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  Mini-Chan said:
The commercial on TV for the Simpsons movie looks really funny. But I'd

rather go and watch the Harry Potter movie! The commercials for that look sooo awesome!


I know, I saw the preview before Transformers and I almost crushed my fiance's hand, looks fantastic


Bummer Ellie, friends and I are going tonight. :D I can't wait.


My brother's dog scared a turtle! Rocky (the dog) was going nuts over something, and he was trying to get under the fence, and I went to see what was driving him nuts, and there's a turtle just outside the fence! I had to kick the dog (lightly) to get him to go in and stop going for the turtle, then I had to pretty much drag Trixie (the other dog) inside beacuse she wanted a look! And the turtle is alive. I went to check on it and it had moved. xD


My Grandma's taking my and my brother to se it tomorrow. It looks amazing!


sorry thas what I meant ;* Im goign to be on vacation when the book come out so I get to read it a week later :(


Lol, i'm not a very big fan of Harry Potter. The first ones were O.K though. I fell asleep during through the 4th one. :P But that's probably because it was really late at night. :) My cousins are seeing it today, actually!


The HP movies are ok for me - I like the books mostly, but I don't think I'll get to read the latest book until a few months after it comes out.


My sister went to see it at the midnight show yesterday/today. Haven't talked to her yet though... hope it was good. I'm going Friday... stupid working!


Well this happens to be smack-bang in the middle of my mid-year exams, so it'll be a while before I get to see the movie. And strictly speaking, I should be studying right now...


Hopefully I be able to read the book before its even released ;)

As I work in a store part time, last year they had the new harry potter books 2 days early. and we were all allowed to read them on our breaks.

I'm hoping they come in this year.


Mabey they will. Thats kinda cool too.


I live about 45 minutes away for Reno,Neveda and you can feel the heat pulsing from the ground.


The heat, if I can't escape it, makes me super cranky.


Oh! & As for the HP Book,


Woot woot! I pre-order that lil baby and I'll get in on the RELEASE DATE. Yeah!!


No waiting in lines or pushing lil kids out of the way for me at the stores




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With a bit of luck my school library might get a copy. With a bit more luck I'll be able to borrow it before anyone else does.


I haven't preordered my book yet, though I will next time I'm in town.


Anyone see the Harry Potter movie yet?

I saw it tonight... its okay, way different from the book though, they left out so much! There's a lot of flashback scenes and newspaper cutscenes which are a bit odd, but overall as long as you don't go expecting it to be like the book its good. The final fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort was pretty impressive.


I didn't enjoy Shrek 3 as much as the first two to be honest.


& I'm off to see the new harry potter movie this monday, after things cool down and the people flow is less massive.


I've heard pros and cons on it though,


But they always leave small parts out of the movie that were in the book, otherwise these movies would be like the LOTR Movies; 6 hours long.



  Sassy said:
But they always leave small parts out of the movie that were in the book, otherwise these movies would be like the LOTR Movies; 6 hours long.


I was just going to say that. It would end up being 6 hrs long, still missing parts, and then the extended edition would be 8 hrs. And yet, I would still watch the whole thing.


Yeah, I just saw the Harry Potter movie last night! It was really good for me, but they

left out a lot of parts from the book this time.

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