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Yes, if it's faerie related it is probably not going to work.


I'm with you i;m just waiting to see what happens next and what we have to do I've found so many of the last plots that were similar to this were too hard for me i'm not a game player and the high scores required to get to the next stage is always annoying, but i like the first chapter i just want to know what next i'm so inpatient.


Yeah, me too. My scores in all the games are absolutely horrible. Most I can't get past 20.

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The Altador Plot was a one-time thing. This seems to be a normal plot- you'll get points as you go, and there will be a prize shop at the end to spend those points. No extensions, no open-to-everyone-forever. Complete what you can by the time it ends. Though as a note, the avatar and theme for true plots are for anyone who even did one tiny little thing.

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The Altador Plot was a one-time thing. This seems to be a normal plot- you'll get points as you go, and there will be a prize shop at the end to spend those points. No extensions, no open-to-everyone-forever. Complete what you can by the time it ends. Though as a note, the avatar and theme for true plots are for anyone who even did one tiny little thing.

Thank you for the explanation :)

I wasn't aware of the subtleties involved in those various types of plots. Now I do :)

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Though as a note, the avatar and theme for true plots are for anyone who even did one tiny little thing.


I'm glad about this. That's how I managed to get the avatar for the Atlas of the Ancients. I didn't participate, but while it was going on, I found a Mysterious Orchid, that was part of the plot I guess. And when I was trying to click the Green Worm, I ended up in the Town Hall, where I got the avatar and site theme.

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I might as well give everyone a run down, as it's been a long time since we had a true plot.


There are three kinds of plots. "Annual event" plots, "small" plots, and "true" plots.


Annual Event ones are like the GMC and Altador Cup. They come around once a year with the same format.


Small plots are those that have few comic chapters and generally set prizes based on how much you did. Atlas of the Ancients, Tarla, and the Cyodrake's Gaze qualify as small plots.


True plots are the full sized ones. You get points for completing things that get spent in the prize shop, doing even one thing nets you an av and a theme (though there's usually an av for doing something specific or being one of the first as well, generally something difficult). These usually take a lot of time, and participating is something you'll be envied for in years to come. True plots include the Tale of Woe, Return of Sloth, and any War.


The Altador Plot was shomewhere between small and true (it took a while, but the prizes were set). However, it is the only plot to ever be extended. At all.

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Thank you for that info Anime. The only plot I was even paying attention enough to realize it was going on, was the Atlas of the Ancients. So I'm completely clueless to how this all works. But now that I know it's a true plot, I'm looking forward to it even more than I was before. (I can only image what the avatars and theme might look like)

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I am so very happy that this is a real plot. I was expecting another plot this fall, but I didn't think it would start so soon. I really can't wait for them to start releasing plot steps.

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{comes into the room} Clearly ive been in the wrong thread. shadaw here {waves} ive made several predictions and a fun mention that if im right i clame bragging rights. if im wrong i get nailed with tomatoes XD. {hands out polished tomatoes} anyways i beleave jazan or his father razual are involved in why. due to the picture i saw of the faerie plot page over hanso's shoulder theres another charater not yet seen. and i doubt there will be more than three plot comic pages.


btw its 10 pm or so and ive had a long day forgive the horrible mispellings. >=O btw still as angry as the techo!

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I'm really hoping (like most everyone else here, I think) that this turns out to be a "real", full-length plot. Right now it at least seems like signs are pointing in that direction. However, if that's true, the plot will be going for weeks to months...that's an awfully long time for Faerieland (and especially the Healing Springs) to be out of commission. So here's my current theory: assuming this *is* a full-length plot, one of two things will probably happen: 1.) the major "task" of the plot will be unfreezing certain faeries individually; in other words, each "step" will involve helping a specific faerie or type of faerie (likely starting with the Healing Springs faerie or just Water Faeries in general) -- I'm hoping that isn't the case, since that seems like it would probably involve more mindless activities ala AotA; OR 2.) We will, either by individual actions or by teamwork like some steps in old plots like ToW, unfreeze *all* the faeries as the first step of the plot; and the rest of the plot will be concerned with finding the villain, figuring out his/her/their motives, and bringing great justice. I'm really hoping that the plot will go in this latter direction, as it seems to me that this would be the most likely way for this to be a "good" plot (with something for everyone, like most of the old plots -- a combo of games, puzzles and battles so it was more interesting; and no matter what you are good at or enjoy on Neo, there will probably be at least *something* for you.) I could be totally wrong, but I can dream right? :P Thoughts?


/sorry about wall-o-text...I try not to, but it's what I do. :P

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haven't played Neo in forever o_O

so is there anything to do?


Not yet -- so far, all that's really happened was that yesterday everything Faerie-related stopped working and just gave a message that all the Faeries had turned to stone; and as of today's news, a plot has been confirmed and the first comic is up. No steps out yet that anyone knows of, so you haven't missed anything. :)

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