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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Lyed opened a bottle of water, and lifted the water into the air without touching it, and spread it over his chest it started glowing and the area where he was impaled was healed. He turned the water into ice spikes, and through them at Levy just missing him on purpose "Don't mess with me i know you can do stuff with fire".

  2. Crash and Luna rode in the two seater plane "If this is a two seater how come we are cramed in here with 10 lamas?" This caused crash to jump out of the plane and land on the roof of Pizza Hut "Not this place again".

  3. Name: Crush

    Age: 3

    Species: Sabre-tooth

    Gender: Male

    Biography: He is a pure idiot.But can be the smartest in some situations.


    Crush walked up to a small deer and what looked like his mother,Crush growled all but one dire-wolve left.Crush said "I hope that helps"He turned and ran into a tree.

  4. Crash walked off and fell in the same hole Luna fell in and landed on top of Luna "Sorry" "Hey the Sydney Opera House is Upside down", Crash stood up "Oh never mind".

  5. Lane looked back he was leaving his hometown for the first time."Well squirtle we're heading for Rustboro,if only i knew the way". He started walking down the path I hope he is ready to battle .

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