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I think this would be something I might throw money at once in a while, with low expectations. I'm not loaded, nor am I much of a gambler, but it is shiny and enticing. And you never know.

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Guest Yoshinho

Yeah this is not the ones I would spin every single day.


sounds like TNT is trying to get rid of our np, but I really really want that avatar


Trying to make 100,000 Neopoints a day simply to play that wheel is a challenge.

This is clearly a rich person's wheel or something. I want a Paint Brush from that thing badly! (>.<)


So close to scoring a Paint Brush, got a Silver Brightvale Job Coupon instead today from the wheel.

I'm auctioning it.

Guest Yoshinho

Wait. It might go up. If it starts to go down. Sell it right away.


I won 25k today after nothing yesterday. It teased me, hesitating on the paintbrush square before ticking over. I've heard you can win Mystery Island paintbrushes from it. Since my training is 7 codestones right now, this wheel could be very profitable for me; it just depends on what the probability is of landing on each square. I'll probably spin it at least a few more times, until I get a decent prize.


Same thing happened to me... so now I've lost 175K. *facepalm*


Is it bad that I still want to spin it? Though, this is not what I had in mind when I saved up all those NP...


I spun it yesterday...with my entire lifesavings...and lost 50k. I wasn't super pleased & probably wont ever do that again, but i earned back 20k this morning. I want to collect avatars, but most of them are far out of my price range. As a stay at home wife & mom, I don't have time to play games for hours on end to earn 100k a day...plus I am horrible at the games and can never even come close to the required score :-( There's a reason I've been playing neo for years & years and haven't ever won a game trophy lol . I've started playing habitarium but I'm only on level 10 with one friend so I'm not getting anywhere very quickly lol


*edited - forgot to menton that I know at least two people have gotten plushie PBs off the wheel, so it's not just desert PB


I spun and got an Ultra Nerkmid! I got lucky this time but I doubt that this wheel will be a regular thing for me. I still don't have the Alien Aisha avatar but the lure of 300k profit for this nerkmid is too much.

My plan, if I win a higher nerkmid from the wheel, is to sell it, and then buy a cheaper nerkmid to get the avatar. But first I have to win one! I think nerkmid prices will plummet, too, so I'd recommend selling sooner than later.

Guest Yoshinho

I am not sure if Habi will be returning for those where it locked.


sounds like TNT is trying to get rid of our np, but I really really want that avatar



The avatar is my only motivation to spin this Wheel :P


I know the paintbrushes and a lot of that stuff sounds cool, but I prefere to save NP to buy them than to wait on Luck!

Guest Yoshinho

Maybe the wheel was made to get rid of some NP from the economy on Neo.

Guest Yoshinho

Yeah this wheel is filled with fortune and only 1-4 bad things,


Goodness goodness goodness. Can't believe it is 100,000k to spin that wheel! Ah, well I couldn't resist and had to spin it :3 I ended up winning 25,000 neopoints. Is it worth it? I think that if you're pretty darn lucky then sure. You can win paintbrushes, nerkmids, and other rare items. Will I spin it every day? Probably not. Probably a once a week thing for me to be honest! It's a bit out of my price range :P


I spun and got 50k. That's 50k lost, but it was a fun thing to try out. I'll probably save up to roll again.


I spun and made a profit of 1 np. P: I think if it costs so much they should really make a spot where you can win more, maybe replacing the nothing or 25k spot with a 150k spot? But I guess it's meant to be a np sink so that would be counter-productive.


Do they have a page up yet explaining rewards and such like the other wheels?

That'd seriously be helpful at the moment...I want to spin the wheel again already, I wish tomorrow would hurry it up. I want a paint brush or a Nerkmid.


Speaking of which, I wonder what paint brushes it will spit out? Anyone land on that spot yet? Hit me up if anyone finds out. Arigatou.

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