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Edwynn last won the day on December 6 2020

Edwynn had the most liked content!

About Edwynn

  • Birthday 06/23/1995

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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Writing, Video Games, Daydreaming, Procrastinating all of my hobbies at once

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  1. Hah! Welcome, my fellow "I thought those were just cute additions to the videos" brethren! But glad to see I'm not the only returner, as of late!
  2. Added a picture for an example. It's been a long while since I used this site, and I swore, when I did, the pages were more horizontal in their appearance; it created a less bulky feel, and let you see more topics at one time as a result. Since returning though, I noticed now that, if a topic has multiple pages, it goes vertical, making the posts appearing rather unruly, and having it be hard to see more than maybe three topics at one time. Did I completely misremember, and the page alignment always was this way? Is there an option I'm missing to make the page numbers appear in the way I desire it? I guess for the most part, it's not the most massive of deals. Many topics rarely ever have more than, at most, a few pages. But I was just deeply curious if something either changed, or I'm missing something here.
  3. Man, that outfit certainly looks cluttered. But it does do a good job at what armor is made to do; protect and be bulky! Needless to say, not a big fan of this species-outfit. That color though? Oh my gosh, now that is a haunting Bruce! The subtle gore of torn flesh on the face, the way the feet look half-stuffed, as if they had been deflated before. Those bug-eyes work wonderfully on their normally small, cute dots, and even the bow, despite being dilapidated, is a lovely shade of blue; really complements everything! Overall, looks like Bruce got a half-and-half day! The outfit isn't that great in my opinion, but that color is fantastic for macabre fans!
  4. Oh, I've been doing it every day since I joined! (Managed to get back in the swing right when the Advent Calendar started!) But, it only took me until just today to realize there's hidden prizes. I thought those snowglobes were just Easter Eggs to give a more Christmas-like feel! So hah, missed a few days of secret prizes there!
  5. If I had a bigger impact on this forum, one would dare say this is a running gag. But alas, I'm just an irregular, who likes to make appearances whenever the desire for Neopets takes hold! Anyway, hello to all old and new! A few days has passed since I revitalized my Neopets account, with quite a few changes in the wings. But, ramblings is neither here nor there for a return to form, hah! I hope that, for once, I'm able to stay longer than a fortnight or so before fading into the abyss again! Especially since Neopets is going through quite some changes now, in their bid to keep the site going during the final days of Flash! And, most importantly, I hope to make many an acquaintance to the people of these forums! I'm sure you're all wonderful folk!
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