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^awesome banner by XSoapp

After leaving the Fluffy Minion Army, Super Squirrel decided to combine the forces of his squirrel army with my meepit army. And together we founded



Join us today. The best army TDN has ever seen. our goal is to prove to be an unstoppable force and could cause mass destruction, endangering all of the world.


Super Squirrel-Squirrel Royalty

Tyler-Meepit Lord

CAV- Dragon King

Jingle Bells- Squirrel Royalty

Big Brother-Meepit General

Yoshinho- Meepit Soldier

Alexis (not on TDN)-Squirrel Spy

Seliphra- Squirrel Spy

Burninggirl420- Squirrel Spy

Zakuro- Meepit Soldier

Cornflakes- Meepit Soldier

Rose_682- Meepit Recruit


Meepit Lord or Squirrel Royalty: You get your own custom name here and you can do practically whatever you want so long as it's nothing that would drastically interfere with everyone else. If so the leaders all take a poll on it. You obtain this rank by being voted in by the current leaders. You can be kicked out if all other leaders vote it to be so.


Squirrel ninja master or Meepit General: This is the rank where you actually have a possibility of someday becoming a leader if all leaders agree on it because you show TREMENDOUS promise. The privileges are if a leader isn't online but you are, you most likely will be asked about things that noly leaders would normally discuss. Once again, you can only becdmoeted, same rules as below. The way to obtain this rank is if all or atleast 3 leaders agree on your promotion. No other way, i'm afraid.


Squirrel Assassin or Meepit S.W.A.T: This rank can only be obtained by atleast 2 leaders agreeing on the promotion. This gives you some special priveliges such as, we now will possibly PM you about secret plans and discussions. You can also help us by voting in certain polls that normally only higher ranks would discuss. You can be demoted by the same rules as below, but not kicked out unless under EXTREME circumstances.


Squirrel spy or Meepit soldier: You obtain this rank after 20 days of being a HAMS recruit or if atleast 2 leaders agree that you should be promoted. Same rules apply for being kicked out as before only you can be demoted from this rank and only two leaders have to agree on it. This comes with major innactivity, rudeness, nd everything that before would get you kicked out.


Squirrel apprentice or Meepit cadet: You obtain this rank after either 5 days of training or if it's been agreed on by atleast one leader that you should proceed. You can be kicked out if all leaders vote it to be so. Same rules apply for being kicked out from the recruit rank.


Squirrel recruit or Meepit recruit: Starting rank, you get it when you join and you don't have any special priveliges. You can be kicked out if you're not HAMS material or are voted out by all leaders due to certain things such as spamming, innactivity, and rule-breaking. Rudeness and a bad attitude might eventually lead to being expelled as well.

What To Do

Make banners, write stories about our adventures, come up with plans, invite other forumers. And you have to these every day


Full Out War Thread

Meepit Invasion Thread


The Magic Plushie

Lab ray

Stocks portfolio

you do not have to do the dailies if you quit neopets. You also don't have to do lab ray if you don't have it.



Section 1, Part 1:

What do when in War:


After war i declared and the target has refued immediate surrender, we shall engage in the act of war. There are multiple ways to help HAMS in the fight. After a set battlefeild has been agreed upon HAMS members are expected to join the fight on our side,, bringing reinforcments and weapons. If the battle is in another catagory, such as an arcade battle, you can help in a way specified by a leader.


Section 1, Part 2:

What NOT to do in War:



Sitting back and helping in no way if you're online during a battle is unnacceptable unless you're dealing with your own problems. Also, you must abide by all forum rules while in a war. Trash-talking or spamming specifaclly is not allowed anywhere when in war. You could get yourself demoted or flat kicked out of HAMS. Also, spamming on someones profile chatbox, taking the battle to other forum that have nothing to do with it, or giving them low stars just because you're in a temporary war is looked down upon. Any questions about specifics should be asked in your personal convo with Super Squirrel that was PMed to you when you joined.

Section 1, Rule 3


This is meant to be somewhat relevent to acual wars. You cannot change events to your liking. For example, when a comrade is killed, you cannot say "I'll use my magic powers to bring you back to life!" or anything that immpossible in real life. Doing this will get you a verbal warning, and if continued can get you demoted or kicked out of HAMS.

^by CAV

Section 1, Rule 4


You cannot do someone elses responsibility. For example, if you are a Squrriel Apprentice or Meepit S.W.A.T, you cannot lead an army or any other job for a higher rank than yours. Doing so will get you demoted or kicked out of HAMS


Section 1, Rule 5


If you are PMed so, you must not give away ANY secret information to anyone outside of HAMS. This isn't allowed UNDER ANY REASONS. This could give away secrets to those whom opose us. Breaking this rule is an automatic discharge (kicked out of HAMS).


Section 2, part 1

If you are inactive for more than 2 1/2 weeks you will be kicked out unless it was for real life purposes you couldn't go on. Always tell us if you're on vacation so you can be off without the worry of being kicked out of HAMS. If you are inactive we will send you a PM asking for confirmation you are still in HAMS. If you do not respond within 48 hours from the time the message was sent, you will leave HAMS.

Section 2, Part 2

Being inactive is not the only way you can get kicked out of HAMS. There are a few other ways. If you do not help us, you will have to leave. You may not be rude to other members. Not only is this against HAMS rules, but also TDN rules. which brings us to the most important rule. FOLLOW TDN RULES. We do not want spammers, scammers, or CGers.So be a help, stay active, and be nice and you will stay in HAMS, the most 1337 army ever created

Section 3, Part 1

there are rules for war. Besides helping us, you need to follow these. ABSOLUTELY NO GODMODDING! All wars have to be fair, for those of you who do not know what godmodding is, it is being invincible and able to kill anyone in one post





To show you are part of this elite army, you may put one of these in your signature



How To Join

Just apply with this application :evil:

[b]Name(Display name):[/b]

[b]Nickname(What we can call you):[/b]

[b]Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?:[/b]

[b]You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?:[/b]

[b]Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?:[/b]


Just reply with the answers to those and you'll be all signed up! ^^

The Leaders




HAMS follows all TDN rules, including it's policy on spam. While we are insane, please keep all off topic subjects in the HOP or in a PM. The HAMS thread is only for subjects that relate to HAMS.

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Bahaha, nice guess, but no. And I'm excited, for I am prepared. :yes:


The name amuses me. I'm almost tempted to join just so I can have HAMS in my sig. XD


Wow HAMS looks pretty good I so have to join...I am joining HAMS!






Are you a Meepit servant or Squirrel Minion?:Meepit Servant...Meepit Lord Actually...


You are locked in a cage with a very annoying person and a special device that can make any custom weapon for you that you want. What do you do?:Get The Device To Make A Sword, Kill The Guy, Slice The Cage Lock And Get Out!


Ruto is on vacation and left her cheese supply defenseless. What do you do?:Take The Cheese Supply And Eat It When I Most Need It.


Yeah, Tyler I got a confirmation laready but it was a little late. Have Aidan up there as leader 3.



And let's start making graphics! =D



I tried to make a slideshow with those but it won't show up here. D:


And another thing, I was bored and couldn't sleep last night so I drew these little comics of us and, well I don't know what Aidans obsessed with or what he looks like at all so I just went with what I see him as whenever he posts. You have a big red rectangle for a head and fangs now, Aidan.




Hm, well first we'll we need to establish ourselves by getting that first post all nice and spiffy. Once that is accomplished we can move on to other matters.


CAV, can you make banners?


Think you might be able to make a somewhat large banner for the first post? Something that looks totally awsome?


Something about the size of your AC score counter?


And yes. I suggest photobucket if that's not what you already use. And i'll PM a list of links we need on the first post to Tyler then upload my little drawing of me that I just made and put it next to Aidan. xD


We also need some sort of application to give people if they want to join. And some totally awsome name for all the ranks.




And I have a bunch of pictures on my Photobucket there that you can use. Just search through default and Fonts to find some squirrels and Meepits.



AND, I drew Aidan up there and I also made a little stick figure of myself that's in Paint right now that i'm gonna upload.


Nice images I might use a few and add some war squirrels I found online, but I must disagree when in one image you say DC for the cup. MARAQUA!!!!! :woot:


Seriously, I'll get to work right away. *grabs paintbrush and runs*.


OK, thanks Cav! ^^


And sure Soapbox, but first i'm gonna have to come up with some sort of dumb quiz just so we can say it's not easy to get in. Just sit tight and i'll PM you soon. ^^


-Starts brainstorming-


Hmmm, OH! I'll have to write that down! -Scribbles down a bunch of words onto notepad-

And another thing, I was bored and couldn't sleep last night so I drew these little comics of us and, well I don't know what Aidans obsessed with or what he looks like at all so I just went with what I see him as whenever he posts. You have a big red rectangle for a head and fangs now, Aidan.



ROFL *dies of laughter* I find that extremely hilarious. Sorry had to get that out there

EDIT: Don't forget training and dailies


Full Out War Thread

Meepit Invasion Thread


The Magic Plushie

Lab ray

Stocks portfolio


Tyler, wanna just edit those links and all the banners onto the first post so it's all neat and organized? I think we can have as long a post as we need. -Pokes the Dragcave discussion thread for proof-


I'm gonna go make sets even though I doubt anyone will use them, for the Alliance! ^^


And some more banners if I have extra time.


And we need name suggestions for all the ranks!


I'm thinking we should have 5 initial ranks that you can obtain.


So I could make the Meepit banner. And I didn't steal it. In the words of Livvy, I just permanatley borrowed it. xD



Hey, would do you think of this set?


Avvie: squirrel-3-2.gif

Siggy: squirrel-3-1.gif


Yeah, that's one i'm gonna do now. Just need to upload the pictues of me and you, Tyler that I drew and then go get a picture from Neo. xD

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