I just wanted to say thank you for posting this information here, I never would have found the free faerie quest / prizes, and I got a Teasqito and rainbow fountain visit!!! Thank you much appreciated, now to make a maraquan chia or something.
thank you so much for my gift!!! i love it! if no one would like the Birthday Balloon Tree or the Popping Water Balloon Garland I would love to have one of those too please, if it's not too greedy. much appreciated!
wow i'm learning! never heard of the marble polecat, so neat! I love them all! I would totally get myself in the back of the head all of the time (if I survived after the first time) if I had that scorpion tail. they're going to have to give us more pet spots!!!!! more more more more more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have the full 16 but whatever. i feed them. Happy April 20th!