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Giovanni Gale

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Lol Guitar Hero is so much fun! I own the first two, and I've beaten them both on Expert :D.


FFX is Final Fantasy 10, y'know, with Yuna, Tidus, Sin...

It's such a good game, and it has a really sad ending...


Kingdom Hearts is really good too. It's one of the best story lines ever.

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Excuse me?


What did you just do?


I'm gonna have to take you into custody, Stephanie.


I told you! It was from the dump right behind the cheese factory.

Don't do this to meeeeeeee!!!!!!


Omg, my brother is so into Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.....unfortunately he's not into neopets to talk about this stuff here XD

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I remember when Kingom Hearts first came out. It was so cool to see all those classic characters in an RPG! (Even though back then I didn't know exactly what an RPG was.) Though what I liked most was the song they did for the commercial. I so wish I could remember it... :(


I have a dog. He's the awesomest dog ever! I'll see if I can upload a picture sometime...

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I remember that too! I wish I knew that song...



Oh well, pet-wise, I have no funny pictures. Because the only pets that have ever lived in our house have been hamsters and fish. And while they are funny creatures, they can be hard to take pictures of. :/

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My hamster ran away from me and hid in the closet and never came out... TwT


Oh, that's so sad. :(


I don't have a pet, although I'd like a dog. My mom's unfortunately allergic, and I can't trust myself with taking care of a pet.



By the way, have any of you seen this video? According to Snopes, no computer animation was used, just the combining of two separate takes. http://www.boardsmag.com/screeningroom/commercials/581/

Link fixed!

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My mom found it pretty sad for like... a day. I was around eight, so I kept putting sunflower seeds in the closet hoping it would eventually come out. When the closet was emptied, there was a hole in the wall.


If I could see what you're talking about, I'd tell you... I watch TV every day.

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Aww, I'm sorry, Syn-Chan. :( I used to have three gerbils. One of them was pretty much a demon, and he always chewed on one of my gerbil's stomachs. I picked one of the gerbils up one day, and there was a hole in his stomach, and you could see it's intestines. x_x He died a couple of days later. :(

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my son has a gorgeous snake. We need small vermin to FEED to it... Some of our mice got loose once, plus they stink so we don't keep them anymore. Our cats (currently numbering TEN, I know, one for each kid...) have to stay outside because I developed an allergy to them 5-6 years ago. Bummer, because I liked petting them in my lap, but I don't mind that the furniture doesn't have claw marks anymore. And one just LOVED to sharpen her claws on the family photo album! I guess she smelled our combined smells the most there... sigh...

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Morgan, I feel worse hearing that your gerbils were sick like that! >w< Cannibalism!


Snakes... They scare me completely. You could have bought soft paws, then again, I don't remember when they were designed. You put them over the claw after cutting slightly away (Not near!) the quick of the claw (Where the blood flows through to help the claw grow) and it looks like your cat is wearing nail polish.

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Cats with nail polish.... brillant. xD


But omg Morgan, that is horrible. I can't imagine how that must have hurt the poor baby.


Our first hamster escaped tons of times, but we always caught her. She died last winter.... :'[


Then we got two male dwarf hamsters...

Now we just have one. They were hysterical. But they smelled horrible. I mean, the one we still have is funny, but they were funnier togehter, because they'd fall on top of each other. They liked climbing up the bars of the cage, but eventually they'd fall off on the other one. xD

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One time my friend ran over a deer. The hood of his car was like covered in blood. The best part was, he was going to homecoming, and he picked up his girlfriend in that car xD.


I have a cat, but she really doesn't do anything. Just eats then leaves.

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Aww, I'm sorry, Syn-Chan. :( I used to have three gerbils. One of them was pretty much a demon, and he always chewed on one of my gerbil's stomachs. I picked one of the gerbils up one day, and there was a hole in his stomach, and you could see it's intestines. x_x He died a couple of days later. :(

That's gross. Really. I mean, why would a gerbil do that? Did you feed them enough?

Anyways, it reminds me of my pets. (Um, did I tell this story to you guys before? Feels like it...) I never had any rodents for pets, but I did have four goldfish. Two of them died of old age, but the other two... There was one that was slightly bigger, and it would feed on parts of the smaller fish. This would happen only a little, but then my brother brought a beta fish and put it in the same tank, it fought with the bigger fish, and the goldfish won! After that the cannibalism was more frequent, and after a month the smaller fish was REALLY small (the bigger one hogged all the fish food), blind (its eyes were eaten out), and pale white (most of the scales were also eaten, leaving out all the color). It died soon after, and then a week afterwards the big one died of being overfed. XD


That hamster thing seems ten times creepier, though...

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