn't stand a big chance otherwise.


I'm sure Stealth's leader is very mad about the leaks, so things could go in all direction from now. They could take a last minute decision or disband. We don't know. When you are invited to a secret group, you are not supposed to talk about it in public. xD


I'm not a huge fan of the groups, because they actually have some control of the AC. But I'm not going to throw a fit over it, either, because Xepha is right. Also, even if it does happen, it's always possible a ton of freeloaders/casual players saw that board and will join KL.


Hmm not sure how i feel about it but I kind of feel like it's not really a big deal. Everyone can do what they want. I think it'd be a good idea if we all remember that AC Peace Treaty when talking about this. :)


I can't see any problem with them then personally (now I get what's going on!); I can see them being very helpful to the smaller teams (perhaps Moltara could do with them!).


To be fair as well - if they always get All Star rankings then they must work hard for that and so they probably are better than the majority of us more casual players.


To add on what Xepha said -

Stealth and SOTAC are two different groups of All-stars that choose a team to join every year. Last year Stealth was in Virtupets and SOTAC was in Kreludor.

SOTAC joins to prove that 20 or so dedicated players can have a real impact on a team, but they always join a team that's already big and likely to win, so they really don't do anything. I've talked to them before though, and eh, they're okay.

Stealth, I think thewy jsut go with small teams which is why I prefer them. They REALLY show what All-stars can do on a small team.


And again, I agree with Xepha. If this is real, and not just some sort of elaborate hoax, then I can totally see Stealth going with Mystery Island or a whole new team instead.

And another thing - A lot of teams don't like these groups joining them cause they don't want some group of All-stars taking credit for their win - They wanna achieve it by their own means. I know if they joined DC I wouldn't like it.




Overall, I think SOTAC is just a bunch of All-stars who like to feel important. But Stealth is really fun to watch, and I can't wait to see how this affects Kiko Lake.


I wonder if Stealth or SOTAC will impact Altador. That would be crazy. they're one of the bottom teams next to Moltara.


But the thing with new teams like Moltara is that they take a while to get better because of freeloaders that don't join Altador join the new teams. Once that "new land" effect wears off, the newer teams start to get better.


I can't say that I would be upset if either group came and helped Lost Desert, but that's my point, I don't care either way. I try my hardest, and my goal is always (haha, for 2 years now) to make All-Star or above (prize points!). Who cares who takes credit for a win, I know I try my hardest, and that I DO have an effect on my teams wins or losses. People that go all-out on the Altador Cup are the only way a team can win. They don't have to be part of some secret group, but it is those people, silently working behind the scenes, that help those teams succeed. Someone has to make up for all of the people that sign up for the freebies and never play the games.


I would rather have one of the controversial All-Star teams working with me than against me.


Not a big fun of SOTAC. I mean, without them, Shenkuu (as well as ALL the teams that they did join) wouldn't have fell how they did. I mean. Yes, probably SOTAC helped those teams but as you guys say, they help BIG teams. Unlike Stealth, who I think are really good guys since they help teams in the lower tier(s).


It's gonna be pretty interesting how Stealth will impact Kiko Lake. Not too surprised with Stealth joining Kiko Lake though. Wouldn't even be surprised if they'll join Moltara next season. I guess Stealth likes to join teams who upset. Virtupets with ShootOut Showdown. Kiko Lake with the occasional upsets. But yeah, It's fun to watch Stealth.


BTW. Does any of you guys know bout the small All-star group that joined Terror Mountain (or at least they said so) last year?

BTW. Does any of you guys know bout the small All-star group that joined Terror Mountain (or at least they said so) last year?

The Dream Team? There was a lot of drama between them and TM. Suffice it to say, they won't be back with TM next year.


Pretty sure they've broken up and are going to different teams. I know one person who's joining MD and another who's joining BV, for example.


Wait, Terror Mountain had an all-star group last year? Didn't know that.


They were just a bunch of SK All-Stars that decided to join TM to help them out a little. But there was a ton of drama between the two groups, apparently.


Kinda like SOTAC and SoLiD drama when they joined LD?

Hm... All this shifting of All-star groups is messing me up...


Don't worry about them, They disbanded.


Rumor has it some people on Stealth are joining MI and some are joining KL.


Yeah, but that means a fall in power is in store for Terro Mountain. They're too small to handle an all-star loss.


That... Makes things interesting.


Admirable, but I feel like people should play because they want to, on teams they like the best!


Sometimes, things like this take the fun out of the entire thing. It's not THAT serious imo


btw, how do you know how many teams had X number of All-Stars?


They were just a bunch of SK All-Stars that decided to join TM to help them out a little. But there was a ton of drama between the two groups, apparently.


Ah yes. Now I remember clearly. The Dream Team. A bunch of SK All-Stars. Thanks for that. Relieved they aren't joining TM anymore.


I wonder what would happen if Stealth or SOTAC joined TM since we have a small fan-base?


hmm.. i guess i wouldnt mind SOTAC if they were on my team.. but would hate them to try and join my competitiom. i guess its all subjetcive :S


re: Stealth >> AWESOME!! i would love to see them joining something like faerieland and see actual results!!


how do we know which teams they joined this year?


I'm ok with it. I mean as long as they aren't like hacking the games, but like just dedicating themselves to a team, that's fine. But if they're hacking and stuff... That's wrong.


They aren't hacking are they?

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