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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Shadow laughed "Kid i can do something alot diffrent" all the shdden Shadow started glowing a dm black.He seeped into the ground and could no longer be seen.In a deep voice like Levy's he said "They call me shadow for a reason" He grabbed Ayde and ran into the sewer.




    The three ran into the police station as they entered a cop said "Hey Lyed i thought you were off duty today". "I am we just came in to look at something can you help? Carol Ann do you know their fathers name?" Lyed asked.The cop replied "Sure i'll help you find whoever". "Oh we aren't looking for him we need to know if he has any autopsy photos" Lyed said in a weak tone.

  2. Shadow got up he ran at Levy and stuck a knife into his chest "I've got a score to settle with you too"




    Lyed ran with the other towards the police station he got behind,all the sudden his scar started glowing red he fell to the ground.It stoped glowing he got up and ran to catch up I hope they didn't see that .

  3. "Hmmm mabey , We're going downtown" Lyed said




    "My badge was taken away they think i kidnapped the don's son" Shadow said.

  4. Okay its the moment you have all been wating for the winners and prizes .Okay here they are and what they win (the neggs):



    1st place:Metroid! The prize a basic Negg, a Purple Negg, and a Super Icy Negg!


    2nd place: Isable! The prize a basic Negg, and a Purple Negg!


    3rd place: Jobo12354! The prize a basic Negg!


    I will put 1st a 2nd in trades and 3rd i will send it to Jobo12354's account.


    Congrats to all the winners and everyone who entred you all did great!

  5. "I'm on your side....or not" Shadow said.




    The three "friends" walked up to Levy and Ayde's dad's grave,"Well this is where we begin" Lyed said. He handed them each a shovel.

  6. "No no....I think he is they just never looked hard enogh for him"Lyed said. I hate to have to do this but we are gonna dig up their dads grave."



    Shadow walked into the black wolf base Oh great what is he doing here .

  7. Lyed looked at Lizardo "Ummmm.....Bye" He ran into levy's house. "Carol ann"He wispered, "don't tell him anything i'm gonna hide if he knocks again tell him i ran out the back door and am heading my house".

  8. ((yup Lyed is still invisible))


    Lyed slamed into a ladder "Oh great i'll be sore for weeks" he said to himself. He took the stealt mode off, Now too get to Carol Ann.He ran soaked in sewer water and made it too Levy's house,he knocked on Levy's door waitng for Carol Ann to open it.

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