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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. "Sorry but i'm out of money sales have been slow" Crash said he ate the rest of the pizza and ran into his office and locked it from the inside.

  2. Crash went into Dillons pizza hut "ehh i mine as well give it a try." "I'll have one pizza with every topping you have and extra sauce with thicker crust and double the cheese" Crash said "And one Soda".

  3. "I grabbed the wrong flyswatter to swat Zorro for stealing some plushies i guess my whole store plushiefies everythig when i got here i found out i was chasing the wrong dog its Zorra not Zorro" "I hope that helps" Crash said.

  4. Lyed walked out of the sewer the fox was gone Odd.... He saw Li talking to a brown fox Hmmmm mabey they know something.


    Lyed walked up to them "Hello I'm Lyed, did you happen to see a weird black fox run by here?"

  5. No its not a Mystery Island i think it is Mutant Island because of that link change thing if you look closely one thing is a mutant buzz.And for one thing we all know about Mystery Island but this is an undiscovered island but it could be both.

  6. Lyed was still being draged through the sewer Where are these things taking me now Lyed could feel it was two people.

    All i need is one claw he manege to get his claw up to cut one part of the ropes around himand soon got the rest off "Hey he is cutting the ropes" yelled one of the people. He cut the ropes around his legs and then the blidfold he saw one of them it was Shadow the kangaroo.If you knew Shadow you would agree he has a dumb name he has brown hair on his head and his fur is gold colored,he is 6'5" and is 21 years old,he pretty much wears a plain button up sirt and jeans most of the time,since his family never died in the shooting he became a thief instead of a police officer and wears a black cloak over his clothes,He acts tough and he is tough.Lyed kicked him down and ran off through the sewer he went up a man hole and as he came out he saw a black fox run by the alley in front of him.

  7. Crash ran up to Zorro with his flyswatter "Awwww great this is the plushie one" he threw it to the ground "Hey wait that tag says Zorra".

  8. Lyed stood there at the fence he felt like time had felt time had frozen, but it hadn't

    I hope i run into him again he thought, when all the sudden something grabbed him from behind.Whatever it was it covered his mouth and eyes and tied his hands and feet together it dragged him into the sewers.

  9. What Luna didn't know was crash replaced her paper with magic paper so Zorro was being eaten by a fluffy pink dragon,Crash then ran over a switched tem back he chuckled.

  10. ((Umm its a plushie mall))


    Crash saw zorro runing off with all his electronic plushies "Hey come back here" he grabed a fly swater and ran after Zorro.

  11. Lyed skaboarded down the side walk he got to the library right as a fox was gliding down the rail they both colided.

    "I am really sorry,great my board is broken i customised it myself oh well i can make another" he held out his hand to the fox.

  12. ((Sorry this is a bit late))



    Seeing what Dillon did to his shop he used a bomb and blew up Alex's charm shop "That is what you should have done.." He then whipered to himself "Why did i just do that" He opened a new plushie shop "Come on in to Crashes Mega Plushie Mall its 3 stories, and indestructable by anything!"

  13. Lyed sat in his kitchen reading the same article Levy had when he thought Hmmm i remeber all the bullets just stoped it was weird but it was too late for my mom.Lyed looked at his dad and then thought of his mom Why did the bullet have to hit her though i'm just glad the don is no longer in control as much as he was.e grabbed his skateboard and ran outside "I gonna to go somewhere dad"Lyed said

    "Ok Lyed" his dad replyed.Lyed headed for downtown...

    Lyed dragon with a height of 5'6" and he is only 13 he has great lower body strength and can run extremly fast he his body is a yellow at the tail and fades into a blue color on his head and wears a hawiian shirt and jeans he will fight to protect the ones he is closest to

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