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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. ((I hope i'm not too late))


    Trainer name: Lane Marak

    Gender: Male

    Age: 13

    Personality: Smart Kinda a dork

    First/Starter pokemon : Squirtle

    Appearance: Black Hair, Black Hoddie, Dark Green pants, And a dark red hat

    Hometown: Forest Canyon,Hoenn

    Pokemon form:


    Pokemon: Squirtle

    Level: 5


  2. "Oh that is just nasty" Crash tackled Metroid to the ground "Taste Magic Sword". He stuck it into the ground and opend a black hole below him and Metroid "Mabey i didn't think this out so well" He and Metroid fell into the black hole.

  3. "I don't see them doing that but if you put it that way" He stopped eating and pulled over a chair and watched Metroid suck out Alexander's energy, "GO METROID!!!" Crash yelled.

  4. "Hey Beth do you know where we are?" "By the way i understood your dragon Torch slapped me". Roco took off his backpack and pulled out the dragon he had grown about 4 inches, "Torch i had a ton of food in there and you aet all of it but the carrots and cabbage,you better eat them or i will...i will, oh who am i kidding you aren't gonna eat them".

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