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I often zap pets in the hopes of them going a colour someone might be dreaming of, I know there are other people about who do the same thing ^_^


I use several dream pet lists for Charter members when looking for new homes - and I thought it might be a nice idea to compile a list of dream pets for you lot too! Just in case you know ;) Personally, I've been given my last createable dream pet from one of these types of lists and have given away several dream pets to others.


To be listed, simply post what your dream pets are. Try to limit yourself to four pets each please!

Remember: you can be listed as wishing for pets you can't get from the labray (UCs, Krawks/Draiks, certain colours) but keep in mind that its probably less likely you'll get them from here.

You cannot be listed as wishing for a Lutari so please do not ask! They run away if pounded, and they won't be transferred.


Well, my two dream pets are A Faerie Xweetock, and a Royalgirl usuki :) I don't know which to do first really, although if I was to do royal, then im about a quater of the way there :) However, searching for faerie paint brushes, I realise they are retired, does this mean I can't paint my pet faerie anymore?


Yay, first reply ^_^ I added you to the list!


You can still paint pets with retired PBs, it just means they aren't sold anywhere anymore. Faerie PBs used to be 200k from the Hidden Tower, before they retired!


Well if you are that kind than my dream pet must be a chocolate chomby. I will be sure to do the same thing when I get my labray map finished.


Fire Blumaroo w/ a Fire Yooyu petpet and Flankin petpetpet


Baby Draik w/ a meowclops petpet and Draphly petpetpet


Darigan Krawk w/ a pirate krawk petpet and mootix petpetpet

Fire Blumaroo w/ a Fire Yooyu petpet and Flankin petpetpet


Baby Draik w/ a meowclops petpet and Draphly petpetpet


Darigan Krawk w/ a pirate krawk petpet and mootix petpetpet

I think you might have to buy the Petpets etc. yourself ;).

I think you know what my dreamie is Izzy :P

I'm going to list it in case someone from TDN has it.


Plushie Wocky (UC would be love :P).


I usualy end up with too many pets, so I'm not going to list more. I will be happy to give some of your dreamies if the lab is nice enough with me :P.


This topic is a great idea! I would also be willing to transfer my lab pet if I ended up with someone's dream pet. Unless I get a Krawk or a Draik. Those would go to ALP for the pet lending chains (sorry).


As for pets I've been hoping to get: Maraquan Acara tops the list. I also would love a Kiko of any colour. Plushie Wocky, Alien Aisha, and UC Faerie Wocky.


And what's UC? I should be able to figure it out, but my brain's still asleep.


UC stands for Unconverted. Basicly, it's the old draw and it cannot wear clothes (except background and trinckets).


Oh man! I've been dreaming of a Plushie Tonu for a long long time. Too bad he would be so expensive. The funds are no where near so he seems to be a pipe dream at this time lol


I used to have a few others but he's my main 'goal' right now.



ETA: I'd also LOVE an Island or Faerie Ixi. They're purdy!


Oh man, I never thought about it really! I know I want a Draik.. Wait, don't put me down yet! *runs away to figure it out*


I really want a Baby Usul, but I'm not four months old yet, but please put me on the list anyway! xD


If anyone's dream pet is an Alien Aisha I have one that I would be willing to give away. :) I haven't heard whether or not I am in the next pet lending chain here at TDN though so I don't know if my transfers will be available or..?


I noticed that beautiful pet of yours! ;-) Isn't it one of those few pets that you can only achieve by the Lab Ray?


Hmm......A maraquan or royal(girl or boy) cybunny! Hehe, I love cybunniez :P

And a draik ^_^


Although I'm FAR from those goals....

if I happen to zap any one else's dream pet, I'd be happy to donate ;)


A Maraquan Grarrl looks really REALLY awesome. *dies* I'd love to have one of those... In fact, it makes me want to make a Grarrl right now so I could save up for a Maraquan PB.


FTX's Dream Pets

Bori - Jelly

Gnorbu - Plushie

Grundo - Mallow

Kau - Shadow

Edit: If someone else and myself are both going after the same pet, please choose them over me because I have already received two dream pets from this list.


Added everyone in up to here I think - let me know if I missed you lol


Unless I get a Krawk or a Draik. Those would go to ALP for the pet lending chains (sorry).

Yay! I added the ALP in as dreaming of a Krawk and a Draik, just in case ^_^


If anyone's dream pet is an Alien Aisha I have one that I would be willing to give away. :) I haven't heard whether or not I am in the next pet lending chain here at TDN though so I don't know if my transfers will be available or..?

No-one from TDN yet, but I have a list of eight people from Charter dreaming of an Alien Aisha... let me know if you would like the list :) However I don't know which chains you are referring to, as there aren't any unread messages from you...


I love plushies as well though, are you able to put me down for a Plushie Bruce w/ Royal Boy clothes? ^.^

Aw, you can't transfer clothing on pets that aren't that colour :( So I can put you down as dreaming of a Plushie Bruce if you like, but you'd need to get the clothing yourself somehow!

Added everyone in up to here I think - let me know if I missed you lol
I added some people in last night after you left, just to be sneaky :P.

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