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Giovanni Gale

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Mine is a white dri-fit shirt, blue (depends on what 'house' or 'group' you are in) at the sides and around the collar area (even though there's no collar), black shorts and normal school shoes. Plus, I love PE! It's my favorite part of the day! :laughingsmiley:

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Since I'm in high school now, I don't need a gym uniform anymore. All I need is a comfy shirt and a pair of sweatpants or shorts.

In middle school, however, we had to wear these ugly gold shirts with black basketball shorts. In my first two years of middle school, I skipped gym sometimes (and lowered my gym average) just because I didn't want to wear my gym uniform. :laughingsmiley:


Also, my school doesn't have school uniforms. I go to a public school and most public schools around here don't require their students to wear uniforms.

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Speaking of school, anyone else feel slammed with homework? I dunno why, but this time of year, all the teachers/professors/instructors seem to pile on the homework. It seems like they are trying to cram in as many last minute grades as possible!

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o_O Weird. I've never heard of PE uniforms. In middle school, we could wear any t-shirt and sweats/warm-up pants/shorts. And the same in HS. (In HS, they required you changed 100%. You weren't even allowed to wear tennis shoes that you'd worn for the rest of the day.)


Before I got there, I know the HS only let you wear pants if you were outside, and shorts were required inside.

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o_O Weird. I've never heard of PE uniforms. In middle school, we could wear any t-shirt and sweats/warm-up pants/shorts. And the same in HS. (In HS, they required you changed 100%. You weren't even allowed to wear tennis shoes that you'd worn for the rest of the day.)


Before I got there, I know the HS only let you wear pants if you were outside, and shorts were required inside.

Same with my JH. No uniforms, any t shirt, and sweat pants or shorts.

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I don't even go to school anymore, but I do have Thanksgiving and Friday off as usual.

Also, I'm fighting against the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP Act for the United States and increasing the awareness of this as well. These acts can possibly ruin the entire internet for everyone in the United States if they get passed (sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). You can take part on the fight against these acts right here. I also reshared this on Facebook and Twitter just so I can get more of my friends into the fight against SOPA and PIPA.

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I have off on Thursday + Friday for the Thanksgiving break. After that, I don't believe I have any more breaks until the Christmas break.

Also, on Wednesday I have to go on a field trip for science...but I have a party in math earlier that morning that I don't want to miss. :/ Even if I don't end up going to it, I will still make something like some brownies or a cake.

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