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CC read AA's message and started singing a lullaby "Lalalolaloaliiiii, I am INSANE" she screamed the last word, "I think that I need to go to the washroom" CC's face turned completely green as she ran to the washroom. "Sorry guys" she apologized after coming out from the washroom, "I just need to lay down for a bit" sje went to Winnie and started sleeping .

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Faerie Xweetoks don't really look or feel at home several kilometres underwater. This probably had something to do with why AA3 didn't notice AA's signal, unless it was because he was moving fast enough for the water's swirling to deafen him.

Instead, after a few minutes, he began wondering where the surface was.


He extracted an odd-looking device with a propellor attached to it from his backpack, clipped it on, and sped up yet further; he paid the consequences for this later when he rammed head-on into a military vessel, giving him a serious headache and causing said ship to sink rather suddenly.


Thinking quickly, AA punched a few commands into his wristpad, scrambling all communications in a 50 kilometre radius. He then pushed the sub's throttle to maximum, sending it hurtling towards the surface and out into the air (where it switched its propulsion systems seamlessly to flight mode). He flicked on the PA system and yelled, "Keep up if you can Jas!" before turning eastward toward the coast.


((Any ideas for a trap?))


((No, none whatsoever. Unless you want me to tear another dimensional rift...))


AA walked over to Laura. "Err... do I know you?"


Mia jumped in. "AA, this is me. Meet Laura."


AA looked confused, "But I thought you were you and she was someone else so how can you be her and she be you?"


Mia patted AA's head. "My dear, confused colleague," she said, "This is my real self. All grown up at the ripe age of 14. You and I, after all, we're just RP characters. Someone had to control us."


"But now," Laura said, "You're controlling yourself"


"No," Mia said, "Look..." she pointed outwards. There staring at them through her computer monitor, hidden behind a growing wall of words, sat the REAL Laura, controlling them all.


"Alright you know what?" the RP Laura said, throwing her hands in the air, "This is just ridiculous. Too insane, even for me!"


((Hmm... I can handle the dimension crossing, but we need ways to destroy them. xD))


((Tecnically, the Ban Sword severs a user's ties to the forums. I'll need some time to think what exactly will happen if it's used on a non-user, but I would think it'd still cut their ties to the forums- temporarily, at least. Thing is, it's just a normal sword anywhere but the TDN area of InsanityLand. Each site, forums, ect have thier own form of Ban Sword (though some aren't swords) and I can't use mine as a Ban weapon in their territory. This also means that the real world is completely off limits for it.))


(( :O What if we *borrowed* Ian's IP banning ray thingy? That should work pretty well on non-users. :P ))


((Pfft. You try and get him to hand it over. xD))


((*tries to jump back in*))


Morgan picked up Morgan the chao ((let's call her MTC from now on x_x MY CHARACTER DON'T CONTROL)) and ran ahead to catch up with the group. All of the recent events were a bit much for her to comprehend, and she had become a little dazed. Now that she could focus again, Morgan rejoined the group.


"Ha, you can't tell me something is too insane for you, Laura. That's...insane!" MTC tried to cross her stubby arms, but they were too short. "Even I understand it, and I've only been to one school lesson," she proclaimed.


((May I suggest Professional Insanity?))


((AA3? Trap? Those don't go together. :D))


Upon exit of water (or, in this case, exit of ship) the odd-looking device on AA3's back stopped spinning the propellor, extended two wings, dropped the propellor and extended a jet engine's exhaust system in its place, began injecting fuel, and promptly underwent explosive combustion. I knew that was a bad idea, thought AA3.

He extruded something resembling a giant bullet with stubby wings and an engine from his backpack; this process involved a decent quantity of multidimensional maneuvering that would melt the brain of anyone trying to figure out what they had just seen, as it was bigger than his backpack's opening. Tossing the item into the air, he hopped onto it just as the engines activated. The sudden acceleration - 0 to Mach 2.2 in about 3 seconds - nearly made him sick in the first few moments, but he wasn't going to let his brother outdo him.


He rose a few more metres above the water, to avoid forming a steam cloud, and headed for the coast.


((Why dont we "borrow" Ian's IP ray banning thingy? It is a very good idea.))


AA throttled back his pocket-sub/plane to Mach 3 to allow AA3 to catch up. As he made the final course corrections and flipped on the autopilot, an insane (obviously) but definitely workable idea popped up in his head. He quickly jimmied up a marginal Internet connection and fired off a brief PM.


Guys, if you can somehow get a hold of Ian's IP banning uber-ray, it should be able to get these two nodes banished from TDN once and for all. AA3 and I can do the luring and stuff. How's that sound?

Sounds like a great idea thought CC while finishing reading the PM. She took out her wand and said a complicated string of words whlie moving her wand around making weird shapes in the air, suddenly the sound of wheels came by. "Her comes Wheelie, my sport car, he is a Benz" said CC, she felt akward for inroducing her sport's car like that, "I think I forgot to tell you about him" she whistled, "I am going to go get Ian's IP banning uber-ray" I will catch up so dont wait for me" she popped her meepit on the passengers seat and buckled him up.


She send a PM to AA and AA3 about her going to get the IP banning uber-ray:


I got your message and I am on the way to Ian now. I baked a fresh pile of cookies for him so it is gonna be easy getting the ray, wish me luck.


And with that, she drove away with a bandana round her neck...


"Oh God," Laura rolled her eyes, "CC isn't seriously trying this, is she? There is NO WAY Ian will give her the uber IP banning ray thingy. Never in a million years. And she somehow manages it then there's no way I can think of it working unless she," Laura began to whisper,"controlled his character."


Laura heard Mia gasp. "She wouldn't! It's... unthinkable. You just DON'T control Ian's character. He's IAN!"


Laura put a hand on Mia's shoulder. "Mia, dear, hi IS a human, just like al- er.... most of us. I'm pretty sure he's got a beating heart, seven toes, a couple of lungs, a stomach... all that good stuff."


"Seven toes, Laura? Humans have ten toes, if I recall," Mia said.


"No, he's got seven. I got hungry and ate a couple. You weren't there, but I bet Morgan remembers," Laura said, nodding.


CC drove away for a couple of hours until she reached Ian's mansion. "He has got a LOVELY house" remarked the meepit. They went to the front door and knocked several times using the bronze krawk-shaped knocker. He opened the door ((I possess Ian's soul now MUAHAHAHAHAHA)) "Hi there, can I help you" He finished sleeply, it was the middle of the night after all, "Hi there, I am CC, you have noticed me posting around the forums...or you may not, can I come in cuz there is an important matter that I want to talk to you about" He opened the door for her and invited her in with her meepit.


((I'm pretty sure possessing Ian's soul is the same as controlling his character.))


Laura quickly morphed into her pure insanity form. She wiggled her arms in a freeing motion, and set off through the skies to Ian's house.


How dare CC drive my Winnie-poo. Last time she did, she unleashed thousands and thousands of merciless dogs. Laura shuddered at the horrific memory.


Poor baby, she still smells like dog. I must remember to take her to a car wash at some point.


Laura landed quickly right next to CC. But luckily, since Laura was made of pure insanity, she was invisible, and no one knew she was there.


((Ok, guys, this is getting a tad out of hand. I know you're having fun and this has a very loose setting/plot, but we're getting way too much happening at once and we currently have different characters in about three different places all doing different things. We really need to wrap this bit up, lower the settings to two max (I can allow the real world setting and the rest of us- in some semblance of together- in InsanityLand) and keep things linear. We're getting real close to total chaos. Also, can we keep the Shadow Nodes spaced out and agree on them first?))


((Okay and Laura, I have my own sports car ;) ))


CC was lead to the sitting room with Ian, "Ian, I am sure you heard of all the shadow nodesrunning around right? And you must have noticed that many members have started to disapear to what we call...the Real world, so we meed your help, can you lend us your IP banning uber-ray?" She started breathing cuz she said all at once.


Ian blinked and said "Of course not". CC was'nt surprised and said "But we dont want alll the cookies to go to the dustbin now do we" she ended with an evil smile, "What kind of cookies may I ask" He asked, Oh boy he is tough she thought, "They are the finest Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies made by earth faeries" she conjured some in a plate and handed them out to Ian "Okay but you can owny borrow it, you gotwtta giwve them back to me" He munched on the cookies and handed the uber-ray to her.


That was easy thought CC while exiting the mansion, she called Laura on her cell to tell her that she got the ray.


((Thank you Anime. :O And Ian isn't active in this RP. I'll jump back in when things settle down. This is a bit hard for me to follow right now.


A roleplay is supposed to be a bunch of people playing TOGETHER. When everyone has their own characters doing different things, it's not a roleplay. Nor is it any fun.))


(( I am really sorry, what can I do now?))


((Stop taking my cookies. *takes cookies back* :P))


Laura sighed. She took off to air again. She didn't know what to do any more. She had an incredibly sinking feeling that the team was falling apart. The only thing she could think of that might help was a team bonding exercise. But one, there simply wasn't enough time to do that. This mission needed to be done. And Second, AA and AA3 weren't even in the same dimension as them. How could they even accomplish a team bonding exercise if everyone wasn't there.


Laura sighed and tried to place a call to Morgan, but it didn't go through. She then tried to place a call to Anime, but it also failed. Laura was a bit ticked off, so she looked at her phone and discovered she had no bars.


Tch, well duh, Captain Genius, she thought to herself, You're in the freaking sky.


Laura facepalmed and flew down to where the rest of the team was. Laura attempted to place a three-way call to both Anime and Morgan again. This time it began to ring.


MTC found Morgan's ringing phone and threw it at her.


"OUCH! What the crap was that for?!"


MTC gave her an annoyed glance and sat down. "You're so zoned out that you can't even hear your own loud, obnoxious ringtone."


Morgan looked in her lap where the phone had landed. "Oh...thanks." She picked it up and answered, "Hello?"


Anime dug her phone out of her pocket and flipped it open.


"Hey, what's the problem?" she asked.


Somewhere, three malignant entities met. It would have been nice and mysterious to say that their manifestation's positions could not be described in a mere three or four dimensions, but it would also be incorrect. The place was, in fact, an inhabited planet, whose most prominent members called it 'Earth'. The entities did not speak with voices, but if translated into English, the conversation might have gone like this:


One crackled, Numbers five and nine, and myself, the fourth. How... unusual. And what might bring such an unlikely pair to my domain?

One rasped, We are no pair! We -

One commanded, Shut up and focus.

One wheezed, I take offense.

One declared, We are here to request... a momentary pact.

Two cried, There shall be no 'pact'!

One proclaimed, Will you two be quiet!

Two replied, NEVER!

A few minutes passed, far from silently.

One commanded, Shut. Up. Now.

One buzzed, We'll continue this later.

One declared, Let us continue. You are the one the mortals call 'Network Failures'. You are able to intercept and destroy any messages within your domain.

One vibrated, Indeed.

One whined, Two... troublesome ones have entered this realm.

One sizzled, I see you were not able to deal with them yourselves.

One riposted, We were otherwise occupied.

One crackled, In other words, you were arguing.

One stated, It was not of my will.

One coughed, I recall you were the first to launch a childish insult.

One buzzed, I have no time for this.

One continued smoothly, The interferers transported themselves. We require someone skilled such as you are to locate them. We believe they connect to your domain to communicate with their accomplices in the world of disorder.

One sizzled, Very well. I will find them. But this had better be worth the time.


There was a flash of light and a deafening sonic boom.


One whined, He can do that and he complains about time? That's just... childish.

One reprimanded, Look who's talking.



Magic exists. Humans do it all the time.

It happens when they look at a marvelous construct of woven polymer threads, intricate crystals and masterfully laid electron paths and see a toaster. It happens when they gaze upon a meticulously constructed masterpiece of interconnected neurons that somehow form emotions, thoughts and memories, and say, "Oh, yuck."

It happened when a giant squirrel with insect wings crashed at Mach 3.7 into a field somewhere and, instead of marveling at the sheer impossibility of the moment, simply said, "Oh, crap," and threw up.

AA3 climbed gingerly down from the now ruined aircraft and out of the smoking crater. He immediately sensed something was wrong with his surroundings. A distant figure was running towards him and swearing in French.


"Crap." he said again. And then, for good measure, "Really crap."

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