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What is your non-digital hobby?

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Mine is yoyo'ing. I picked it up after I saw a group of people performinig yoyo tricks and I wanted to do the same. Conveniently enough the group I saw was actually the local yoyo club in my city so I joined them and now I go to club meets every week and practice with them ^^

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wow, that is a lot of skillsets xD I'm also part of a second club based at my university called japan club. Although it may not really be a hobby I enjoy learning about japanese culture and I am taking courses in japanese language and I'm having lots of fun with that too and I enjoy it very much.




playing basketball and football (that's soccer, for Americans)





Edit :


yes , i forgot Dancing (although I haven't for some years now) and reading (no time) ...


Well let's see-


I write, I play the guitar, and I enjoy reading, a whole lot. On top of that, Acting/ being in plays is basically what I feel I was born to do, and nothing can beat eating. :)


Being with friends is fun, too, I enjoy trying on ridiculous clothes. :D


Yoyoing sounds well good!! And I would say learning another language is a hobby, for sure ^_^


Hmm well I draw n crap, but I'm not very good, I also take pictures and model a lil bit. I'm hoping to join the Fencing club in my area soon though and I'm seeking lessons to learn fire spinning/poi :) :)


I can't believe I forgot reading! That's a huge one for me. It's all I do.


Don't even get me started on Harry Potter.


And how they split the movie into TWO parts and still changed way too many things. :grrr:


I enjoy drawing and reading a lot but I never have time any more in college. :( I like digital art as well but I guess that doesn't count xD. I enjoy playing racquetball and tennis, and if I had the money I'd go snowboarding frequently. I do a lot of tutoring, but now that seems to be my job more than my hobby as I make money tutoring math at my school's tutoring center. But I enjoy it, so it's a hobby too. I collect dolphin figurines. And I love my cat.


When I have time, I like sewing and crafts. I want to learn to crochet. I have learned a bit of celtic knotwork that I implement in bracelets and necklaces. Soyeah.


Nice, lots of musical endeavors around here =P I also draw a bit too but whatever I draw is used in creating digital graphics so that only half counts xD


I like playing guitar, I have been doing it since I was in kindergarten! I also like singing, drawing, writing music, hanging out with my friends doing stupid things, dancing, oh, and cookies! I love making cookies :laughingsmiley:


If I were to have a non-digital hobby, it would be drawing stuff. I'm not the supreme master of drawing, but I do my best anyways.


Some of my hobbies include drawing (as well as art in general), baking, writing, photography, reading, flag-spinning, singing and teaching myself to play the piano.

I also occasionally dabble in acting and some sports (specifically tennis and gymnastics).


Some of my hobbies include drawing (as well as art in general), baking, writing, photography, reading, flag-spinning, singing and teaching myself to play the piano.

I also occasionally dabble in acting and some sports (specifically tennis and gymnastics).


Flag spinning huh sounds elegant =P




Dude, I'm so digital that I read "yoyo-ing" as "yooyu-ing"!


haha yeah, but that's the thing, we can all pretty much guess what kind of stuff everyone here can do with a computer and video games is too cliche of an answer (though I am a proud gamer myself xP) and that makes it boring. Better to see what people do outside of this realm and that gives us a view of what everyone's lifestyles are like and that makes things a lot more interesting.


All my hobbies tend to be very musical. I play quite a few instrument but my favourites would be the piano and the guitar. I also do ballet. I've always found that rather ironic seeing as I'm Russian :yes: . But it's just what i love doing! I also love to cook; I've always had a knack for following recipes really well. Plus the outcome is usually so yummy! I guess I have a bit of a sweet tooth :D .


I really dont have much free time for hobbies with a busy career and 2 young kids!!! But when we dooo have free time I loooove the snowboarding (but it doesn't now here, so we have to drive like 8 hours up to the mountains for good snow, so we usually make a weekend of it once a year). Hubby and I also love having people over and cooking up a big bbq and a whole range of delicious goodies and just sitting out on the deck and laughing with friends. I also do pole dancing which is my faaave hobby, it's the best fun ever!


I would go with writing, dancing and playing the piano. Although right now with 2 jobs and school I haven't had much time for any of the three. Hoping over the holiday break I'll get a bit more free time.


Writing, appreciating architecture, and crafts (origami and carving). I don't have much space or money for pets at this point, but I'm very much in love with reptiles and betta fish (and some more unconventional pets, like spiders, scorpions, etc).

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