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your top 3 of things yo love the most about neopets

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so, there are so many boards/topics like: what annoyed you? (i made one too :laughingsmiley: ) but this one is the opposite: waht do you LOVE about neopets???


my list:


1. my own pets, and the options we have to customize them, talk to them, play with them, etc...

2. Key Quest, it's so much fun to play a game against strangers (strangers who NEVER quit)

3. the fansites, without neopets, there wouldn't be a TDN, and a TDN-forum, so thanks a lot neopets, and thanks a lot TDN, with it's awesome members :wub_anim:


so, what's your list?


For me, my top 3 things I like about Neopets is...


1. The Games: I like to play lots of these each day to make a good profit.

2. Adopting Pets: I like to surf the pound often, and like to adopt a Limited Edition pet over there.

3. Faerie Quests: I like to help others out with Faerie Quests, and give them the item that they desire. Also, it's a more economic way to get a tougher BD pet.


1) Games for sure. That was the reason I started playing to begin with. Although I haven't played that much lately...

2) I would say it honestly teaches kids good lessons, but makes them easier to understand. For instance, with Boochi and random events: unpredictable things can happen in life. Also, it teaches kids how to maintain a bank account. (Sort of.) The stock market on neopets is not exactly like the stock market in real life, but it teaches the basics of buying stocks.

3) It's free! The things that do cost money are not necessary and will not help you get ahead on the site. There are advantages to paying money, but they won't advance your account--they will just make things nicer to you in appearance.


EDIT: Also, this is going to sound weird, but I really appreciate the NP sinks TNT has created lately. Absolutely genius. People have millions and millions of np; back when I first started, I didn't know anyone who had a million. Now that they've made so many freebies and easy ways to earn np, they needed a way to get people's np down a bit. So they created the HT book avatars, which took my bank account down 11,100,000 np, and the Wheel of Extravagance. Genius.


@ Karina: That IS really smart! :)


1. The interaction between people. It always makes me happy. :)

2. The games! Are mostly fun and addictive and amazing!

3. The real life association. Stock markets, interests, random events, working for np. :)


@ Karina: That IS really smart! :)


1. The interaction between people. It always makes me happy. :)


I totally agree with your answer :) I think that interaction here makes things really interesting

2nd thing would be creativity. You have to be pretty creative to play this game good (I mean if you want to achieve some cool trophies)

3rd classical, hilarious and never boring game, cuz it has an aim.


1)The sense of community

2)The fact that the site really has features for users of all ages

3)How TNT keeps coming up with new things to keep us busy (plots, events, avatars)


The fansites. As well as all the wonderful people I've met over them. <3

How it taught me stuff like basic HTML, how to care for a pet and managing money (well...in this case, Neopoints).

The games. There are tons and tons of games on the site so it's near-impossible to get bored of all of them.


The fansites. As well as all the wonderful people I've met over them. <3

1. ^That^ will be the top of my list! :D

2. Pets! After all, what's Neopets without... pets?

And the fact that we can paint/customize makes me love Neopets (and my pets) even more!


3)How TNT keeps coming up with new things to keep us busy (plots, events, avatars)

3. ^I have to agree with that too! My favorite would be the Altador Cup! :D


1. my pets. i love being able to dress them and make them look pretty.

2. events and plots. I love having something to do because i am not so good with the games but great with the puzzles.

3. this site because I met great neofriends on here.


For me, it's...


1. My pets. It's all about these little characters of mine, how I customise them, draw them, and write about them.

2. Learning stuff. Yes, like HTML, it's taught many of us that. There are also real life connections such as stock markets and bank accounts, working for NPs, all thse things, and it teaches kids how life works too, such as you don't always get something from dailies, and that many things are often closed at some point in the day (like Tombola or Neggery), telling kids that you cant get what you want whenever you want it.

3. Plots, to keep you busy and earn points for prizes (not to mention dream pets)


And I have an extra: help sites. I have no idea where I'd be without this particular help site! They've been real helps such as with puzzles and plots. It would have been much harder without help sites, and most of what I learnt about Neo I learnt from the help sites.


1. My Guild- Through my guild I have met a lot of great people from around the world. I have learned so much from them. :)

2. My pets of course- *hugs Schino, Sen, Tegamii, and Zim*

3. Lab Ray- It's so random. I always look forward to having my pet be a new color or species. Gifting is also what I like to do.


1- The Contests .. I love participating in the contests and winning trophies .. also collecting avatars ...


2- My Pets : I love my pets and have paint job plans for all of them


3- The Community : People on Neopets are mostly nice and helpful and on TDN for example I met many amazing people who are now my good friends :)


My favorite things:


1. My pets: Whether it's working on their lookup/pet page, customizing them, painting them, picking out a petpet, I love everything about my pets.


2. The games. They keep me occupied at work, and there's a wide variety to play, from word games, to puzzles, to more action based.


3. The community of Neopets players


I'm glad to hear that everybody enjoys the forums, i love you guys too *gives everybody a big hug*

long live neopets=D


I just wanted to add a number 4 to my list:

The avatars: everybody works together to find the solution for the wishing well avvie, teamwork is coool:)


1. The pets, they may be just pixels, but I have bond with my pets, cheesy as it may sound, its kinda true.

2. The avatars, so much fun to push your own limits and achieve things you never thought you could do.

3. Restocking, I love the fast pace vibe you get while restocking, and of course the neopoints. :king:



If I could add a 4th, it would be forums, such a nice place here. :laughingsmiley:


1. Avatars: Not only is it a huge accomplishment to earn each one on my own, but also achieving them through teamwork is awesome. I love that through the ALP I can share safely and everyone benefits from mutual trust.

2. Stocks: I am a total nerd for stocks and saving NP through them.

3. The people! TDN is amazing and I love helping/being helped... and talking to people who understand my love of Neopets.


I'm in the minority not having pets on the top 3, and I feel like I should qualify that... It's just that for me, communities of other players > my pets, but I still enjoy them and like to take care of them. Nothing against pets!

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