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Posts posted by Emily

  1. On half price days, I find it easier to restock in user shops. Because people are buying things cheaper, many items deflate a little because people can make the same profit selling for less. Especially newer players or people who don't check the SW. They'll sell for just slightly higher than they buy for. You can find some good deals, especially items from the food shop, which I find the easiest to steadily restock.

  2. The first few days the HS faerie was back, all I got was potions. But for the last few days, I've gotten a few "all of your pets are completely healed" and "*active neopet* is completely healed". Probably just back to random and a weird coincidence of getting lots of potions.

  3. worst comes to worst. Trade/adopt a magma pet or have someone dip it in for you.


    Which leads me to a question of my own: A few months ago. I found the guard was asleep and dipped in my lupe. However, if I go there at the same time now a days it doesn't work anymore. Was that just a one time thing? o.0


    I'm thinking it's likely random. I think I've seen people trying to track it, but there's no proof that there's a specific time that will guarantee access to the pool.

  4. Same here. 3 different computers with IE, Chrome and FF. Grey screen on FF, "error in shockwave movie" yadda yadda on IE and Chrome on all 3. One brand new (like 3 weeks new) one a couple years old and one about 8 years old. I even tried verious versions of shockwave. Still nothing.

  5. I submitted another ticket about this issue and got this reply:


    Thanks for writing. We are sorry to hear that you are having problems with the Neo-games! We are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.


    We appreciate your taking the time to report this issue to us! We have categorized your ticket based on this specific issue and we have reported it to the correct people. Since it has been categorized, we will be able to share any additional information that we learn with you through this ticket.


    Unfortunately, we will not be able to replace any items or Neopoints that may have been lost due to this bug. We hope to have this issue resolved shortly!




    Has anyone actually gotten help with this problem, or this same stupid automated reply

  6. I love Christmas unis! I guess I got lucky as they're one of the cheapest, non-basic pets there are. Actually, all the Christmas ones are pretty sweet. I almost want to try to get one for different holidays, once I'm done getting all the pet avatars. I used to have a basic yellow wocky on my main that I dressed for Easter. I might also try for a halloween pet (haven't decided which species) and a pink, valentine's day-dressed pet or something.

  7. I'm hoping now that the plot is over and the holiday festivities winding down, TNT will put some more work into the Habitarium. Some of us have been stuck at level 25 for a long time lol. I'm running out of space and desperately need the space upgrades!

  8. Actually, after reading this, I'm not sure I want it anymore lol. What I really wanted the ray for was for the chance of zapping avatar pets. Then I realized that, thanks to TDNs wonderful avatar lending program, I don't really need it, as I already have my dream pet (Christmas uni). The only thing I would use it for would be for repounding zapped basics. Glad I posted here before going and buying something that I really don't need. Thanks everybody! :)

  9. I had the map on my old account. I wanted it for this one, but have had to save for it. I paid about 700K for it a few years back. Now people are asking for nearly a million for a full set on the TP and individual piece prices on a few have seemed to have inflated significantly as well. Even with pieces being given out on keyquest, it's ridiculously priced.

  10. I broke my own rule and opened my trick-or-treat bags. Luckily, I recieved a few of the Silhouette backgrounds. I have 2 Lost Desert ones 1 Lost Desert one and 1 Mystery Island one up for trade. If a member of TDN bids, I'll take 10k off the current trading post lowest price. Just send a quick neomail to let me know you're a TDN member :)



  11. This is more a question/request for the avatar lending team. TDN has all the cute counters we use for keeping track of avatars and points in site events. I think it would be cool if we could have a countdown or meter in the tdnalp shop to show us how close we are to the goal. I think knowing how close/far we are from attaining the next goal would be really motivational. And it would satisfy my own curiosity :D

  12. I was just restocking a little bit for my shop and stumbled across a few pet peeves in some user shops. I hate going to buy an item (especially one that you need quicky for a quest or whatnot) and having to scroll through 18 headers, a custom shop front and various other lines of decorative nonsense. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for a cute backgorund, some mellow tuneage or a custom scrollbar or shop intro. What bugs me is when, in a single shop, I'll find a flashing, neon background, loud techno, 24 500x500 pixel images, 14 colour changing wockys and 42 blinkies, adverts and links, forcing me to scroll for 10 minutes to find the item I want to buy. Maybe the fact that I'm on a laptop with no mouse makes this more annoying, but really? I'm all for self-expression, but I don't want to make myself go blind and waste my life scrolling through your shop. More often than not, unless it's a really, really good deal that I came to the shop for, I'll just exit it and go to the next one on the list. What are your thoughts on (or are you one) excessive shop decorators?

  13. sucky sucky sucky. But getting that close means you know it's at least possible :P. I hate when you're one or two points off, expecially those games that require lucky timing or certain, random powerups because the game, after a certain point, isn't about skill, its about if you happen to get a lucky powerup. Keep trying!

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