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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Lyed laughed "Your daughter has power so all i can do is surrender" he fell to the ground.As he fell he muttred a few words "Drale goodbye,forever" He stared into the spirits eyes Lyeds eyes started glowing a bright red,a red beam shot into Drales eyes he dissapeared "Lets see her call upon you again".Lyed stuck his hand into his chest and was now back in an open doorway infront of Levy's house I have got to get back to my body.

  2. "Hahaha" Lyed swung out his arm and his claws turned to ice he scped Ayed and kept doing it until she was covered in blood. "You will never be as good as me", "I know how to dodge every move with water." "Oh," "i'm sorry, for everything" "And if we stop now i can show you how to use your power to its fullest," Lyed held out his hand and a dark gass started coming out it surounded Ayde and started suffecating her. "I'll take this away when you agree to training and give me my body back," "Did i mention you can't get out of this cloud".

  3. "That girl is a huge fool", "you can't just take away a dragons power he said in a stream he zapped the water and he was back in Levy's kitchen. "Hey Ayed" he said as he stuck his claws into her chest he took out her soul,time had frozen all was black,"I challenge you to a battle".

  4. "Hmmmm i think i will open a plushie store" crash stuck his sword into the ground and a shop appeared "Now open for buiness" Crash said as he walked in.

  5. Lyed looked at a sewer he spun the water up around him he was now amde of water, he went through the door to Levy's house and saw Ayed. "Her arm!!", "I pulled it off i gave her the mark of the dragon", "Odd i'm the water dragon and this is the mark of the fire dragon" "It can't be i have her power but onlyif i can get into her body and to that mar then i'm back in my bod.... and she can hear every word i say".Lyed went towards Ayde's body about to go into it I can control blood its one of the many fluids i can...i hope then i can blend in and flow straight to the mark.

  6. Lyed laughed a little "You mean you don't know,you didn't kill shadow in the sewers you killied the Don some how he switched they found the don's body about 10 minutes ago".

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