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Posts posted by Emily

  1. That really is a bummer. I got CG'd before and luckily, all they did was get into my bank (all 7 mill of it :@). I was one of the people who never used PINs, and now, I put them on EVERYTHING. If you choose to go to TNT, you probably won't get anything back, but at least you'll alert them as to what's going on. They can probably take a look at your account activity and maybe even find the IP of whoever did it.

  2. Just from the current sponsor games, kass basher, fashion fever and bouncy supreme, I can usually make about 15k in 5 minutes (I play the Danon sponser game at the same time as other games because it opens in a new window and there's quite a long wait in between when you shoot and when you can send your score) I'll usually add crisis courier in there and the couple games I'm working on avatars for (currently Destruct-o-Match and Carnival of Terror). I've been hooked on Plushie Tycoon lately too. Then there's always Key Quest and Habitarium.... wow. There's more than I thought. Oh and stocks :P

  3. I have multiples too just for customizing. It's fun to dress up the different species. I usually keep one active for awhile then occasionally change it. i find just doing dailies, I rarely ever HAVE to feed any of them. I usually get one of the "your pets are healed/not hungry anymore" events from the wheels or healing springs every couple days. They're pretty low maintenence and are fun to dress up :)

  4. I tried it both ways and got the same results. So far as paying for extra feature, premium users already get to beta test some things before they're fully open and I think multiple pets should be added to the loyal user perks, not a feature you have to pay for. Or could be bought with NP instead of real money. i know a lot of people who have been waiting years to be able to have more than 4 pets per account. it would clear up some of the clutter TNTs always complaining about because people wouldn't need to use sides to keep extra pets on.

  5. AH HA HA HA HA!. I just realized the P3s yawn when they're tired but not tired enough for a "ZZZ" bubble. I watching my larkin soldiers do .O. that for 5 minutes giggling like an idiot. And I posted that here because I needed to share and didn't want to make another Habitarium thread xD

  6. I had the red and green beads on my old account (inactive as of March, 2010). I found that the green were the most worth getting. I dabbled with the other colours, as I read that one should increase random events, but I didn't have those long enough to experience any change in the rates. I found once I had all the green and I think a few blue and yellow, I would get my score doubled in flash games, on average about 20% of the time, which, if you're good at many different games, or consistently play games where you score 1000, it really started to add up. I'd vote that the green are the only ones worth getting if you're interested unless you do a lot of restocking.

  7. My keyboard arrows have been glitching during flash games. It will act like the key is still pressed when I've already taken my finger off it a second or two before. Frustrating. I guess I'm going to have to wait for another challenge with mouse controls.

  8. I've had that a couple times. I got the neopoints from the game, but not the key. I put in a couple support tickets for it, but never got a response. It only happened a few times though and hasn't happened for a month or two. Probably just a strange glitch.

  9. I wish there was one. But I couldn't fine one. So I added all the stamps from Jelly Neo's database, and then viewed it as a checklist thing. So I had the prices, and pictures and names etc.

    It was pretty helpful



    That's pretty much what I need. Maybe I'll do that then screenie it or something so I can save the data

  10. Does anyone think there's going to be much inflation? Yes it's a wearable (and not a particularly attractive one, in my opinion) so it's not one-use, but I don't think it's something that will be sold in shops, as I can't really think of a shop where it would belong, and it's not an NC item. Hmmmm :S

  11. I've decided to start working towards the stamp avatars and buying 1 stamp/day. Does anyone know of a site that has a checklist for stamps, similar to TDN's avatar checklist? One where you can actually have an account and check off stamps you have, possibly with prices on the list? I was thinking something kind of combining jellyneo's item database estimated price feature with a checklist feature. I've been looking and have had no luck. I wanted to make sure a checklist didn't exist before I went through all the work of printing one/ doing one in excel for myself. Even a list without a price feature would be a huge help.

  12. You can absolutly use CSS on petpage. Be sure to put your tags between <style> and </style>. If you have a problem, it probably has to do either with your syntax or you are trying to use a code that has been blocked by TNT such as position.



    hmm. ok. I'm just trying to use the basic underline function <u></u>


    I'm used to editing in notepad and hosting my own coding though without filters. I'll play around with it and see if I can fix it.

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