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Posts posted by Boomer

  1. "Don't talk to the police like that i'll get them off," "Everyone this is the wrong house you better leave". After Lyed said this the police left ,"Are you sure" Said the police chief. "Yes,Yes I am" Lyed said The chief left.

  2. Shadow was smiling "You think you are all that but you arent",He ran off from the fire "Flames suits i put them on us both" he yelled, As he escaped.



    (( nevermind now he escaped))

  3. Shadow tapped on Levy's shoulder "You are pathetic" he was carrying the don. Wow the kids bleding pupets really work He punched Levy in the face and took his chains "You wont go to jail but next time you will". Shadow ran off towards the Dons house to return the Don.

  4. "Stop" Shadow yelled he knocked the gun out of Levy's hand and then took it. "We are in a field in moonlight and i can't believe i'm going to say this but, I will challenge you for the Dons life if you win you kill him but if i win he comes with me." "There are no rules at all and the game is battle to the finish, first to call out Loser is the Loser do you accept?" Shadow said.





    "Oh great the police are here." An officer came up "Hello Lyed i gave you the dutyl of keeping the girl in the house, and as a fellow officer i suspect you did that?" The officer said in a questioned voice. "Carol Ann go out a window run" Lyed wispered to the door. I hope she heard me or already did it. "Yes sir i think she is in there". "Good job then" said the officer who was most likely the police chief.

  5. "Not so fast" Shadow yelled. When the 4 x 4 threw him against the wall Levy's chain fell off.He was holding some green spray and 3 bottles of grey goop.Shadow opend two of the goop bottles and threw it on Bob and Fred. He opened the other and threw it on Mongolio."This is the only thing that can break the stuff" Shadow said holding up the green spray."And now for you...Everyone thinks that if they get rid of the Don than organized crime will just dissapear,but it won't the next Don will have the same fate." He turned to Mongolio "Remeber the dragon you met yesterday? He was there to stop you from having that fate".

  6. "I don't think you want to do that" said Shadow. "You won't be a hero you will got to jail"




    Lyed knocked at Levy's door, "Carol Ann" he screamed.Answer the door for me.

  7. "Mongolio i need your help..." Lyed said "I'm the dragon from the street we met yesterday". "Keep gaurd out front" With this lyed threw mongolio a bullet proof vest and a stun gun. "Well keep gaurd in here."

  8. "You can't shoot me" Lyed said when all the sudden the other window to the Don's room crashed open. You called me kid said the stranger.


    Name: Shadow

    Species: Kangaroo

    Hair Color (on the head): Brown

    Fur Color: Gold

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Height: 6" 5'

    Weight: 250

    Apparel (clothing): Button up shirts with jeans.

    Extra features: When on police dutys he wears Pure black cover that absorbs light so he can't be seen at night.

    Physique: Strong upper and lower body, he can bring dow anyone

    Personality: He is always acting tough and really is!


    "Yup we've got the fox trying to kill the king" Lyed said in code. "Did you bring my wepons and suit?" Lyed asked. "Yes i did" said Shadow. He threw a black suit and guns knives and much more to Lyed. Lyed put them in a belt and put the suit on. "Don't worry Mongolio your father is in goo hands with us."Shadow said.

  9. Before Lyed was too far he yelled "Well se about that" he said. As he held out a police badge from he pocket and held it towards the window. He flew towards the mansion.

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