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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Finally Lyed was no longer imobile "I have got to get to the hospital"

    I need to yell at that fox for saving me from the kangaroo but not taking me out of the middle of the road He thought angrily as he ran towards the hospital.

  2. Lyed looked at shadow the said to Ayed "Thank You but can you help me out i'm still a bit imobile it takes about an hour to wear off" he could see the fox out of the corner of his eye. Wow! she looks exactly like hime "Do you have a brother?" Lyed asked her.

  3. But little did Dillon know Crash had taken about $5,000 dollars out of Dillons pocket and put it into his he then stuck his magic sword into the ground and jumped in a black hole it created.

  4. Crash stood in the back making pizza when he saw a box of emarld "Oh yay now i wont have too work here" He took the box and ran out the back door.

  5. Lyed was still being dragged by the kangaroo into the sewer "Help he has me in a position so i am imobile" Shadow grabbed Li and started dranging him too."Good two hostages for the price of one" Shadow said nearing the manhole.

  6. ((I now *pokes shadow* I'll change the post to make it clearer))


    Lyed kept trying to climb up the building away from Shadow who was still on his tail I have got to get away from this kangaroo and to that fox. Lyed tryed to climb a little higer but he fell to the ground on top of shadow and shadow once again tried to drag him into the sewer "Help" Lyed yelled.

  7. Lyed looked back and saw he was draging Li and that Shadow was chasing him "Sorry" he said as he detached Li.He started running again but now he ran towards Shadow There is that fox i need to tell him about his skateboard.He ran past shadow, and clawed into a building Levy was near and started climbing But first i need to ditch this kangaroo.But first i need to get rid. Shadow was at the bottom he jumped and grabbed lyeds tail

    "Help" Lyed yelled .

  8. Lyed still standing there saw an alley I can't belive i'm gonna do this he tought all the sudden out of the sewer line Shadow came out.

    I'm in huge trouble he though looking around him he was trapped.Lyed ran back towards the the others he had just met, as he went by he accidentaly hooked his claw back claw into Li's clothes and was draging him along.

  9. While Dillon was helping AA Crash snuck into the kitche of Dillon's pizza hut.Wow that pizza with all the toppings was good Crash thought,then he started to make another but when he grabbed the cheese he set off an alarm.

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