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Posts posted by Emily

  1. What collateral are people typically asking for those kinds of things? Sadly I don't have much for being a member for so long...


    Depending on what you're looking for and WHEN you're looking, it could be anything from a couple million to over a hundred million. Some people are more trusting and require less collat. Some will take into account your account age and current avatar count. Sometimes there's a combination of the two. If you've been neofriends for awhile, it might be less. On my old account, I was lucky to get ZDAP lent for free after I emailed asking about the collat. I replied that I didn't have enough and, without any collat at all, she sent it over. I was stunned. mind you this was on a 7.5 year old account with around 280 avatars, many stamps and site themes.


    So I guess to answer your question, it's going to very depending on market state, how many people are currently lending/trading the items, how "seasoned" your account is and who you're borrowing from. For a good estimate, message a couple of people that are lending to get a good idea of what you'll be expected to have for collat.

  2. I FINALLY got the Chocolate! avvie today after what feels like months refreshing in the chocolate shop. Now I'm going to start trying for the Uni Faboo avatar. Did the peopole who have both find one easier than the other? If so, which one?

  3. Anything that's free is worth doing, I think. Even if I get junk, I usually save it and put it up with the jellies and omlettes I don't use for free trades on the TP. Sometimes you get some good offers. And then there's always the chance you could get something awesome or the avatar

  4. The items she asks for are pretty random, so the prices are too. I've heard of people getting all 50 levels without getting asked for any UBs. But this could be for a number of reasons.


    The items could have been rare at one point, but (like the recent Faerie Paint Brush boom) had recently been given out in site events.


    Or they could have been new and hard to find at the time they were programmed into the quests, but at the time you needed to buy them, more had been introduced into the economy, deflating the price.


    As soon as I get the Judorah avvie, I plan to go back and work on Illusen and see how high I can get without getting asked for UBs.


    I would say set a limit for yourself on how much you're willing to spend. If you get asked for something over that, then stop. You may get lucky and the things she asks for may be reasonably priced. Good luck :)

  5. That's insane. We had a couple false alarms in high school. That was bad enough, but I can't imagine the real thing. Good to know you're ok. The sad thing is, many of these types of situations could be avoided if people were a little kinder to one another. All our love goes out to you and your classmates :wub_anim:

  6. It was an item available from the NC Mall a few years ago. According to jellyneo, it was no longer available after April 2009. If anyone has, or knows someone who has, this backgorund and is willing so sell, please PM or NM me with trade options you would accept. I could trade for other NC Mall items or regular neopoints items (if this is allowed).






    Also, I wasn't sure which forum to put this in so mods, if it's in the wrong place, feel free to move it :)


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    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from ‘Neopets General Chat’ to ‘Neopets Help’.

  7. I don't know if being able to move ALL of one group would be a good idea (houses/barracks/hospitals can only hold so many at a time), but having some kind of ctrl+click type deal where you could move multiples at once would be awesome. I seperate my P3s by type in the houses, so being able to select multiples to sort them (along with the handy "identification" button that highlights the different kinds) would save time. Currently I only have 40 P3s and it takes awhile to get them all in their houses when they're all tired and hungry. I can't imagine trying to do this with 100+ P3s O.o

  8. The profession toggle is pretty cool. I used to always have to sort through my workers to find stray nesters to put on the nests when my other ones died. It would be cool if they could also implement a mouse-over on the buttons to show how many of each profession you have at a quick glance. once you get up to 40+ P3s, it's hard to know how many you have of each without soring them into structures and counting them.

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