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How Much is Too Much


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I was just restocking a little bit for my shop and stumbled across a few pet peeves in some user shops. I hate going to buy an item (especially one that you need quicky for a quest or whatnot) and having to scroll through 18 headers, a custom shop front and various other lines of decorative nonsense. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a cute backgorund, some mellow tuneage or a custom scrollbar or shop intro. What bugs me is when, in a single shop, I'll find a flashing, neon background, loud techno, 24 500x500 pixel images, 14 colour changing wockys and 42 blinkies, adverts and links, forcing me to scroll for 10 minutes to find the item I want to buy. Maybe the fact that I'm on a laptop with no mouse makes this more annoying, but really? I'm all for self-expression, but I don't want to make myself go blind and waste my life scrolling through your shop. More often than not, unless it's a really, really good deal that I came to the shop for, I'll just exit it and go to the next one on the list. What are your thoughts on (or are you one) excessive shop decorators?

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I feel the same way as you. I hate shops with a ton of stuff where you can never find what you want, or it lags out the computer because there's too many images.


In my shop, I have a scroll blog and that's about it.

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lol I agree with you completely. I wish you could turn off shop coding like you can for signature HTML :P

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[...]I'm all for self-expression, but I don't want to make myself go blind and waste my life scrolling through your shop. More often than not, unless it's a really, really good deal that I came to the shop for, I'll just exit it and go to the next one on the list. What are your thoughts on (or are you one) excessive shop decorators?



I think you got it right. It's extremely annoying and counter productive. And I would exit the shop as well and buy from someone who has better design tastes!

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I always keep my shop decorations as simple as possible. Really the only thing I do is change the font, remove the ugly bars (hr), and remove the yucky borders around the items themselves.


I used to really decorate my shop, but my sales suffered. I think maybe people were worried that my shop would be a scam since it looked radically different from the default.


I wish you could turn off shop coding like you can for signature HTML :P

That would be awesome.

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It tends to irritate me when they have a long list of graphic links saying more or less 'for books click here' etc. Usually I've only hit on their shop as itss the cheapest for the specific item I'm looking for, and that's all I want! If there's too much to get through before I can get to my item I tend to just forget it!

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I honestly don't think many people enjoy the crazy graphics xD

It's annoying, and usually show the age/maturity of the player at best...


I like a nice background, and I don't mind a box or a couple of small graphics, but other than that, BLECH!

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*nods in agreement* I'll admit the only think that's sparkling in my shop is my support for Mystery Island for the Altador Cup...that's about it :P


I remember going to shop like that that had animations everywhere, neon background, and took a while to go down to get my item...in the end the item was bought by someone else so that was a waste of time >.>

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I don't mind users who customize their background or have a small blurb about their shop but I agree with everything that's been said. I don't want to scroll through a bunch of ads or glitter graphics just to get some item I need for an Edna Quest!

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This is why I stay away from "mall" shops. There's always 500+ items to search through, and I'm not in for a scavenger hunt. Then they always have about 10 of the same banners that I'm forced to go through. It's just plain ridiculous.

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Shops are kinda like the rest of the Internet I suppose, at least in terms of design. There's the good, the bad, and the ugly. :yes: That said, I usually resort to Ctrl + F (or just / if you're in Firefox) when confronted with an excessively long page.


Music or other noise on the page is going WAY over the line though. Anyone who thinks that blasting audio at their shop's visitors is a good idea does not deserve Internet access. Heck, we should probably be doing something useful with all these three-strikes type laws instead of engaging in a futile battle with online piracy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I always have my speakers off while on Neo, so shop music isn't really an issue. I can't stand any kind of background, though, even if it's just a plain color. What I really hate are those big banners that say what they sell. If all your shop sells is album items, and I'm already in your shop, then why do I need to see that your shop has a large collection of album items? Do they think I'll only notice if it's in 18-point font? o.0

All I have is a shopkeeper that you can select from the list. I don't think I even have anything written. I've gotten a couple of neomails that go along the lines of, "Thanks for not having a bunch of graphics in your shop. I have bookmarked it and will return because of this reason."

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I feel the same way as you. I hate shops with a ton of stuff where you can never find what you want, or it lags out the computer because there's too many images.


In my shop, I have a scroll blog and that's about it.

i dont have anything in mine. i just keep it simple. i also hate when someone has 30 pages to look through. i understand thats how you make np but really? is it absolutely necessary to have that many things?

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  • 2 months later...

I agree, it gets VERY annoying. In my opinion, maybe one image is fine, but Ive come across shops like that. In fact it's even worse when theres a directory that links to 20 different shops. I mean really. 3 graphics is more than enough. let alone 30 :P


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