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I actually really enjoy the irony of my tiny baby shoryu beating up a huge fierce-looking monster. Although you are right about some pets not being cute as babies. Some species get the short end of the straw, I guess.

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Hoo. Just beat the 5 I'll probably need for the deed. (Deed is so much shorter than achievement. =P ) Little Lili's having a hard time with this crowd. They HEAL. 0_0


staying on topic on my end here i manged to off 12 of the brutes before they ran out. they go up by two full health points when you kill them. they use the gray staff, amulet of inevitable betrayal, bone mace, interta, demonic bow. and im sure other things i just dont know what ones atm


-edit- thank you livvy, they also have a lesser healing scroll.


I'll try to pay attention to the weapons they use and the icons they deal. Also, brute cap = 40. Minion cap = 50.


Chances are it'll still be a healing potion. With the Springs essentially down (I know you can get potions every half hour) potions are what people need.


I've eaten 8 of em

man, they gain HP too much


Haha, you've 'eaten' 8 of them. I know it's probably a typo, but that's hilarious :laughingsmiley:


EDIT: And you just edited it out >_>


Chances are it'll still be a healing potion. With the Springs essentially down (I know you can get potions every half hour) potions are what people need.



true i wont DARE to argue that. also i did mention that in my guide lol. and holy toasty goodness they gain a lot of hp quickly. for every 50 kills thats + 100 hp. im gonna need a bigger gun at this rate XD


Haha. Omnom shadows. Mmmm. :yum_smiley:


*ahem* Anywho. Back to getting my tail whupped by some shadows.


Is it just me or do they take longer to show up this time around.

I definitely agree with you. Although because they are tougher, I guess they are rarer and come less often :S It kind of makes sense.


the brutes dont spawn till the shadows are killed off. then they spawn at the same time. so logic dictates its the same for the furys tommorrow. that they dont spawn till the brutes are killed.


ive managed to kill 27 of them right now {rubs forhead} im going to see when i reach 40 if theres a cap. because if there is alfter that im gonna stop for a bit and pace myself as the next bosses might be tougher than anything and ill want a quicker way to heal my pet >.<


We are approaching the completion of tier three. Will update with prize.


EDIT: Tier 3 prize - Sparkle Potion.

(Currently unable to be awarded. o_0)


i was just about to say that livvy. btw im upto 37 brute kills.


i think it glitched it shows a sparkel potion already even though we havent got that far yet.


Ah, because it's not QUITE 100%, but the difference was too small to register as a whole percent. Will be available shortly.


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