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Giovanni Gale

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Yay! I'm a super member now :) At least, when I post this I will be


from plushie_shoyru to Plushie Shoyru

such a wise decision


well anyway i dont have much headaches now but my throat hurts cause i slept with my mouth open but tomorrow i'll be better

i think

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I know it's been a while since we had the Starbucks/coffee conversation but. . . I'm bringing it back! Mainly because today I tried the Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino and it was amazing. I would definitely recommend getting it before it's gone. I think it's just a fall thing.

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I don't like coffee...then again, I'm only 14, so...


@Plushie (Again): Besides, name changes come quickly here. You can change it again it a month.

Yeah, I'll probably end up changing it again lol

But I'm also 14, and I like coffee. But im not one for the bitter stuff, I prefer sweet-ish coffee

The starucks white chocolate mochas are great

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I'm quite a bit older than 14 and I don't like coffee either. :P I love how coffee smells, especially the ground beans, but I can't stomach the taste.


But I did have a Starbucks chai tea today. :D My mom gets the concentrate to make them at home, so that's definitely something to look forward to when I stop by my parents'.

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I'm quite a bit older than 14 and I don't like coffee either. :P I love how coffee smells, especially the ground beans, but I can't stomach the taste.


But I did have a Starbucks chai tea today. :D My mom gets the concentrate to make them at home, so that's definitely something to look forward to when I stop by my parents'.

Heh, I'm the same way! Though, I can't say I like how coffee beans smell- I used to work in a grocery store that had bulk coffee beans, and filling up those containers was my least favourite job (... well, aside from cleaning up vomit :sick01:). The smell made my kind of sick to my stomach. Luckily those didn't move too quickly, so I would only have to fill them a couple times a month!


Yum yum, chai lattes! :D

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There used to be this little gourmet coffee bean store in the local mall. The aroma walking past it was so good. I'd forgotten all about it, always thinking of how already brewed coffee smelled, until I walked down the coffee aisle at the grocery store the other night. It'd been so long, it was a really pleasant smell.


I can imagine how sick of it you would be if that was something you were always around though. I've always thought the same way about working in a candle store. (I worked in one when I was 16, but the candles were all in glass jars, so there wasn't an overwhelming scent.)

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Thank god for the jars! Candles get so overwhelming when there are lots of them.


I do love vanilla scented candles though. :3

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I've always loved candles and quite a few different scents, but if they aren't in jars, I keep the scents separated and sealed as best as I can. (When a bunch of different scents mingle, especially in heat, it's an alarmingly nauseating smell.)


I used to have one of those scorpion suckers. I think my mom's brother brought my sister and I one when he came up to visit from Arizona. I definitely never ate it, the thought completely grossed me out.

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