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Giovanni Gale

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I've never been to any sites entirely devoted to drawing tutorials, but I think I've seen a few on dA and that's pretty much it. (The only tutorials I really ever care to look up are GIMP tutorials. xD)

Generally though, I don't use drawing tutorials. I consider myself to be self-taught in a way. xP


While the HOP is on the topic of drawing: what do you all like to draw? What is easiest to draw for you?

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Meh, I consider using tutorials to still be mostly self-taught. Although I don't use them too often since I discovered the magic of reference images xD


I like drawing derpy chibis and anthro characters, mostly. I'm not too great at anything else, because I don't much like drawing other things :P I draw pokemon and swords on occasion though :)

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I love reference images. :P

To answer my question (lol), I like drawing people more than anything. They're really, really easy to draw for me. My favourite part about drawing them is doing the hair and clothes. It's a lot easier if I'm drawing a female's hair + clothes because I know more about female fashion than male fashion. If I'm drawing guys I'll give 'em a crew cut, t-shirt/hoodie/flannel/dress shirt + tie, jeans and generic flat shoes. :laughingsmiley: Goes to show how much I know and care about men's fashion. haha

I also like drawing Neopets stuff, but I usually have to have a reference with me to draw them. Before I started drawing Neopets, I sucked at drawing animals.

Oh, and I also like drawing cubes/other 3D shapes, houses, trees and inanimate objects in general when I'm bored out of my mind. My 8th grade math notebook is full of pen drawings of inanimate objects...as well as people. xD

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I'm not really good at drawing. I can only draw stuff after looking at a picture of something, and even at that its just cartoon stuff. I mean, I can't just say oh hey, I'll draw a yooyu, I'll have to go look at pictures of yooyus and kind of copy/manipulate it a tiny bit to get what I want.


I have never drawn a person yet. I feel like I would completely fail at it but I guess I should try before saying that though.

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We should totally all do art trades!! :D I've been seriously stumped lately and haven't had any inspiration to draw...the few things I've started have just completely felt wrong. I hate when that happens <_<

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That sounds like a good idea! :D

But if I wanted to do an art trade or have people request art from me, I'd probably want to show examples of my stuff first.

I might put some finished drawings up on my dA or tumblr or somethin' if I feel like it. 8D

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I can't believe school is almost here. I have all of my back to school clothes picked out and I'm ready for the new school year. I wonder if there will be Students Against Destructive Decisions this year?

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School starts back for me in just about a month. I've barely started clothes shopping and haven't even started supply shopping yet.

All I got (clothes-wise) so far are a dress, a pair of jeggings (mmhmm yes), a skirt and a shirt.

My parents are saying money's tight (to me, it kinda isnt) so I'm probably not going to get as much stuff as I did in previous years, unless I decide to spend my own money on new stuff. I might just end up resorting to that if I see lots of cool stuff :laughingsmiley:

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Hmm, at least you guys get to choose what you wear. *places white polo shirt and khaki pants into closet*


I'll get my supply list/schedule tomorrow, a week before the first day of school.

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I haven't gotten my supply list yet- it usually comes in the middle of August or something. I already know I'll need an expensive graphing calculator, notebooks, and writing utensils. :P

What kind of sucks is that when the supply list gets mailed, I'm going to be on vacation...and I get back like, a week or two before school starts so I wont have all that much time to shop :/

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I start high school next week. <_<


Terribly nervous. I'm taking two, 10th grade classes. :D I just hope I don't get picked on...


The cool part about my school is, that everybody is always talking about people don't normally judge you when you're there; there is no such thing as normal. Which is nice. :)

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I miss high school school shopping. In university, it seems like you pay ten times more for a quarter as much. All those darn textbooks...

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Terribly nervous. I'm taking two, 10th grade classes. :D


Same here. *freshmen-taking-two-grade 10-classes high five*

Yup, I'm hecka nervous. Some of my closest friends are moving or transferring to another district and I don't even know how I'll survive school without them. :/

Also, I wonder if I'm gonna have any classes (or lunch period) with my friends that are obviously staying in the district.

On top of that, it's gonna be interesting to see how much everyone else has changed (if they have changed at all, lulz) over a span of two or three months.

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Hmm, at least you guys get to choose what you wear. *places white polo shirt and khaki pants into closet*


I'll get my supply list/schedule tomorrow, a week before the first day of school.


I couldn't imagine going to a school with a uniform, though I suppose there's times when I really wish there had been one. (My HS was horrible about enforcing the dress code, so there was a lot of abuse in that area.)


We only got supply lists in grade school. After that, you were supposed to show up with the general things, and if the class required something extra, they would tell you on the first day.

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The administration at my middle school claimed to be pretty strict about the dress code, but some people (esp. the principals' favourites) managed to get away with wearing anything. I'm pretty sure the principal hated me but I was never warned for wearing short shorts or flip flops. :P


(Yes, flip-flops are banned district-wide. The middle school principal is more concerned about kids wearing flip flops or short shorts than, say, cheating. XD)


Grr, the supply lists still aren't up yet. When I get it (or when it gets posted on the school website) I seriously hope crayons/coloured pencils/markers aren't going to be on the list. (I have kind of a ranty story about that. haha)

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We got a new principal when I was in 8th grade that was super strict. They sent massive numbers of girls to change because of "short shorts" Their rule was, if you stood with your arms to your side, and your shorts were shorter than your finger tips, you had to change. (Yes, they randomly stopped girls to check, or pulled them out of class.) It would generally be a fairly decent judge, but I had a friend who was about 5'10 with super long arms (and legs). The tips of her fingers were maybe an inch or so above her knees. (And they sent her home for having them above her fingertips, when her shorts showed several inches less above the knees than most of the other girls running around.)


Basically ours were no short shorts/skirts or spaghetti strap/halter top tank tops for girls. I have no idea for guys. But they never bothered anyone in HS, no matter what they were wearing.

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That's a heckuva lot stricter than my MS principal... as far as I know, no one was randomly checked or pulled out of class. (I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen though.)

I believe that at my middle school, short skirts were allowed so long as you wore leggings (or something like that) under them. Spaghetti straps and strapless tops were banned (but you could always wear a jacket or something to cover up- my best friend has a lot of shirts like that and she did just that) but tank tops were allowed.


I hope that next year, there will be a rule against guys showing their boxers/sagging their pants. It's incredibly trashy, and most of them are wearing belts (at their thighs instead of their waist). I will never understand that trend. -_-

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I wore a lot of spaghetti strap tank tops, but I always had a button up sweater over them, so it was okay. They has strange rules for other things, like under sports jerseys (like sleeveless basketball ones) you had to wear a short sleeved shirt underneath.

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Yeah, that is a little strange. I can get why it would be enforced though. :P

*digs out grade 8 planner and turns to the dress code page*

So basically you can't wear incredibly revealing clothes, shorts have to be 4 inches from the knee (when I was in grade 7 it was 3 inches from the knee...idk why they changed that), you have to wear shoes at all times, no hats, don't wear anything that's racist, sexist, promotes usage of drugs/alcohol, discriminatory, etc. I'm almost positive that you also couldn't wear shades indoors, which was another dress code rule I kinda hated. >.>

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I think we had most of those rules. I remember when a kid dyed his hair teal green and refused to change it back when the school deemed it "distracting" so he had to wear a hat in class. :laughingsmiley: They seriously had bigger things to worry about than the color of his hair. In HS, there were tons of people with all colors of hair and no one cared.


The sunglasses thing was in effect too. I was allowed to, when I had bad migraines, because the light bothered me. But I had a doctor's note.

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No one at my school dyes their hair unusual colours (pink, blue, green, etc) as far as I know of, but there are people who dye their hair blonde, black, red, etc. It's usually the same people who dye their hair. :laughingsmiley:

I'm not one of those people- personally, since I have kind of a rare natural hair colour I wouldn't think of doing it unless it was just temporary and could be washed out pretty easily. xD (Like, just 1 day-1 or 2 weeks at most.) I don't know much about hair dyeing lol.

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Yeah, that is a little strange. I can get why it would be enforced though. :P

*digs out grade 8 planner and turns to the dress code page*

So basically you can't wear incredibly revealing clothes, shorts have to be 4 inches from the knee (when I was in grade 7 it was 3 inches from the knee...idk why they changed that), you have to wear shoes at all times, no hats, don't wear anything that's racist, sexist, promotes usage of drugs/alcohol, discriminatory, etc. I'm almost positive that you also couldn't wear shades indoors, which was another dress code rule I kinda hated. >.>

Oh geez that reminds me exactly of when I went to middle school (Which was NOT that long ago). You weren't allowed to wear ANYTHING that was remotely like shorts. My assistant principal called shorts... well I can't say the word here... but he said they were very "revealing" even if we wore shorts that came down to our knees. He would give us a week of dentition. We couldn't wear shorts AT ALL. We couldn't wear string tops or certain t-shirts, too.


so we all pretty much died during the summer days. Did I tell you that we had no air conditioning ether?

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I can't imagine going to a school with a unifrom either. I love clothes way too much. I've dyed my hair purple, hot pink, orange and a few other colors. I've been thinking about dying it again but I like my natural color.

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