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Giovanni Gale

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My favourite game is currently Morrowind from he Elder Scrolls series. Anyone else play it?


A lot of people say the only bad part of the game is the battling system but personally I love it. Being able to shoot people with a crossbow from 50 yards away or being able to shoot them with a fireball from an echanted ring. Amazing. :D

It has alot of glitches though. I lost a bunch of really great items bcause the game deleted everything I had stored in a container thing to make storage spce(It's a HUGE game so it needs alot of space I guess). Lost my 2 favorite weapons and all my armor. D:


I make weapons that are TOO strong though. I just walked into a town with a few amulets that I put SUPER STRONG fire, frost, and shock damge powers on and attacked 5 gaurds at once. While fighting them a random citizen walked by and my attack had a large range and I accidentally killed the citizen in one hit... xD

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4 is my favorite too. If 5 is as good as I hope it is, then I'll get a PS3.


I've been playing Guitar Hero World Tour a lot lately. I want Green Day Rock Band and Guitar Hero 6 (Warriors of Rock).

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I like GH in all aspects. It's why I play Synthesia on my computer.

The only Guitar Hero I've played is Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.

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Ah. I enjoy playing if I can use a controller, usually on Hard. Other than that, I have to play on Medium.

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I love playing Through The Fire and Flames on Controller. If I'm on an instrument I don't stand a chance.

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I have Guitar Hero 3 and World Tour, both for Wii. I want Warriors of Rock.


I play Lead Guitar, and Vocals (which was expected of me from many classmates on account of how well they think I sing).


I usually play on Medium. I suck at switching to the orange note, and with a broken finger, it was rather hard to play Medium for a while. However, the finger is mostly healed now, so I can play again.


I can play Through the Fire and Flames on Medium (with guitar of course), getting 95% on average. It's mostly because I'm a huge fan of DragonForce to the point that I know all the parts of the song. Because I knew so much about the song, I tried to play it on expert. I got several parts, but began to mess up at the long solo. I failed the song, so I tried again on practice. I got 63%. My fingers were numb for 10 minutes afterwards. On average, I get 48%.

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Haha I love guitar hero. Beat the first and second one on expert :P


Through the Fire and Flames is so much fun. I used to be able to get 85-90% on that with the no-fail cheat on (I don't always get through the song without that cheat).


Oh and Guitar Hero > Rock Band. Sorry, but Rock Band has the worst guitar parts ever, and I don't normally sing or drum.

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I have the no fail cheat, but I barely use it. Same with the other cheats I have.


I play both Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I can't decide which is better, nor do I care. It's a music game. You play it to enjoy the music that's in it. That's how I decide what to get. If I like the music in the game.


If I want Guitar Hero Metallica AND Green Day Rock Band I have every right to do it dangit, and no game critic will tell me otherwise!

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I can't play any instruments at all.

Does anyone know if Fable III for Xbox is any good? I know Fable was amazing and Fable II was...well it could have been a lot better, but it wasn't completely horrible... but I want to know if Fable III is any good before I go and spend money buying of renting it...

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