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Obligatory Disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved. If information without comment is what you’d like, check out our game guide for the day’s game or just the summary here!


DAY 16


Hello everyone! Emily here, reporting to you live from the newly renovated TDN Daily Dare Headquarters! Let me tell you, it's so much nicer in here. Xepha put up some new wallpaper and redid the floors, and we finally got around to cleaning up all the Redbull that Superfly spilled on the Playstations. Now, if we could just get Masaryk to stop leaving hats all over the inflatable couches...


Anyway, I've got a letter here from Lulu, who, after her reunion with King Roo, is off catching bugs on Roo Island.


Dear The Daily Neopets and Friends,

Hi guys! I hope you haven't missed me too much. I've been so busy during the challenges this year! I'm kind of bummed I didn't get to play against any of you. It's always one of my yearly highlights, for sure. Things are goihdfvsdvbakhdsb-- sorry. Bug walked on my typewriter. Anyway, things are going fine over here. I think we're actully starting to get a handle on this bug problem, so I'm hoping we can get it cleared up fast. Thanks for all of your help and keep sending those scores! I hope AAA hasn't been too hard on you. He can get a bit carried away sometimes... Say hi to Abigail for me! I guess I should get going. Those bugs aren't going to swat themselves.

Live long and prosper,



I'd like to take this time and send out good luck from The Daily Neopets and all our viewers to Lulu and the pest control experts over on Roo Island. Hard, dirty work, that is.


Today we have a fun challenge, Sutek's Tomb. Once again, this is Team Challenge where you can choose to play with a friend. Players will be needing to beat a score of 3,574 to defeat AAA and 548 for Abigail. This should be interesting.


Well, I need to head off. I think a disgruntled chomby was chewing on my clothesline yesterday. Good luck everyone! This is Emily from The Daily Neopets saying goodbye for now.


That was rather unusual choice if you ask me.

I got the score, all I need is an AAA partner. Send your challenge to neoking2002_neo if you are interested.


Yes! I was really hoping to see this game this year. :D I beat it easily since Sutek's Tomb is one of my favorite games, and definitely a daily game of mine.


:D The prizes are awesome too, especially AAA's.


i got 3000 earlier so i'm sure i can beat AAA ...


i'll edit when i do ..


caved and did Abigail .. i spent 2 and a half hours trying to beat AAA and couldn't get more than 2300 or something ... shame but , i prefer my own sanity to headaches ...


Yes! I was really hoping to see this game this year. :D I beat it easily since Sutek's Tomb is one of my favorite games, and definitely a daily game of mine.


:D The prizes are awesome too, especially AAA's.


I'm specifically going for AAA's score just so I can have that stamp for my album :D

My high score is around 2500 at the moment but I'm sure I'll be able to beat AAA.


One tip that I should mention: try making the game screen larger, you'll be able to see possible matches easier and be a little bit faster, you'll have a bigger area to click which means less mistakes.

Good Luck everyone!


It took me 2 hours to beat AAA, but the inevitable "Problem processing score..." notice came up. I had a *facepalm* moment. But then a couple tries later, I got a 8000+ score.


Yay, one of my favorite game!

I don't play it often because its np ratio tends to change a lot. But I play a similar game on my android phone, so I'm quite good at seeing combo while I wait for tiles to disappear.


This is one my favorite games! So calming to play. And the Geeky Geb is so cute and by far the best prize given out so far. I'm quite nerdy myself so the little guy strikes a cord with me :)


It's my first (or was it second) time playing Sutek's Tomb, and I was really happy beating AAA (and getting the avatar)!


I guess The Phantom Orange Shirt Guy helped me a lot in it! :D


NOOOO!!!!! I knew something like this was going to happen XD I'm pretty sure I cant make AAA's score today D:


This is going to be rough! Sutek's Tomb is not an easy win for me. I need to beat AAA because my Team Challenge friend already did. Once again I think I'll try again after a little more caffeine. :-)


Does anyone have any tips for Sutek's Tomb? I cannot seem to get more than 1200 no matter what I do. I know all the cheat codes but they aren't of much help.


My biggest tips are to look for vertical matches, as those seem to cause chain reactions, which give you more time, more often. Also, try to clear matches from the bottom of the screen, since the tiles moving down could create chain reactions. And remember that you can make matches of 3 bombs as well.


When you get the bonus tiles, do the best you can to get them to the bottom of the screen. (Though don't waste a ton of time trying to figure out ways.)


And use the code that gives you the next match if you can't quickly find one, so you don't waste much time. You can use it as many times as you need to.


I really do love this game!

It's a lot easier if your not thinking about it, just playing while chatting on the phone or avoiding the real world...

Beat AAA on the third try... I swear posting on this board gives me good luck :)


Thanks to Spritzies tips I managed a score of 4948!!!!! I cut the board in half (in my mind XD) and started just looking at the bottom cause my eyes were going funny looking at the whole thing, and as soon as I did that it felt a lot easier ^_^


Good luck everyone!


(p.s does anyone need a teammate for AAA?)


This challenge took me a few tries. Not because it was hard, my high score is over 5000, but because I couldn't get the time code to work the first few tries. Turns out I had caps lock on *face palm*. After that I got it on the first try. Only a couple more days left... I'm worried that one of the last games is going to have an insane score. Good luck to those who need it!


AHHHH! I did the team challenge on Abigail, thinking I'd get the stamp.... oops. :rolleyes_anim:


Well, if you didn't have the av, AAA's score will get you way past it xD


Thank you for being our Friday game, Sutek's Tomb *cuddles her Geeky Geb*


YES!!! I was hoping for this one soon! Hm, I don't know if I can beat AAA's score though, looks pretty high, but I can try!

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