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Giovanni Gale

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The thing that stinks is that by the time i go about getting a job for the summer, there's only two months left, so i wouldn't be working for very long :worried: And most people aren't looking for just summer help.


Half of the people don't believe I'm 20, anyway. Which is aggravating. I asked one girl if they were hiring, and she asked me if I could drive. Urgh! I wanted to kick her, but that wouldn't have helped me :P

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:laughingsmiley: Do they have Barnes & Noble stores there, Manta? B&N is big on hiring college kids. They generally let you come back when you're home from school, like summers and Christmas.

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We have a Barnes and Nobles near us (I'm in college currently) but it's forty minutes away & we're going down to one car because of gas prices. I hate how no one in my town is hiring for part-time. It's all full-time & must have associate's degree & 3 yrs experience minimum. Grr. . .

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The job market is really hard. I was looking for quite awhile after I moved back to the town I was born in, and I think I only found the job I have now because it turned out my dad knew the site manager for my current job for 5 years.


I actually didn't get it when I interviewed for it. He told me that I was his first choice for the position, but some guys he'd worked with for a few years had just gotten laid-off, so he was going to offer the positions (there was a day and a night shirt available) to them. It turned out, there were more people interested in the job, then there were positions. He just called me a month or so later, saying they were opening up a new team and asked if I was interested. I didn't have to interview again or anything, thankfully.

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Really? I'd try applying for a job at Barnes and Noble, but i'm afraid I'd get stuck reading. I'm also not very good at the retail department, so I'd want to be the one checking the shelves and whatnot. I guess it's worth a shot though! :D

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When I worked there, I did cashiering mostly. For 7 hours of my 8 hour shifts. Once in awhile, I did some time at the help desk, but mostly I did the cashiering, then the last hour of my shift was just straightening stuff around a certain section.

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Ugh, I'm terrible at cashiering. I always freeze up when I need to interact with people, and then I freak out. I have such awful social anxiety, it makes me really nervous about trying to find a job where there's people involved.


My mom hires me sometimes to help out with her store, but that's just as nerve-wracking

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I always enjoyed the cashiering. It wasn't really all that much interaction, except with a lot of people, but each person it was short.


But I do prefer how it is at work now. We communicate with everyone by either email, or Office Communicator. (It's pretty much just an instant message program, connected to Office Outlook so you can look up anyone within the company.) It's very, very rare to have to talk to someone on the phone. I think I've had to take 3 phone calls in over a year and a half. And I've only had to deal with someone in person, twice. (And it was the same person. I've only met one of the dozens of people I deal with through OC or email.)

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I've never had an actual job as I'm too young to start working, but I've done volunteer work at the library for a class for school. It was just shelving and organizing stuff, which I'm pretty good at. I might consider volunteering again sometime over the summer, that is, if I'm old enough. :P

If I get a real job next year...I don't know if I'd make a good cashier. My social skills have greatly improved over the past two years, but I've never sold anything. I just have to remember not to be rude to anyone...I have a tendency to rage at people if we're not cooperating well. =/

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Yeah, my problems with any social-skills involved job, is that I either have no patience for stupidity, or i just get anxious and freeze up :laughingsmiley:

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It depends where you work. I worked a retail job when I was 16, where I was the only employee in the store for my whole 6 hour shift. So it was my job to stock, cashier, and sell stuff. But at B&N, I simple rang up people's already picked out purchases. If they needed more help, I called the information desk to send someone. We had too much going on for cashiers to do anything else.

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Ugh, I'm terrible at cashiering. I always freeze up when I need to interact with people, and then I freak out. I have such awful social anxiety, it makes me really nervous about trying to find a job where there's people involved.


My mom hires me sometimes to help out with her store, but that's just as nerve-wracking


I used to be just like you. Like I had horrible social anxiety, whether I was at the mall or with a group of people or sitting in a class room, talking to people would just freak me out. I used to think that everyone was judging me or looking at me when they really weren't. After I got on medicine though, everything got a lot better. The medicine helped to calm me down so that I wouldn't have as much anxiety. And now, I can actually talk to people and interact with people without being nervous. Especially, the more and more I cashiered, the more I got comfortable with small talk and carrying on conversations. Now I'm working on the sales floor at my store.

I seriously used to be the quietest girl that everyone knew. But now, with the anxiety taken care of, i'm finally normal :P

I'd suggest looking into a few anxiety medicines. Because as you get older, you won't be able to avoid interaction with people. The medicine works wonders. Well, at least it did for me :)

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It's been suggested to me by a few people that I go on medication; I might look into it. Part of the problem is that I also have hypersensitivity to certain sounds, most of which are common human sounds that make it very difficult for me to talk or interact with others, and I don't know if there's any medication for that. :guiltysmiley:



Rather than making me quiet, my anxiety tends to have me blabbering at my friends asking them about minute details, or asking them ten thousand times when the assignment was due. :sad01_anim:


I guess that's why i like the internet...I don't need to listen to anybody, and everything is saved, so if I need to check and make sure I'm doing something right, it's a simple matter. Also, ctrl - z and edit are my best friends :P

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Speaking of being socially awkward:


ever since my Grandpa's death last July, I've been real timid and sensitive. Just any amount of teasing that I could normally deal with, sent me crying. <_< I'm not much better now; I can't really tell when I'm being a third wheel, and I can't really tell when it's the right time to say something and when it's not.


I guess I'm a little scared that I'll be judged too harshly, even though I am usually around the people who hardly ever judge me. I try to be crazy (cause I'm kinda known for that :P), but nowadays I go too far and people start avoiding me... x_x


I guess that'd make me socially awkward and ADD. :P

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Rofl, TNT just deleted half of a Darigan Desert board. Our conversations get mesed up. xP

Oh and I got warned on a side account while my main is being silenced for 72 hours.


Is it bad that i'm proud of this? b)

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Rofl, TNT just deleted half of a Darigan Desert board. Our conversations get mesed up. xP

Oh and I got warned on a side account while my main is being silenced for 72 hours.


Is it bad that i'm proud of this? b)

Could be worse, you could've gotten permasilenced like my lady friend today.


Or you could have been beaten in YYB by Moltara



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I just put all my NP in the bank. Should I withdraw some to have on hand?


I usually only ever keep 10 NP on hand and just leave a tab with the Bank open in case I decide to go shopping for something. I've heard most people keep between 100 & 1000 out at a time, depending on how much they have total.

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I keep around 10k out on normal days, and 30k if I'm restocking somewhere. Only keep np on hand if you think you might need to buy something right away, like if you wander into a shop and see an item to restock :laughingsmiley:


I've had that happen with Neocola tokens, so now i always come prepared :P

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