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  1. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Aquamentis12 in Testing the Waters   
    How would y'all feel about getting free copies of my books? (Kindle only, but most tablets and smartphones these days have the app, and it's a free download to read on your computer.)
    Just curious as to whether it's worthwhile to announce my next "sale" (100% off! Hahaha) here.
    I realized a few minutes ago--with this sale being almost over--that I missed an opportunity. Good thing I have another sale coming up in May...
  2. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Saxen in Testing the Waters   
    How would y'all feel about getting free copies of my books? (Kindle only, but most tablets and smartphones these days have the app, and it's a free download to read on your computer.)
    Just curious as to whether it's worthwhile to announce my next "sale" (100% off! Hahaha) here.
    I realized a few minutes ago--with this sale being almost over--that I missed an opportunity. Good thing I have another sale coming up in May...
  3. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Ranaki in JumpStart Survey Is Here!   
    They did it in 2012 (I think) as a Halloween sort of thing. I believe you followed clues around Neopia while wearing one of the masks from her collection and when you got back, you (probably) got a prize and (definitely) got to keep the mask. At the end, there was something to do with all five masks together...and you got to keep that final mask, too.
    Update: looks like in 2011, too: http://thedailyneopets.com/articles/masks-of-dread-2012-quest
  4. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Zombiiesque in JumpStart Survey Is Here!   
    I knew there would be a discussion thread! That's why I saved my long-form answers.


    I'm sure I'm not the only one who looks for other avenues of communication. (Sadly, I never think of directing people here...)

    I think what I dislike so much about the neoboards is the way they're setup--especially the auto-scroll to the bottom so we can't see if someone has replied. It might be too hard for them to implement the popular BB-board format, but even if they could do something similar, it would be much appreciated.

    I had so many problems with guilds last year that I'm just done with them. Permanently. (Even though I did like the idea of guild tournaments.)

    I acknowledge the fact that the SFEC was poorly run (those flowers! That maze! Mother Goddess!), but I also have to admit that I'd rather have a poorly run plot/event/plvent than nothing at all. Every time I've thought about taking a hiatus in the last three to six months, I've always been tempted to say, "Let me know when (the next big three event) starts!"

    (The "sorry guys" was directed to the staff.)
    Maybe it's naive to hope for big changes...but what's the point of living if no one leaves us anything to hope for?
  5. Like
    Novelista reacted to Saxen in JumpStart Survey Is Here!   
    This survey is really great. I feel all listened to and appreciated and stuffs :wub_anim:
  6. Like
    Novelista reacted to AJ11 in JumpStart Survey Is Here!   
    Im really pleased to have the chance to say what I think and Im hoping that this is a sign that Jumpstart are willing to listen to their users
    fingers crossed for a positive change in direction .. more communication with users and sorting out the things that have been outstanding for some time is basicly what I asked for.
  7. Like
    Novelista reacted to maikrowsoft in JumpStart Survey Is Here!   
    Boy, that last question was a toughie.
  8. Like
    Novelista reacted to Ashbash in Yay for internet!   
    I know a few people here know that I've been without internet since the end of December. I'm happy to say I finally have internet in my apartment! Should definitely be able to get back on here and neopets a lot more now. I feel like I've missed out on so many events! :(
  9. Like
    Novelista reacted to Bright ^_^ in Well, that was annoying. (Neopets filter)   
    There is an easy way to find out what word is disrupting the filter. Copy and paste your message onto a blank petpage and there will be a little blue Chia who will tell you what word is not allowed.
    Edit: for those of you who don't know how to copy paste your message to a petpage, here's how.
    1. Click on "My Account" on the top bar
    2. One of the links says "Edit Pet Page;" click on it
    3. Pick a pet and click the "Edit" button under their name
    4. Put your curser in the text box and delete all the text (CTRL A, then press the backspace button)
    5. paste your text into the box
    6. Press the "preview changes" button on the bottom of the page
  10. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Duskitty in What is up with TNT deleting pets lately?   
    As the Poles say, "Not my circus, not my monkeys." (And one of the gentlemen in question is definitely a monkey!)

    Actually, you are being mean and rude. You do not know me and therefore have zero right to blow me off as a prude. I am as bleep-y and crass as it gets--I just have to hold it back here and elsewhere, because that's what civilized persons do.
    But I also take the old "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude. And it's not "up to TNT, not {me}". There are millions of users, millions of pets and likely thousands of pages. They cannot be everywhere every minute and rely on people like me and the other users who sided with me above to report inappropriate names, scams and other things that would harm the site and its (supposedly) young fanbase. Just because I don't agree with the stringency of some of the rules, doesn't mean I can't work to uphold those same rules. That's what being a good user and a fair player is all about.
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    Please do not remove mod edits.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  11. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in You know you're a Neopian Nut, when...   
    I don't know how we've survived this long without weekend news.
    Actually, I hate it when there is a Monday holiday. :P (Because of that, I mean.)
  12. Like
    Novelista reacted to AJ11 in You know you're a Neopian Nut, when...   
    you know your a neopia nut when...
    you look at your boiled eggs in a morning and find yourself wondering if they are going to be nesters workers or soldiers :mellow:
  13. Like
    Novelista reacted to pixyperson in You know you're a Neopian Nut, when...   
    You start wondering what your neopets think about you controlling them.
  14. Like
    Novelista reacted to Saxen in You know you're a Neopian Nut, when...   
    When you dream about Neopets on a regular basis and amazing things happen - and then you wake up and you're like NUUUUU I DON'T HAVE THAT AVATAR/THAT PET/THAT TROPHY :'(
  15. Like
    Novelista reacted to Angeló in You know you're a Neopian Nut, when...   
    I never believed that Neopets are pocket creatures as well .. this is why my original idea was to create all my Neopets are Eyries and morph them later ... that didn't work out though as most morphing potions are expensive ... but that's why my Mutant Lenny's Height is 160 cms. That's only 15 cm shorther than I am ...
    You know you're a Neopian Nut when you start spelling Cow Kau ... and when you see a kitten you say "oww look at the little Schnelly" ...
  16. Like
    Novelista reacted to Angeló in What is wrong with this?   
    maybe the monitor was drunk or in a bad mood. they work from home you know.
  17. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from PONYKID in How to Recover My Account   
    Emily is right on the money. Someone just got their account back the other day for the very same reason. I don't understand what's so important on peoples' accounts that others have to steal them, but I hope you get yours back!
  18. Like
    Novelista reacted to Bright ^_^ in New Random Event Rattles Neopia!   
    I really want it to be lutari island! That place needs some love.
  19. Like
    Novelista reacted to Aquamentis12 in Set Analysis   
    The prices for the items below may vary. I should ask what your budget is, and are you planning on battling 1-player opponents, or other players? (2-player).
    If you are planning on battling 2-player, you'd want to set up a bit differently. I'm not a 2-player battler. I go against the 1-player opponents 99.9% of the time. If you want to go against the 1-player opponents here is the listing of active battle challengers. (Not including the Obelisk War challengers that appear for the skirmishes)
    Study what icons the 1-player opponent uses in it's battle equipment. Then you can plan your battle equipment around fighting that opponent. It will give you an advantage.
    You could certainly sell your Oversized Maractite Rune Sword, If you don't know it's stats, it has 7 offensive icons and defends 3 water icons. Sells for about 17k on the shop wiz as of this moment.
    Scroll of Ultranova is a decent deal. 9.8 icons using Fire, Light and Air. Hard to block. ;D
    Some alternatives would be
    Scroll of the Scholar (10 total icons, 2 each of 5 types)
    Scroll of the Fool (10 total icons)
    I checked the Royal Blue Cape's stats, and woah, not bad! Granted it's 12 icons divided by 4 types, so defends 3 icons each, but in those it blocks, it defends 3 Fire and 3 Air, not the easiest icons to block. And the price on the TP is around 300k.
    As for your freezer, depending on your budget, that's a decent one, as the Scroll of Freezing, CAN and WILL eventually break and need to be repurchased. RFFR requires some luck, but, it's not bad until you can afford a 100% Freezer.
    If you're keeping your pet a Kacheek, a Kacheek Life Potion would be the cheaper healing way to go.
    I hope this helps.
    Something I've always found helpful, and kind of fun, is when I would have some free time, I would explore a battlepedia just to get a feel for what weapons are out there and such. Go through some of the articles, do price checks, and if you see a weapon you kind of like, or your think looks cool, copy the name and enter it into the Battlepedia's search box to see it's stats.
    Look at the top-rated weapons too, there are many in there that are not hyper-expensive.
    Oh yes you asked about the Leaf Shield, no you don't NEED it. I used it as an example, but I do recommend it for some. Like I said, I've been battling for years, and only rarely have I found occassion to switch it out for a different piece of equipment.
  20. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Pookies in Art and Animations   
    I definitely need to check out your channel when I get a chance.
    If you ever have any questions about online education (did all my bachelors that way!), let me know. :)
  21. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Let's talk about our TDNF usernames!   
    Mine isn't very creative at all. :P
    When I was younger, my favorite Backstreet Boy was Howie (or "Howie D"), and they sometimes referred to him as "Sweet D". (And since my name is Dayanara, well...snerk)
    But I hear when you reach 400 posts, you can change it, so I'll just have to keep chugging along. (I'm over halfway there right now! Woohoo!)
    When I change, I'll either go with Novelista (Spanish for "novelist", since I am...a novelist, not Spanish. :laughingsmiley:) or Jamie's FanGirl, since I lovelovelove James Remar.

    Mmm...yummy! ;)

  22. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in Let's talk about our TDNF usernames!   
    Mine isn't very creative at all. :P
    When I was younger, my favorite Backstreet Boy was Howie (or "Howie D"), and they sometimes referred to him as "Sweet D". (And since my name is Dayanara, well...snerk)
    But I hear when you reach 400 posts, you can change it, so I'll just have to keep chugging along. (I'm over halfway there right now! Woohoo!)
    When I change, I'll either go with Novelista (Spanish for "novelist", since I am...a novelist, not Spanish. :laughingsmiley:) or Jamie's FanGirl, since I lovelovelove James Remar.

    Mmm...yummy! ;)

  23. Like
    Novelista reacted to hrtbrk in Having 2 of the same pets...Fair or Unfair?   
    Obviously fair. They worked for it either by saving neopoints, trades or created it themselves.
    It's not like you're limited to having one pug and you have to get a German Shepherd for your next pet because it's unfair to other pug lovers. :D
  24. Like
    Novelista reacted to maikrowsoft in Ready, Set, JumpStart   
    At least they have social media that actually interacts with users and is contactable.

    (Pardon the blur)
  25. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Azurablue in What is up with TNT deleting pets lately?   
    As the Poles say, "Not my circus, not my monkeys." (And one of the gentlemen in question is definitely a monkey!)

    Actually, you are being mean and rude. You do not know me and therefore have zero right to blow me off as a prude. I am as bleep-y and crass as it gets--I just have to hold it back here and elsewhere, because that's what civilized persons do.
    But I also take the old "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude. And it's not "up to TNT, not {me}". There are millions of users, millions of pets and likely thousands of pages. They cannot be everywhere every minute and rely on people like me and the other users who sided with me above to report inappropriate names, scams and other things that would harm the site and its (supposedly) young fanbase. Just because I don't agree with the stringency of some of the rules, doesn't mean I can't work to uphold those same rules. That's what being a good user and a fair player is all about.
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
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