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  1. Like
    Novelista reacted to leverhelven in The Cat Thread   
    This is Emily giving me a present :P
    (which means: I indulged myself into some new make-up and pretended it was a gift from her :D :D )

  2. Like
    Novelista reacted to Angeló in I GOT IT !! I GOT IT !!! *cries*   
    Something Has Happened!

    You are now eligible to use 'Neopian Times Star' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!  
    From: [theneopetsteam] The Neopets Team
    » Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 11/6/2014 11:00am Folder: Inbox Subject: Your Neopian Times submission Message:
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    Dear Angelo, 
    Congratulations! Your entry (Neopia's Best Summer Destinations) has been selected to appear in a future issue of the Neopian Times. A shiny trophy has been added to your user lookup. Thank you for contributing to the Neopian Times!
    Yours Sincerely,
    The Neopets Team
    Dont forget to tell your friends about us - send them a greeting at http://www.neopets.com/sendgreeting.phtml.
  3. Like
    Novelista reacted to wanderwisp in Switching accounts   
    True, true. Sounds good to me! As long as I can transfer it all over eventually.
  4. Like
    Novelista reacted to nightfall8705 in Have you ever thought about...   
    I'd consider it just for the travel experience alone, but that's just me. I've never even been on a plane before, but there's so much out there to see. It could end up being one of those unforgettable experiences in life. You'll never know if you don't go for it!
  5. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from .Brianna. in Frozen accounts with pets.   
    As someone who'd like to "resurrect" some pets from frozen accounts, I wholeheartedly agree.
    And usernames purged, too, since a lot of frozen accounts seem to remain frozen forever. (Heck, my oldest {non-frozen} account still hasn't been purged and I haven't been able to get into it since high school!) (Did I mention I just had my class reunion last weekend? That's how long it's been!)
  6. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from chelperk in GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!   
    I didn't know that was you! Yay!
    And you look nothing like Danielle. You're way cooler, because you're one of us!
    (Well, that and and I'm biased. Danielle/Panser/Tradechat was on the inaugural season of King of the Nerds and I'm friends with Moogega, so...*giggle* :D )
  7. Like
    Novelista reacted to Shelley in Have you ever thought about...   
    I have such a phobia of planes, it's really bad :/ it's not even a fear of heights, I think the views are gorgeous! definitely not a job for me (especially paired with my travel anxiety and crohn's disease haha). But my mom really wanted to be a flight attendant when she was younger. It was her dream to become a flight attendant and marry a pilot. well that never happened XP
    I find it amazing that one minute you can be on one side of the country eating lunch and a few hours later be on the other side for dinner. I wish you luck in your flight attendant endeavors :) do what makes you happy and worry about the money later ;)
  8. Like
    Novelista reacted to Navy in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Good news everyone!
    His inner eyelids are no longer up and his breathing sounds really clear. He has also stopped coughing and sneezing!

  9. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from kaybee92 in Spanish help! (Por favor!)   
    "My potato has fifty-five..." ah..."{rear body parts}"?
    Oh dear. O.o :laughingsmiley:

    By the by...do any of you know anyone who lives in Spain or keeps ahissi of the news there? I have a question...
    (Non-language. It's about primogeniture, actually.)
  10. Like
    Novelista reacted to kaybee92 in Spanish help! (Por favor!)   
    There is a very subtle but important difference between:
    Mi papa tiene 55 anos.
    Mi papá tiene 55 años.
    Spanish, giving random wiggly lines over letters way too much power since always.
  11. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Lia Seeya in Very Cool Retro Video!   
    It must be to some extent, since Lupe Snacks are still around and they're chia shaped chocolate cookies, I think.
  12. Like
    Novelista reacted to Lia Seeya in Very Cool Retro Video!   
    Excuse me while I deal with this huge wave of nostalgia that came over me, haha! This is so cool, and made me smile. Thanks for sharing it. :D
    I remember those little bits of info they had with each pet! You'd see it in the form of a pop-up window when you were creating a pet. Is the whole "Lupes love eating Chias" still even a thing?
  13. Like
    Novelista reacted to Bodhi in Architecture Fail.   
    But....the game was created before the Sochi Olympics. o_o
  14. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in Spanish help! (Por favor!)   
    So I left the accent out. I realize that's the difference between your father and your potatoes, as I like to say, but...:laughingsmiley:
  15. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from leverhelven in MEGA yay for a GREAT day!!!   
    AHH! That's fantastic! We're so proud of you! :D
  16. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from deboratibi in Altador Cup Questions Board   
    I always send five, so I have no idea what these other people you've heard from are talking about, Deb. Definitely interested in keeping an eye on this thread, though!
  17. Like
    Novelista reacted to leverhelven in MEGA yay for a GREAT day!!!   
    So I've been studying since the beginning of the year for a set of tests in order to get approved in the University of my dreams here in Rio... Been having classes every Saturday AND some Sundays...
    Today I took the 1st out of 3 tests... and I got an A!!! The very TOP score!!! This also means I won't even need to take the 2nd test: I can skip straight to the 3rd!!! All that studying has paid off!!! :happydance: :dance:
    Plus, on Neo, I decided to take super-duper risky bets on Food Club today... And they all worked out, the stars aligned and I managed to get 112:10 today!!! If you're not familiar with the Food Club, that means I got 11,2 times the amount I bet! That's AWESOME!!! :D
    Also bought 2 Mystery Caps and got bonus items on both xD
    Now I'm off to celebrate my test results with my friends!!! So come sing with me! If you like piña colada, and getting caught in the rain... :headphone:
  18. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from jennybean in Spanish help! (Por favor!)   
    So I left the accent out. I realize that's the difference between your father and your potatoes, as I like to say, but...:laughingsmiley:
  19. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Team Loyalty and Avatars   
    I guess that was a silly question, then. I don't know one person in this game (or at least on this board) who wouldn't love the chance to bounce about and collect avvies each year. *high five*
  20. Like
    Novelista reacted to Navy in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Luckily he already can eat soft food, so I just need to mix it with a little KRM and it saved me from having to bottle feed him.
    Yeah, he definitely has long fur, he's like a little puff ball. I'm going to wipe him down with some ivory dish soap tomorrow to get rid of the fleas. I bought him some ear mite drops, his eyes were stain and there's no signs of ulcers. I've fostered strays in the past and the vet is a family friend so she always gives me a good deal, she even spays and neuters the strays I bring in for $30 males and $60 females
  21. Like
    Novelista reacted to Navy in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  22. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from Angeló in Something Has Happened ... Avatar #314   
    I purchased it a while back without the discount. A lot of money for one little book, but so worth it!
  23. Like
    Novelista reacted to Artforthesoul in What to do next...?   
    Very cool, all of the ideas mentioned are worth trying:) Thank you kindly for all of the input, it actually helped my direction quite a bit. I started collecting petpets, so maybe I'll continue that on and then move onto something else. I think anyone who plays the game for any good amount of time finds something that keeps them coming back to the site:) Thanks again everyone!
  24. Like
    Novelista got a reaction from .Brianna. in Team Loyalty and Avatars   
    I guess that was a silly question, then. I don't know one person in this game (or at least on this board) who wouldn't love the chance to bounce about and collect avvies each year. *high five*
  25. Like
    Novelista reacted to crazyisnormal in Lost Desert Support Thread! 2014!!   
    Well I have Ally_a17 my eventide lutari decked out in LD AC gear. - and she looks pretty spiffy!
    I also went ahead and celebrated the return of the AC by buying the last of the AC stamps that I needed! So wohooo! I'm that this year I can play enough to earn it as a prize and not have to buy it from another user....
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