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That was really sweet =) i made it up to 42 brutes but i almost die now so i guess im done with them lol


I know! ^_^ If only everyone on the NB was this nice.


I've basically written off any possibility of capping the Furies, but I'm trying on the Brutes. I keep beating them though! D= I want to draw. DRAW, you hear me Lili? DRAW.


my current standings {which are impressive for my level and stats}


191 minions killed 44 wraiths killed 22 furys.


Your stats are much better than mine lol.


58 minions 41 Brutes 14 Fury's




Your stats are much better than mine lol.


58 minions 41 Brutes 14 Fury's




sorry not trying to brag about it. i think whats helping me out is i am upto mission 8 of DoN {defenders of neopia} and the first mission of DoA2 because i cant get enriki as a monster for whatever reason.


thats really good =)Im hoping i can get a couple more furies =)


i wont lie the furys are taking me about 6 - 8 turns to kill off which is really slowing me down. i have no doubt i can handle 8 more of them. but its gonna be pretty close for me.


Never meant to imply you were bragging :P


You are proud of what you have achieved so far, and rightfully so. Don't blame you at all :]




i know you wernt. but i have this tendency of if i dont keep that in mind i do start bragging ^^;; so im just trying to keep it real.


Alright, im holding steady at my current stats because i just died to a wraith. btw this is my 1000th post {YAY!!!!} i just wanted to say its been fun watching this thread get upto 16 pages. :-P


Yaaay new prize coming!! Grats Shadaw on your 1000th post btw.


btw guys i just looked at something. everyone when fighting furys DROP THE LEAF SHIELD go with a patched magic hat. they dont use water icons, they use quite a few earth and the patched magic hat blocks more earth + physical USE a patched magic hat


{a fury nabs my patched magic hat}


fury "WE got his patched magic hat!!!" {bolts}


I'm pretty sure there will be more tiers. Just because I see no reason for there not to be. *shrug*


32 Brutes! So close!


EDIT: If only I had one. =\


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