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Posts posted by Emily

  1. Thanks everyone. I used the form and found another for premium members and filled that out as well. I already got the standard reply for the first one ("because you were cheating at flash games your account will not be returned") but I'm hoping the other might actually get through to a person. *fingers crossed*


    Edit: Just tried to log into my side and it was frozen too. Probably because it's on the same email address. Maybe it's time to quit neopets. It's been a fun 8 years

  2. I just went to log into my account this morning and, surprise surprise, I was "frozen for cheating at flash games". The only score that I've submitted recently that was significantly higher than my usual was for Snot Splatter for the AAA Daily Dare Challenge. I worked on it for hours, as the highest I usually get is around 16K. Now I'm frozen. How can they freeze someone for getting a score they made you to have to beat and, other than the usual form, is there anything that might help me get my account back faster? (I'm a premium member and don't want to continue to pay for something I can't use)

  3. Either they've made the scores easier to beat this year or I've gotten better at the games :) Last year i spent hours trying to beat AAA and did it once or twice and this time around, I've beaten him everyday within 10-15 minutes. Except Snot Splatter. That took a couple hours :/

  4. I get gender changes more often than anything else. I've had the map for about a year and have only had 3-4 species changed and 7-8 colour changes. It'd be interesting to see if it's based on a set time thing. But someone would have to track it for an awful long time to confirm

  5. You don't need to have to toolbar to get there, you can do so from a regular link. But the toolbar has the alert that tells you when the items are available. There's a little button that flashes when she's giving away prizes. I think you have 5 minutes from the time it starts flashing to click to get the prize and perhaps a couple more minutes to get a different item that she "drops behind her as she's leaving". If you don't click the button, it continues to flash though, so if you came, say, 20 minutes later and clicked it, it would bring you to a page that says she's busy in her warehouse and to come back later.

  6. Something as broad as "foul language" should be easier to get unfrozen from (you would think) than scamming or cheating at games. I've heard of people getting frozen for acronyms for something totally innocent that could be seen as something else. If they could tell you what exactly you *said* that was inappropriate, hopefully you'd have a chance to explain. Good luck on getting your account back

  7. I've been trying to get lent a gray pet and a pink pet for the avatar. Most people don't like exchanging them permanently unless it's for something rare, and I find it's even hard to get a lend. They usually want another avatar pen in exchange. The only one I have right now is a coconut jubjub on my side, and I don't want to risk trading her away. If you want the pet for the avatar only, I would recommend joining some kind of lending program.

  8. I downloaded FF and played a couple of games (after somehow disabling cookies and not being able to log in for about 20 min). I found it doesn;t really help all that much, especially on Flower Frenzy and Spyder Scare, which always lag for me. Everything else ran about the same as FF.

  9. I remember years back when I first started playing, literally my first day or two on neopets, I won a paintbrush. i *think* it might have been the Pants on Fire Brush which, silly me, I put in my shop for around 100np because I didn't know what I was doing. A very lucky person got my 100np paintbrush lol. Since then I've won 10,000 and a fire muffin a couple times

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