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Posts posted by Emily

  1. At the beginning when hannah asks you to go in and find Armin because she's waiting for an informant and can't go in herself.


    I've already tried the obvious ones (hannah, armin, help, run, turn around, go back, magic rope (because of one of hannah's TCG cards), avalanche, danger, help me, etc) I wonder if it's something related to the cave in itself, or something else

  2. I get the broken image as well. I'm afraid to guess anymore until we get some sort of clue to the answer. I don't want to have to go through all those tunnels again xD. I just click randomly and when I get to the part where the center tunnel and right hand tunnel are the only options, I click the right tunnel. Could we either get an official hint to the answer or an image that we can see?

  3. I don't know if anyone has found this at all. I caught the bats on IE and I found that the ones on the "ground" part of the picture moved slightly slower and flashed around a little less than the ones in the "trees" part of the background. Once i focused on the ground area and ignored the trees, i caught all the bats after 2 tries.

  4. I got the first one after a talk in english class today. now stuck on the second one. I thought it was super obvious and confidently typed in the answer, but of course it couldn't be that simple. I would totally appreciate a pm or nm with a more obvious hint :)


    **Got it. thanks to beerwench for the fast pm. I was on the right track, but totally missed the obvious. Though, i think another answer could possibly work. But the wording in this one makes only one answer right. On to step 3 :D

  5. I created a jetsam on jetsam day, mainly for the avatars, but now I need to transfer him because I completed a Fountain Faerie Quest (my first in 7 years) and I'm going to be creating a coconut jubjub. His name is Kernoobles and he's a cloud jetsam with fairly basic stats. I've already read him most of the keyquest books, and as he's only a couple of weeks old, he's still at level one.






    this is him.


    I thought I'd offer here before posting on the neoboards. I won't be able to transfer him until tomorrow morning though (Nov 1st). I'm going to remove the feroocious negg before transfer, but everything else will go with him, if it's able

  6. Just got Lever of Doom! yippie! I usually put 5K a day towards it, but tonight i just took out 100k and went for it. got it with 800NP left on hand ha ha. Good riddance to that stupid lever and if I never see it again, it'll be too soon. I took a screenie i was so excited

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