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Posts posted by Emily

  1. Apparently this is a common problem. I'm using a brand new computer (less than a month old) and have problems. I managed to get all of them to work in IE except for Gourmet Club Bowls, which doesn't like to work on any browser. My advise would be to try a few different browsers if you're able to. Some of the games work for me in Chrome, but not in IE or FF, or they'll work in IE but not Chrome or FF or FF but not Chrome or IE.

  2. I got another piece today, so only one more to go! Naturally, it's the most expensive one :( , but it looks like prices went down a bit this week :D


    Any tips on how to build my Neopoints back up/what games to play to do so?



    I got 3 from KQ yesterday, 2 of them UB. weird. as for games to play, I would suggest KQ! Ha. You can usually get about 1000 per game (x10=10,000 per day) plus, if you play 2 player games, at least 3 extra prizes that could incude codestones (2,000-90,000 a pop, including the red ones) neggs, map pieces. You might even get your missing piece.


    On a sidenote, does anyone know if KQ can give out ALL of the map pieces, or just certain ones. I think I've gottten 4 or 5 different ones at one point or another.

  3. Worth, though also tied to market value, is also personal taste. If you have a really rare item that you don't really want/ can't won't use, why not trade it for something that you DO want if you can find someone willing to make the trade? Good Luck!

  4. Is there a guide somewhere to restocking that is particularly good? I've tried reading a few as it's something I'd like to get into, but I'm never sure where is best to try (or indeed what items are worth it!).


    I've read a lot of guides, as I'm not very good at restocking. They all say basically the same thing: Have a lot of np on hand, be patient and be quick. I learned I'm not fast enough to restock in most of the main shops. The only one I tend to have luck in is the food store in Neopia Central.


    If you have a good internet connection and are a good clicker, you can read up on different items and what they're worth and where they stock and then try your hand at restocking. If you're going to stock from neopets shops, you need to have a good knowledge of the price points for items.


    I prefer restocking from user shops. I use my handy Super Shop Wizard. This way, you get a much better idea about what you can resell your item for before you buy it, as it lists the lowest prices from ALL user shops. You also don't need as extensive a knowledge about what things are worth because the prices are right there to compare to.


    For example, If at the top of the list, someone is selling a Negg for 1000NP and the person at the end of the list is selling for 1500NP (something I just saw while restocking form the SSW), I bought the Negg for 1000 and resold for 1400. Made a small 400NP profit, I knew I wasn't overpaying for the item to resell, and I knew (from experiences) that neggs are fairly in demand and sell rather quickly at a good price.


    This method doesn't require you to sit refreshing for hours on end in shops that may or may not restock (Almost Abandoned Attic, anyone?) however, your profit margin will be slightly smaller due to competitive market prices.


    However, you can sometimes snag a real bargain, especially with the SSW. I once searched for Snorkle Snout and the lowest was 600NP when the next lowest was 60,000. Likely a typo, but these things due happen and it's well within the rules to take advantages of these mistakes.

  5. I always play until my pet gets bored. You can usually make up more then you spend getting food items from the green, yellow and silver dice. It only took 2 days playing until it wouldn't let me play anymore to hit the jackpot.

  6. Gravity mode does take some practice. On the bright side, once you get the hang of it, you will be a lot better at Dubloon Disaster, so you can then try for that avatar.


    I found Dubloon disaster so much easier simply because after a certain number of mines show up (is it 9 or 10?) they stop popping up. And you can "move" them. Red neggs stay put, forcing you to contort your meerca train into strange places and, my favourite, can pop up right in your path while your chasing down the good neggs. So. Frustrating.

  7. I used to collect neggs for my gallery on my old account. I found that for the most part, that if you're going for monetary value alone, the highest value neggs in the Neggery sell for slightly more than the value of the sum of the lesser neggs you trade in to get the points to buy it.


    For example, The cool negg costs 247 negg ponts. This would mean trading in 247 "negg"s to get enough points to get it. When I was debating how to get neggs for my gallery, the Cool Negg was selling for just over 400K in the trading post while a "Negg" cost aabout 1100np. So I could sell my 247 Neggs for 271,700np (247 x 11100np) or trade them in, get a Cool Negg and sell it for about 400,000np. 3 guesses what I decided to do.


    Though this was a year or so ago, and with neoprices going crazy lately, as well as the Neggery being down from the plot, this could all be, to a word, a load of old poo.


    So it's up to you to do the math depending on what you have and how long you're willing to save (if you don't buy them all in one go, saving 247 negg tokens takes some patience!).

  8. Once you get enough too, you start to get insane amounts of interest from the bank. Once there's enough in there, you can make thousands a day simply from collecting interest. It would be super cool if TNT would implement a non-manual interest collection. Like it got added daily to your account automatically without having to click. But I guess it's to ensure people visit the site. hmmm

  9. I've been a premium member for about 2 years between 2 accounts (my old main and new one). The Super Shop Wizard itself is pretty much worth getting it. Removing ads is awesome, though as people have pointed out, you can do that different ways for free. The weekly scratchcard is kind of cool. I've never won more than 5000 NP on them (that I can remember), but anything extra is cool. The extra "something has happened"'s are nice. I usually win 500-2000 for "winning the lottery" and occasionally an item worth anywhere from a few hundred to 30-40,000NP. A few times, I've also gotten the "you have found a rare item on the floor" events, Getting items worth over 100,000. Still not sure if these are random or if it's dependant on the number of page views on neopets.com. The portal is kind of a handy feature, showing you things like your shop till contents, status of active pet and your most active stocks all on one page for quick reference. The premuim boards are nice because they're not as hopelessly crowded as the main boards and it takes more than a couple of seconds for your topics to be bumped down into obscurity. All in all, if you play neopets enough, I would say its worth it. They have a nice feature where you can try it for (I think) 15 days and if you dont like it, you can cancel without being charged. If your not 100% sure after that, i would reccommend the monthly subscription. This is what I use. You can cancel your subscription whenever you like and its not as big a committment as paying for a year (though the year is cheaper in the long run). I would reccommend at least trying the free trial if you're curious about premium.

  10. I collected all of them except the black one the day they were released. Since then, I've looked intermittently for the missing worm. I haven't once seen it and I got tired of all the worms in my SDB, so I gave up and threw them all out lol. The items you get from getting the worms (i think) can all be purchased, so really, the only purpose of collecting them all is simply for collecting them all. I tried refreshing constantly (like for hours at a time) at different times of day, and had no luck. So it might be I just coincidently picked bad times or it is completely and truely random, or based on something else that we haven't even thought of lol

  11. I think egg trading would be a great idea. I've been out of Mootix for a few weeks and it would be nice to be able to get a few more of them. More levels soon would also be great! lol. I'm not sure why, like others have pointed out, that they stop you at level 25 but you can only upgrade certain buildings and P3s at higher levels. Not sure why they don't just let you keep going. Unless they don't want people running their levels up too high before all the features are released so there's less of an "experience gap" for newer players. Or maybe my brain is just strung out on caffiene and lack of sleep O.o

  12. Most people tracking combos that get the avatar say that you cannot get it from doing a one or two item quest and there is a very good chance that only "rainbow" recipes work. To answer the above question, I think it's still random, even when doing 3 item rainbow quests, but by only doing these, you don't waste NP on quests that won't award the avatar. To answer the original question, I think this avatar is more worth while than the Bilge Dice streak avatar. That one has been bugging me for years :(

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