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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. Okay I don't know if this will do good or not but i'll see.The title says it mostly.


    Rules: Well there really aren't any.All you need to do is create a easter picture on MS paint. It can be anything easter themed.But it has to be easter themed.



    Deadline: Its going to end on Easter. Which is one week.


    Prizes: 1st: 3 neggs

    2nd: 2 neggs

    3rd: 1 negg


    Other: Have fun! And also this can be neopets related or not.



    Good Luck! ^_^

  2. "Ha like i'm that stupid quick put this on" He threw Levy a breathing mask. "Now when they come we take them by surprise".





    "You gonna do something?" Asked Shadow

  3. Good thing My house is on the way to that plant i'll stop and pick up a few weapons i have a feeling we are going after those wolves. Lyed ran into his house, opend a secret number pad from the wall,typed in a code,inside was a huge are of police wepons and science mixtures.He grabed a backpack and threw in a buch of stuff and left.He ran for the water treatment plant.




    Shadow made it to the dons house he hopped and broke through the don's window he was awake Shadow threw the pic and letter on his bed,"its for you". He then left and went into the sewer in front of his house,there was the white wolf waiting for him in the sewer....

  4. "No not really i stole them from a fox, I thought you all might now how though" said Shadow "They are powerful,Very powerful".




    "I know where Shadow lives if you want them back that bad"Lyed said.

  5. All the sudden the police chief drove up Lyed was back with Levy "Here he is and i killed a stronger one in the alley". The wolf was put into the police car and the chief drove off he didn't say a word.




    Shadow was in the sewer he was approching a white wolf, "Can a kangaroo join you wolves I brought along these two chains I would have more if that dum police chief wouldn't have taken my badge, They all think i kidnapped that dum rabbit."

  6. "So you will join us?" Lyed noticed another black wolf gang member,He took off the hand cuffs from the first wolf "Levy keep him in your chains" He ran towards the wolf "You are under arest". The wolf ran Lyed with his gun still in his hand shoot the wolf he fell down dead. Wow that was a stronger member .

  7. "Most of them if this guy dosen't tell us anything we will shoot him but now there are less than 50 left". "Also do you want to help us take these guys out its not being a police officer but just helping us out".

  8. "Now that your cousin is gone i was supposed to tell you this earlier,but the chief wanted me to ask you to join the police". "So do you want to? because of what you just said we need more officers".

  9. "I know you didn't do it" Lyed said to Levy as he was going towards the wolf......But now i do know who did it.



    Lyed ran out towards the black wolf gang member "You are under arest" He grabed a police gun and some handcuffs.He handcuffed the Wolf "Quick Levy tie him up make sure he can't get away i need to call the police chief".Lyed called the police chief "He is on his way".

  10. After breakfast Lyed said "Okay i said i would tell you some good news,and that news is I cleared your name Levy for everything,and now we I mean the police can clear your name for the kidnap of The Don's son". "I just want to ask one thing of both of you... Come to the police station with me so i can prove i'm a police officer".


    ((300th post YAY!))

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