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Posts posted by Emily

  1. Got the arch as well. it's cute and free so awesome!


    That looks so cute! :)


    But how can I get these Free Goodie Bags? I can't enter the NC Mall just because it's not available in my country and I think it's not fair at all. I remember 3 years ago, I was able to acces the NC Mall... :sad02:


    maybe try going into your site preferences and changing your country, getting the bag, and then changing it back?

  2. I don't even bother trying to restock in the majority of the main shops. Just the food shop because I know the prices well and less people restock there becuase it's not as profitable. I find the food shop, book shop and post office (stamp shop) in neopia central to be the easiest, though less profitable (but every extra np counts :))

  3. I've been working on the Dubloon Disaster one for ages, and a combination of bad dubloons and mines spawning practically on top of me has been really discouraging. :/

    Does anybody have any helpful tips to share?



    So far as the mine's popping in front of you, instead of trying to make them collide and disappear (if that's what you've been doing), let them group together in a small bundle (as you would to make them collide, but don't let them touch) and let them stay on the screen. After you get 9 (i think. or 10) on the screen, they stop popping up until one or more explodes. You cannot have more than that on the screen at one time. Then, you can guide them around in a group away from the dubloons you need to get.

  4. The TDN page regarding the quests:


    "The following colors are colors you cannot obtain through a FFQ: Ice, Magma, MSP, Robot, Royal, Sponge, Quiguki and Usuki."


    this seems pretty up to date, as magma is included, so evidently, transparent is an option

  5. I like the fact that you can bid way more than the 800K cap on the TP. It's good for getting rid of more valuable items that you want pure for. Personally I've found more bad "deals" than good ones. Usually two dubloon coins starting bidding at over 10k, 20k for a basic negg, etc. Makes you wonder if people are new to the game and don't know how much things are worth, are looking for a lucky click, lending for pure collat, or are transferring points between accounts. I prefer the trading post myself, as you can specify all of this in the wishlist field and avoid putting neopoints into something that you have no chance of getting and, in the case of auctions, not having those np on hand for up to 2 days. I guess my verdict on the Auction House is good for really expensive items, but the TP is much better for everyday items.

  6. I'm at 37 right now. I have 17 nests and can usually go up one level per day, mainly due to discarding eggs. Until I max the levels again, I'm going to focus more on the nesters than workers. I bought a bunch of structures when I maxed out at 25 and had nothing to do but gather resources.


    As far as buying houses goes, I would say save your resources and level them instead of buying more, if you can. Having fewer houses that hold more P3s helps reduce the clutter, as space upgrades only happen once every 5 or 6 levels. And when you get more tiles, sometimes they're resource tiles (that you can't move) and you can't build on them.

  7. I have to add another vote for stocks. If you're patient, they can yeild a HUGE profit. What I do is invest 15000 K a day on one 15np stock. But I never take this out of my bank. I make sure I have made the 15k from games or my shop till or dailies so I don't deplete my bank account.


    If you have access to SSW, you can try restocking from that. It doesnt require as much speed and you can make a fair profit off of lower ticket, expendable items (food, books, stamps). I wouldn't advise it on the regular SW though. Too much refreshing.


    There's also games. For me, KQ is the way to go (np AND prizes, yipee), but if your computer isnt fast enough, Flash games are awsome if you can find the ones that you're good at, or can be played quick. Kass Basher, Fashion Fever, Splat a Sloth and a sponsor game, Big Summer Rush (I think that's what it's called) usually average me about 8k a day and take all of 5 minutes to play.


    You could also try restocking from the trading post on higher ticket items. Some people are willing to accept resell (or lower) prices on HTS items to get rid of them quicker. Similarly, some people speciically LOOK for HTS items and will offer a fair price for them. You could also trade for bulk lots of certain items (food, books, stamps, etc) to resell, as TP reselling is not as intensely quick as main shop RSing, though some people take their time accepting offers so again, this requires patience.


    But all in all, If you've managed to reach 1 mil, then you're obviously doing something right. Just keep up what you've been doing and maybe add a few upgrades to your daily neo activities.


    Good luck :)

  8. I decided to start trying for the Plushie Tycoon avvi this month. I was just wondering, when it comes to paying workers, if you have them hired and it's outside of the game hours (10:00-5:00 of whatever time zone you're in), do you still pay them? Right now in my game It's 8:30 am. If I hire them now, will it pay them when the game updates at 9:00, or will it not start paying them until the factory operating hour of 10:00? I wanted to hire some so they can start making plushies at 10:00, but I'm in class then and can't keep an eye on them. I don't want to hire them now if I'll have to pay them at 9:00 and 10:00.



    UPDATE: I answered my own question. i took a chance and hired them. It did not charge me until the 10:00 update lol

  9. The slots do. Any win counts as a score I think (when you view the page before the gameplay page, it says HIGH SCORE and the highest amount you've won from a spin. I'm assuming this counts towards the av). The wheels, I'm almost certain, dont. If you've already played all the games, your best bet would be to wait for a new game. When I got the avatar on my old account, I had to wait for 2 new neo games, and 2 new sponsor activities that gave scores.

  10. I tend to join guilds of things I'm interested in (usually non-Neo related books, movies, music etc) thinking "This is going to be great! I'm going to participate in discussions and meet other people like me that play Neo!". Then all those ideals go out the window and a couple days later, I forget I'm in a guild at all :whistle:

  11. I'm at level 27 and so far (that I can remember) I got a space upgrade (3 squares at the top right side), 3 extra p3s allowed in the Habitarium and a moss covered branch. I think it was 10,000 np for levelling to 26 and 11,000 for levelling to 27

  12. I wish I could play KQ but I'm on satellite internet, so the connection is terrible for those sorts of games.


    I may be able to play it out at the college or somewhere with free wi-fi, though



    ohh. Bummer. Can you get it to load and it's just slow, or does it not load at all? If it's slow, you could still play 2 player games and get some good prizes, even for finishing last lol

  13. I'd second the morphing + trading option. Maybe check the board and see if anyone is looking for mutant pets and what species they'd want. Then you can create one that had a better chance for a trade. Getting in direct contact would be a good idea, then you could see what they would have to offer once you've morphed your pet.

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