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I think I might just :D hehe. If a good one comes out of course. That's sort of why I'm holding off putting on her Sklyde and starting with her Petpet Contest stuff, I'm sure they'll release them at some point.


Aw they definitely will :) TNT seem to really like Water and they were mighty quick to come out with the Petpets after the colour was released. I bet a perfect one will come out soon!


I think I might just :D hehe. If a good one comes out of course. That's sort of why I'm holding off putting on her Sklyde and starting with her Petpet Contest stuff, I'm sure they'll release them at some point.


What would a transparent sklyde look like? O.o




Hi, my name is Brentan and ive been on neopets for 3 years.

I REALLY WANT A FAERIE DRAIK. i love them so much.


Hey Brentan ^_^ Nice to meet you!

I'm not surprised, they're laaavly :* Are you saving up to get one? :)


transparent would be such a perfect colour for organs :D thats an awesome name :)


Hehe thank you hun :* I'm SO EXCITED! xD


What would a transparent sklyde look like? O.o




LOL! o.O I have no idea how they're going to do that one! Might be slightly difficult haha


*stumbles into the Draik lair*


This place is just filled with awesome. :3 Anyhoo, I'm Fish, I'm new and I adore Draiks. I am especially thrilled with the deflation in Draik MPs and eggs because it means that I can further establish my happy Draiky army. *claps hands*


Here are my spoilt Draikies in case you'd like to say hello to them on-site:


Sylbi (Grey Draik)

Oolong (Skunk Draik)

Petticoat (White Draik)

Mum (Pink Draik)


And my soon-to-be Draiks some day:


Frilly (Zombie Draik once I've saved up enough)

Melodrama (Shadow / Zombie Draik)

London (Shadow Draik)


and *maybe* Sylvia and Changeling too. :3


I *really* want a Wraith Draik. D:


I just made Alsou my active ... I realized Draiks can't be painted invisible so no RE worries there ... and if Boochi strikes so be it .. Baby Draiks are cute !!


Hopefully they don't release Invisible and Relic for Draiks instead of Transparent and Wraith haha :P


Sylbi (Grey Draik)

Oolong (Skunk Draik)

Petticoat (White Draik)

Mum (Pink Draik)

Cute! I love the names too. My favorite is Petticoat, love the poofy white dress on her :laughingsmiley:


Welcome to the Draik Lair, Fish! :D


Your Draiks are absolutely gorgeous! :D They have such perfect customizations. Could I add them to our list of Draik owners? (The current list is located HERE.)


I'm really hoping they release Wraith this Draik day. I think they will make amazing Wraith pets.


Hey Fish ^_^ I recognise you from the PC :3


You have some laaavly Draiklings :D Welcome to the Draik Lair!


P.S Spritzie could you add Organs to the list please? <3


Sure! I had meant to ask you about that when you posted about her, but I forgot. I'll add her in a few minutes. :D


Thank you hun :D Her customisation sucks right now - I hadn't prepared for this to happen yet lol.


(If anyone has Silk Wig with Flowers UFT please mail me :))


I've added her :)


You could always do what we did with Lemoncurd, and give me an image of what her customization will look like when she's done. (Obviously without the Transparent color part)


:D Good idea! I'll pop it on /~blogs. She's painted White on the customisation :P




I could just post it here lol




Wow! That looks gorgeous! You've changed it a bit since I last saw your plans. :D I'm going to add it now.


Thank you :* Really glad the shield, scarred eye and dress came out recently, love them!! <3


Me too, it's lovely :* Make sure you don't forget to do it before the end of the month D:

Cute! I love the names too. My favorite is Petticoat, love the poofy white dress on her :laughingsmiley:


Aww thank you! I'm still working on a lot of their customizations. I have the plans up in DTI but haven't got the boxes to trade for the items that I need. /grumbles


Welcome to the Draik Lair, Fish! :D Your Draiks are absolutely gorgeous! :D They have such perfect customizations. Could I add them to our list of Draik owners? (The current list is located HERE.) I'm really hoping they release Wraith this Draik day. I think they will make amazing Wraith pets.


Oooh I'd love to be added! :3 Hopefully London, Frilly and Melodrama can be added some day soon too. I'm really rooting for Wraith too. :c I was hoping for Wraith when they released Eventide. Still, I guess it's a pretty colour even though it's not really my cup of tea.


Hey Fish ^_^ I recognise you from the PC :3 You have some laaavly Draiklings :D Welcome to the Draik Lair! P.S Spritzie could you add Organs to the list please? <3


*gasp* I'm recognized! Hehe, I'm too addicted to the PC for my own good. :3 Thanks for the welcome and the Draiky praise!


PS: Saxen - I *really* love your customization!



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ok tomorrow is decision time for me : paint Alsou Royal or save my money lol ... since it's HT discount day .. i have to buy the pb tomorrow .. but i'm still un-decided .. the problem is .. I really like Cloud on Draiks ... it's light , subtle and constant ... but I'm really digging the accessories which come with the Royal PB ... I don't know if I'll have the heart to "downgrade" from Royal to Cloud though ...


Welcome Keri! :D Your Draik is so pretty. I love Faerie Draiks. That was my original plan for Aitvara, until they released Water, and I switched to that instead.


Fish, I'll get them added to the page. :) Whenever you get more, just let me know and I'll add them as well.


Angelo, why don't you wait until next month. You can think about it more, and paint her Cloud in the mean time. Then when it comes next month, you'll have more NP, then you probably won't feel so bad about going from Royal, back to Cloud.


painting my Draik water is one of my ultimate goals but it's REALLY expensive so until I get an FFQ or hit the jackpot on something it probably won't happen! I'm happy with Faerie for now, though :-)


cloud looks really nice on Draiks, Angelo. I understand what you mean about downgrading though.. sometimes I think cheap colours look heaps good but I always go for more expensive alternatives haha


I had a FFQ. I was actually saving it for a Chocolate Draik. I was in the process of saving for another Egg/MP, when they released Water, and I decided I'd rather use it on water, since I liked it better than Faerie for her.

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