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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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Posted (edited)

The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.

Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


The ray is fired at Flootenkerp...


lab_lightning.gif chia_green_sad.gif


... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

You should come back tomorrow and try again!


The ray is fired at Flootenkerp...


lab_lightning.gif chia_green_sad.gif


... and she loses 3 defence points!!!!

Edited by Darigan D-Pad Doc
Added Lab Ray results for 6/30/2021 due to me being the last user to post.

All change for my lot!

The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_grey_sad.gif

... and he changes colour to Ice!!


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.

Looks like you'll have to come back tomorrow.


The ray is fired at Flootenkerp...


lab_lightning.gif chia_green_sad.gif


... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!


The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif

... and he changes gender!!!!


Your Ad Here shall now be known as Sir Bob of Geraptiku. How nice.

I was wondering why this critter had pompoms, but I see its original form's a Wintery/Christmassy petpet. https://items.jellyneo.net/item/8597/



Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


The ray produces a giant flash of light, but Lollygag doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: 5

Just your luck.


The ray is fired at Flootenkerp...


lab_lightning.gif chia_green_sad.gif


... and she gains 2 defence points!!!!


The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif

... and she changes gender!!!!


Sir Bob of Geraptiku shall now be known as Petpet of DOOM. How nice.


The Kookith begins wildly pushing buttons on the console, which looks to be made of cardboard and... Achyfi cans?! This can't be right! You begin formulating a plan to rescue your Petpet and run far, far away, but it's too late. The ray has already been fired...


Holy cow! Is that a special Petpet? It surely is. You're quite the lucky one.

Don't come back tomorrow... keep that Petpet for eternity! Or not.


The ray is fired at Flootenkerp...


lab_lightning.gif chia_green_sad.gif


... and she loses two levels 😞

This Gold Mazzew has 9 days to go and it'll give me the Mazzew avatar. My Petpet zaps will resume after those 9 days are up.


The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif


... and he loses two levels 😞


Petpet of DOOM shall now be known as Puppup. How nice.

The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy...


lab_lightning.gif gnorbu_red_sad.gif

... and she changes colour to Speckled!!

2.pngthat's actually a nice color on Gnorbus , they dont look sick at all like the other Speckles


The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif


... and he doesn't change at all 😞


Nothing looks different about Puppup but you can sense something happened. It becomes evident later when it tries to climb a tree but breaks off the branch instead. The ray has increased its level to: 3


A frog and a Snail in the same day.

Lucky Me !


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. 


The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif


... and he loses 2 movement points!!!!


Puppup shall now be known as 1337. How nice.


The ray is fired at darkinvention...


lab_lightning.gif jubjub_blue_sad.gif

... and she changes colour to Gold!!


gnar_black.gif Oh no !!! he gonna eat the cute Jubbie !

Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

Posted (edited)


The ray is fired at grantop1st...lab_lightning.gifjetsam_red_sad.gif

                                                                        .. and he changes into a Yellow Kougra!!

Uh, what's up with badges & being a "Newbie" now? I feel like that Jetsam-now-Kougra. :eh:


   The ray is fired at grantop1st.... and he changes to Cloud   4.png

Cloud is cute for a Kougra, right? If his Pile of Soot  petpetlab_soot.gif Petpet of DOOM could be...NOT a Pile of Soot?    Your eyes recover quite quickly after the giant explosion, but that's more than you can say for your Petpet. The Kookith is kind enough to sweep up Petpet of DOOM for you and you head home.

Do you really want to come back tomorrow? Is this really a question? Do you think I'm going to have a Pile of Soot, aptly named Petpet of DOOM, but never the less STILL a Pile of Soot? Even if you zap the Pile of Soot into non-existence, I can give this Kougra another Petpet that will NOT be a Pile of Soot. :shiftyeyes_anim::skull:⚡:evo:         


The ray is fired at grantop1st...lab_lightning.gifkougra_cloud_sad.gif                                                    ... and he changes gender!!!!

He is now SHE, why the sour face? Is it bc JS/TNT still hasn't given female Neopets leading roles or balance the 19 male Pirates vs. 1 female Pirate in Food Club Betting? Be the change! kougra_royalgirl_wink.gifand Rule with style!

and    Petpet of DOOM      petpetlab_soot.gif is now  Goober the Pile of Soot.

It's kind of hard to be on Cloud 9 while your Petpet is the-Salt-of-the-Earth-Bound! :lmaosmiley:


kougra_cloud_sad.gif Oh no, your sad disposition says it all ... and she changes colour to Split!!

Talk about a Split ettaphant_rainbow.gif personality ! Double the trouble  or4.png the fun? Which one? Which one? 

aroota_custard.gif Marshmallow the Custard Aroota isn't running away scared, so we'll see what happens next.


The ray is fired at grantop1st....... and he changes colour to Maraquan!!:lmaosmiley:2.png Isn't he CUTE?! I think someone would love him. I need his Pile of Soot needs to be better (if he could get a maraquan petpet-what am I hoping for with that Creepy Kookith  at the controls?) scientist.gif Dragonas Socks  is still petpetlab_soot.gif Come on, Dr. CK, give us a break! 😉


Edited by midnight_spell360
Color Change & Soot is still Soot
13 hours ago, Angeló said:

gnar_black.gif Oh no !!! he gonna eat the cute Jubbie !

😮 That's a big gob!

The ray is fired at Burfin...


lab_lightning.gif jetsam_ice_sad.gif


... and he changes colour to Camouflage!! 😮


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.


Ray been in the sugar?? I mean all change for everyone! 😮


I sent Burfin back to the pound as they got a cool zap, so time for a newbie!

I thought I'd not be able to pound 'em with their zapped petpet attached... am I mixing that up with transfering??

Anyway, please be welcoming ruojk, the currently acara, my new labby!

The ray is fired at ruojk...


lab_lightning.gif acara_blue_sad.gif


... and she gains 3 defence points!!!!

Just giving her a petpet...


Er, what you and I think is a success, do not appear to be the same thing, TNT... 🤦‍♀️

ruojk says '

Wow! I am very happy with my new Gruslen.


That's better!


noname shall now be known as 1337. How nice.

3 hours ago, Angeló said:


That expression!!! HAHAHAHAHA.

The ray is fired at ruojk...


lab_lightning.gif acara_blue_sad.gif


... and she gains 3 defence points!!!!


But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


The ray is fired at ruojk...


lab_lightning.gif acara_blue_sad.gif


... and she gains two levels!!!

OOH! Or should I say ARR!


Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.

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