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    Xepha reacted to Ali Cat in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    I can personally say that being new is not a problem - my first post on the forums was my application, back when we did public applications xD
  2. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    Being new is never a problem. We have often hired people who had never or barely been on the forums before.
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Random Contest confusion   
    I have an easy answer for you.
    Do your best to make your image as small as you can but without losing too much detail or quality.
    Try to send it.
    If it goes through, you are good.
    If it doesn't then you need to make it smaller in k.
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    I'd like to encourage everyone to apply if they think one of the position is perfect for them! Remember, we have a live IRC chat tonight so that's the perfect time to come and ask all your questions to other staffers. ;)
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    I'd like to encourage everyone to apply if they think one of the position is perfect for them! Remember, we have a live IRC chat tonight so that's the perfect time to come and ask all your questions to other staffers. ;)
  6. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in We're Hiring: Several New Positions!   
    We at TDN are hiring several new positions in our Altador Cup, Battlepedia, and News departments. We are also looking for users who are consistently online at midnight NST to help with various site updates as they arise.
    If any of these positions peak your interest, apply now!

    Altador Cup | Battlepedia | News | Midnight Staffers

  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from dummydumpty in Random Contest confusion   
    I have an easy answer for you.
    Do your best to make your image as small as you can but without losing too much detail or quality.
    Try to send it.
    If it goes through, you are good.
    If it doesn't then you need to make it smaller in k.
  8. Like
    Xepha reacted to tk421beth in I May Have A Tip About The Sick Petpet!   
    Thank you, Xepha for your help! :)
    The plot has been so confusing to me. I'm gettin' old, haha! :snitch:
  9. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from tk421beth in I May Have A Tip About The Sick Petpet!   
    If the medecine option is missing, it means a previous step of the plot did not register properly.
    You have to clear your browser cache and redo the few last steps before you can continue with this task.
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Scores Galore Is BACK!   
    Maybe TNT is trying to distract us so we stop bugging about Obelisk prizes :P
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in URGENT HELP QUICK PLEASE   
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Anime) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    I've got this handled ;)
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Anime if you have any questions regarding this action.

  12. Like
    Xepha reacted to Crimson in Neopian Elders: What were some of the features the old Neopets had, and were they better/worse than now?   
    Everything loaded faster. :P Since I was on some ancient computer, that's what mattered to me. xD
    The current stuff is just way too laggy compared to what it was.
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from LillytheGrundo in Neopets and iPad?   
    Side note, Apple is "due" to release a new iPad soon... so if you can wait before getting one, I'd recommand waiting.
  14. Like
    Xepha reacted to siniri in Collect Your Festival of Neggs Prizes!   
    Xepha, you posted while I was editing. It's really strange: I triple-checked the whole list before sending in the bug report (it's only 16 names, so it's not like it's a super-long list), but then I returned to the festival of neggs page and clicked "redeem my prizes" again, refreshed, and it was in my list. What makes it even weirder is that I just activated the theme, and I *definitely* had it before; I remember it. So bizarre.
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from vyvren in Create your Chibi self!   
    Okay, so here is mine :

    Optimistic, mid hair, green eyes and I own one dress with the same yellow/blue/white palette.
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from mutttley in I can't find the third Zigzag Negg, help!   
    Check at the Soup Kitchen. Link is here : http://www.neopets.com/soupkitchen.phtml
  17. Like
    Xepha reacted to Duskitty in I can't find the third Zigzag Negg, help!   
    Nope, that's only the case with the 10 plastic Neggs.
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Duskitty in I can't find the third Zigzag Negg, help!   
    Check at the Soup Kitchen. Link is here : http://www.neopets.com/soupkitchen.phtml
  19. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Create your Chibi self!   
    Okay, so here is mine :

    Optimistic, mid hair, green eyes and I own one dress with the same yellow/blue/white palette.
  20. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from TotallyPommy in Pet Transfer Clarification   
    You would get 4 ins and 4 outs.
    If you do a pet swap (in other words, a trade), that would count for 1 out and 1 in.
  21. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Seeking Pea Chia Lend   
    Linds, if you still need a Pea, poke me today :)
  22. Like
    Xepha reacted to vyvren in Yay for very lucky zap ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ   
    Yesterday, while lurking the Premium Stuck in the Pound-thread, I adopted a Green Skeith by the name of Lihlee (I pronounce it Lily). Because of a history of accidentally feeding previous Skeiths items I really shouldn't have, like expensive books, I bought a Red Poogle MP and used it on her.
    Since I haven't had much luck zapping my Faerie Jubjub lately, I decided to start zapping her. She turned MSP on her very first zap :happydance:
  23. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from vyvren in Seeking Pea Chia Lend   
    Linds, if you still need a Pea, poke me today :)
  24. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Jetsam & Quad Chain Officially Restored   
    We all ready have two other pet chains incorporating the Snow avatar. Thank you for the offer, but there is a reason I didn't paint her Snow on top of the morph. :) She's currently our go-to pet for any future color based avatar.
  25. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Jetsam & Quad Chain Officially Restored   
    Due to a series of glitches and accidents several months ago, we lost our long standing ALP pet rahff of the Snow, Jetsam, and Quad chain. While it is very sad that we were unable to recover him, I am pleased to announce that I have finally completed a proper replacement chain, the Jetsam and Quad chain, featuring Chabomb, the newly morphed Spotted Jetsam with aged Quadrapus!

    Hello everyone!

    I have been running the chain with her as just the Quad avatar, but now the chains are properly recombined. :) Hopefully this will lead to longer, more frequent chains for her and ensure everyone gets the avatars they need in a more timely manner.

    ALP Pet Chain Coordinator
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